Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?


New member
Apr 10, 2009
It's amazing how many people are forgetting that swimming isn't an option. You'd get hypothermia in seconds.

And no, I wouldn't. Not for random people and most definitely not out of some grotesquely exaggerated sense of chivalry. You want equal rights, here - you can have just as much chance of surviving as I do. Would I give up my spot for my hypothetical wife and kid, definitely. This was a huge design flaw of the Titanic and it got fixed because of it, but I would rather stick around to provide for my family another day.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I'd never dream of asking a guy to give up their seat for me based on the fact that I'm a woman alone. When the Titanic sunk, that was a different time with a different social etiquette. We live in a time period where we do strive for equal rights, where no life should be held at a higher value due to race, sex, religion, etc, etc...

In fact, I don't think many women would think that way. I don't understand all the "you asked for equal rights you got it now, *****!" going on in this thread. Women know that, and acting like the majority of us will try to bully you out of the way on that fact alone is well, wrong.

Besides, a true feminist would never suddenly state that their lives are more valuable than those of a man. They're fighting for equal ground, not superiority, and if they want superiority then guess what? They're not a true feminist.

Chivalry can go both ways. If I saw a father and his child I'd happily give my seat up for them so they didn't have to grow up without their father. However I wouldn't blame someone if they decided their own life was more important. We have a monkey-sphere, it's human nature to be somewhat selfish, especially when it comes to protecting our own wellbeing.

But seriously, if someone is standing behind you in line, hold the door open for them regardless of whether they're a man or a woman. It's rude not too, and you should expect the same common courtesy from them. Letting the door slam shut in someones face in the name of "Equal Rights!!1" is just rude.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I would always give up a seat to a child.

A woman if she is attractive.

A man if he is really attractive.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Manicotti said:
It's amazing how many people are forgetting that swimming isn't an option. You'd get hypothermia in seconds.
Not only that... apart from waiting for a boat to rescue you, you hardly have anywhere to go. You're not trying to swim a few hundred metres, the Titanic sank no where near land.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Ohhi said:
No I would not, to me other people are worthless unless proven otherwise so unless you are worth something to me you are as good as dead.
You're so dark and edgy. I wish I could be as dark and as edgy as you are.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
DarkRyter said:
I would always give up a seat to a child.

A woman if she is attractive.

A man if he is really attractive.
I think you may be the most equal opertunist on this thread! Congradulations.

OT: Guys, think about it. You would have a chance to say some badass one liners before going down with the ship.

For example, if the water is cold, you could say
"Looks like today is
*Puts on sunglasses*
An ICE day to die"

Besides, I would give up my seat to a radical femanist, because they would have only 2 options

1) Take the seat, and live the rest of your life knowing you got the seat because you were a woman
2) Refuse it, and perish


New member
Nov 17, 2010
I can't be sure what i'd do unless I was in that situation, I wouldn't give it to a women my age or older though but i'd like to think i'd give my seat to a kid.


Regular Member
Jan 26, 2010
For children as deep as my dislike for them runs in everyday life. In a situation like that, easily. I'm young but they are younger.

Adult women, well this brings about their current situation, with children, single parent, widowed. It may vary a bit but, I'll group it into one for the sake of the poll and say. Yes


New member
Feb 17, 2011
MrSalamandra said:
Mallefunction said:
The idea is that one man can potentially father hundreds of children while many women (not always a hundred because some might have twisn, etc) are needed to mother that hundred children. That's why women were considered more valuable.
But still, it's just a complete non-factor. The human population is hardly alarmingly low and women have ~30 years of fertility, very little of which they generally spend pregnant.
That's not what I'm arguing though. I'm saying simply that in the eyes of society (especially during a crisis like this) women were more valuable simply because only a few of them can get pregnant while guys could potentially knock up a sea of women. Personally I think that the Titanic should just have not been built by a moron and had enough ships for all the passengers, but that's just me.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
It really depends. If giving up my seat means that my wife and (future) child/children then I would in a heartbeat, but if my wife hadn't had any children yet, then either we get on the boat together or we die together.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I would not let a child have my spot because I hate children. I wouldn't give it to the woman either, just give me one good reason why I should give it away.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Child? Yeah, I'd give up my seat in a heartbeat.

Woman? Go fuck yourself. You have equal rights now, you don't need special treatment anymore.

(I'm not a sexist asshole. Normally I'm a pretty nice guy who knows how to treat a lady proper, I'm just being honest about what I'd probably do in a life-or-death situation.)


New member
Mar 2, 2011
For a kid? Maybe, for a women?... No way, besides... *puts on sunglasses* Theres plenty of women in the sea YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Hey, what about my wife and kid, who's going to take care of them? No, I'm taking a seat.

Ok, so what if my wife makes more money than I do and we don't have a kid yet, but soon, VERY SOON!


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
I would.

For the simple reason that I brought my personal jetpack with me.

[HEADING=1]Jetpack away![/HEADING]
I hope to someday be as prepared for things as you, my friend. Also, I want a jetpack.

I'm a little curious, people seem to be acting like chivalry is bad, which seems kind of odd to me. Is it the aspect of giving up your seat for people BECAUSE they're women/children that is bad or do you just not want to die for someone else? I'm not pointing fingers, I'm trying to get an idea of what's going on.

One Hit Noob said:
Brawndo said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Brawndo said:
Last week was the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. According to passenger logs, 74% of women and 52% of children on board survived, but only 7% of the men did. The Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C. commends the men "Who gave their lives nobly to save women and children."
What happens if you'd give it up to save other men?
Well, we all clearly know that would make you a homosexual.
What if I gave my seat to my brother? Does that make me homosexual?
among other things >:O

Isn't constructive criticism wonderful?