Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I will save my own skin even if it involves violence. and murder. and sodomizing a corpse. wait, I went too far with this.
I'd do practically anything to stay alive.
I'm a selfish bastard, and I'm proud (and alive) to say that.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Children: Yes, for all I know the kid will be the next Einstein.

Women: NO! Why do should they deserve life more than me simply due to having different genitalia?

Pregnant Woman: It's like a child attatched to a woman, so yes.


New member
May 24, 2008
No. I have a very highly developed sense of self and personal identity. Or, in common terms, I am selfish.

Luckily, that particular scenario is unlikely, as I fucking hate boats.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
If there's anything the Escapist has taught me over the years it's that people are pricks and wouldn't mind killing ten children to save their own leg. It's a horrible world we live in these days, no sense of community and self-sacrifice. It's all about "me."

As for me? I'd give it up for even a guy, let alone a woman or a child. Not only am I a decent swimmer, but I was raised with the idea that all human life is valuable, and that sometimes you'll be put into a situation where you have to make these sort of choices, and I personally would always choose to let someone else go. For all you know, that man may be a father of two in the other life boat that just left a moment prior to this one. Or he could just be an arrogant bum that just wants to flee with their own lives without care to others. But there's no time to judge, no time to over-think, just do.

And I choose to save a life.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
J-meMalone said:
Children: Yes, for all I know the kid will be the next Einstein.
What if they're the next Magneto? That would make you Wolverine, so you wouldn't need a lifeboat I guess. But still, they could grow up to be terribly evil or entirely unimpressive. The Onion did a bit on it. [http://www.theonion.com/video/firefighter-died-to-save-unimpressive-teen,18967/]

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Call me selfish, call me a monster, but no, I would not give my seat up. Unless it was so a younger family member could survive, I would not.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
I would give my life for one of my nephews or, later on, for any children I may eventually have or for a woman that I loved. Other than that, I am looking out for myself.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
I'd give up my place provided that there were other men on the boat. I'd take the seat of any man with less strength than I have. If you're a man, you need to accept that nobody is going to hand you the ticket to survival. You'll have to take yours and protect it with your fists. If you can't do that, you're a goner.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
I care pretty much infinitely more about myself than I do about strangers. I'd rather have EVERYONE else die on the titanic than myself, let alone a single person. So no, I wouldn't give up a spot on the lifeboat for a woman or child.

The whole thing's stupid anyway. Children sort of makes sense because they'll likely have more time to live (although then that'll also apply just as much to a 30 year old man compared to a 50 year old man as it does to a 10 year old boy to a 30 year old man), but I don't see why men particularly deserve to die more than women.