I would, because I'm a fuckin' man. And a real man does that kind of stuff without care for 'equal rights' and other things like that. It's the man thing to do.
May I see your postLittlee300 said:It is amazing how you made me not giving up my seat look hardly greedy compared to youNouw said:Karma.
I'd be reborn as a god so yes.![]()
NathLines said:In most cases I'd actually prioritize others before myself. However, that does not apply in situations where we are anywhere except on the ground. So, at sea, in the air and in SPAAAAACE~, I'm taking that seat/parachute/escape pod because you can bet your ass that I will be scared shitless.
You know what's funny, I agree with you.Appleshampoo said:I would, because I'm a fuckin' man. And a real man does that kind of stuff without care for 'equal rights' and other things like that. It's the man thing to do.