If there's anything the Escapist has taught me over the years it's that people are pricks and wouldn't mind killing ten children to save their own leg. It's a horrible world we live in these days, no sense of community and self-sacrifice. It's all about "me."
As for me? I'd give it up for even a guy, let alone a woman or a child. Not only am I a decent swimmer, but I was raised with the idea that all human life is valuable, and that sometimes you'll be put into a situation where you have to make these sort of choices, and I personally would always choose to let someone else go. For all you know, that man may be a father of two in the other life boat that just left a moment prior to this one. Or he could just be an arrogant bum that just wants to flee with their own lives without care to others. But there's no time to judge, no time to over-think, just do.
And I choose to save a life.