Poll: First Kiss.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Mine was awkward at the time...not as in mentally awkward, more it was a...not so skilled kiss. I was 10 at the time, though unknown at THAT time Though it was my first real love Shawna, ( yes another female) She was a major part of my life until she died in a car accident, and thats one thing that helps me remember it so well.... and the humor of how bad a kiss it was.. but hell we were kids.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
And now we take a trip down i should have kept my damn mouth shut lane.I somehow got into a conversation with my first serious crush(who was taken at the time) that somehow got me to admit that i liked her.Things happened she broke up with that guy she was with for unknown reasons o_O.Then we started dating (not publicly) and i went over to her house on valentines day and after talking a while i being the idiot i am was nervous as hell so she ended up kissing me.I was 13 at the time and yes when i went home i did a freaking victory dance :D
4 months later she dumped me for her previous ex(i dont know whos fault it is but a bunch of girls that heard told me that it was stupid)and im still single woooo :O
damn i need a new gf >.<


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
My first kiss was awful I wish I could forget it. My last middle school dance hidden behind the stage, I mean it could have been good if the guy was a good kisser but it mas more like kissing a dog. Needless to say I didn't talk to him much after.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
I was 16, and my boyfriend and I met out at the woods behind my house and he took the lead and was very sweet. It was a nice day ^.^


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Yeah.. I remember my first kiss. We were fourteen, and I wanted to kiss her, and she wanted to kiss me. I loved it, and so did she. Then she felt real guilty about it afterwards, for some indiscernible reason of her own. And I thought I had betrayed my parents by not becoming a proper priest, causing a divorce in a spiritual fashion - and developed some severe emotional barriers and unhealthy paranoia over the next couple of years.

Oh, wait - my first kiss was actually a (literally) retarded guy whom they let run around and hump the table- legs on my school. I think I bit him, but he was big and managed to plant his fucking lips on my face.

Anyway. Haha. All those people who haven't kissed anyone yet. Dear, oh, dear, how will you survive and become adults..


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Well, we're not together any more, but, my first kiss was in the rain right outside her house...Pretty good, though, I was thoroughly soaked by the time I got home. =P


New member
Apr 3, 2008
I was 14... we were at a party, and everybody was making fun of us because we were "that new couple". She asked me to come down to the basement so she could "talk to me" for a minute... she put her hands on my shoulders, and asked me what I was thinking. I told her I was worrying that I didn't know how to kiss her. Suffice it to say, she assuaged my fears.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
I am the same, you are not alone!

I prefer the opposite sex from a distance, at least, that is my excuse.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Haven't had one. Nor I have even been on a date.

Or near a girl in about 7 years.

Its lonely out here in the sticks.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
With the few girls I've been with, I recall my first kiss with all of them, and they were all terrible.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
GackleBlax said:
My first kiss was terrible, I didn't want it and I had to shove her off, she was really gross. She smelled like B.O., had a self-esteem complex, didn't play video games, was covered in zits and dressed like a slut. The worst part, was after I shoved her off, she appeared to have not noticed my shove, and tried to lunge back onto me. She never even opened her eyes, I ended up having to run away.
^That sir, is hilarious. Nice avatar too.

I'm 15 years old and haven't had a kiss. I remember how I used to get uncomfortable when that question came up in school and around classmates, pretty sure I lied once or twice. Now I just laugh when someone poses the question. Me, kissing, oh the hilarity.

I find that it is a much better response then lying too.
I admire your honesty.
I'm a virgin.
Why? they ask.

Because I'm god and they are all my children.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
x434343 said:
GackleBlax said:
x434343 said:
Mine was about a month ago to my girl.

We basically met on Facebook. She just saw my pic and wanted to go out with me, because she thought I was handsome. (I don't.)

So, about a month and a half after we meet, we finally go out on a date. And we go see Star Trek. And about the time Kirk lands on the planet of Old Spock or whatever... Yeah. We made out during Star Trek.

In other news I'm 16.
What could have made that night better?
Star Trek, make out session.
Did you happen to eat any cake?
No. Maybe Ice cream when I got home though.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
ExaltedK9 said:
GackleBlax said:
ExaltedK9 said:
GackleBlax said:
Wanna yiff? ROFL
Sorry...what's "yiff" mean?
To have sex with an animal. Sick fuckers who are so desperate they screw their dog etc.

No, see you got it all wrong....

You aren't in on the inside joke, my name is ExaltedK9 you see...

I got that. I know the name, which is why I made the yiffing comment because your name is ExaltedK9.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
Interestingly, just as I began skimming this thread, the song "One" by Three Dog Night started playing.

How appropriate...


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
I was 16 and it was in the lunch room at my high school. It was in the morning right after the bell rang to head to class. She started it (what? I like aggressive chicks) and we were starting to get into it when her choir teacher walked through the lunchroom on the way to his class, smiled right at me and patted me on the back. Never forget that as long as I live.