Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I would for a child, a mother with a small child or even a father with a small child (as long as I was there by myself), but not just an adult woman. Why, it's called equal opportunity. Chivarly is mostly dead because women wanted and for the most part got equal opportunity so they have the same equal opportuinty to drown with the rest of them.

But then again thanks to the IMO all ships that travel out a certain distance (i think it's 20nm) have more than enough life raft space to carry 150% of passengers and crew. Something the titanic didn't have so there should be no reason to give up your seat. Just stay of dodgy asian/sub-continent ferries.

if any of this has been mentioned previously i appologise but i couldn't be bothered reading 8 pages of posts


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Brawndo said:
Last week was the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. According to passenger logs, 74% of women and 52% of children on board survived, but only 7% of the men did. The Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C. commends the men "Who gave their lives nobly to save women and children."

Now the Titanic sunk in 1912, when chivalry was celebrated and women were still viewed as second-class citizens who had to protected by men. I wonder, if there was a major maritime disaster today would the results be the same? Are grown men still as disposable in 2011?

** [I know technology and maritime rescue is dramatically different today, but assume for argument's sake in this hypothetical there would be a good chance you would die if you stayed on the sinking ship]
I wouldn't like to be remembered for sexism/ageism. I would however commend the children and women who lost their lives so that I could live on! Such chivalry.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Possibly. I say yes now, but I have no clue how I would actually be reacting during a situation like that.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Who says I have to give up my seat?
Children would make comfy seat cushions and I wouldn't mind if a lady sat on my lap for the boat ride to shore.
No fat chicks though. Not being a shallow asshole, just looking out for the children.


New member
May 22, 2009
Only children,because it gives me a way to still escape,plus children have more potential than people who already lost their chance to be something. To be specific,I would look at them and judge how they would fare in the future,the ones I see potential in would take the life boat with me,possibly I would let them take their parents but that's about it. Win/Win I save people and I escape the sinking ship


New member
Mar 27, 2011
I would for a child. I never got the whole "women before men" thing. Why are they more important than me? Because they have a vagina? Yeah, no. Swim.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
If it was just a child or a woman with her child then yes, I'd never be able to live with myself knowing that I knowing let a child die to save my own ass. For full grown woman by herself however, I don't really know.