Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?


New member
Mar 26, 2010
rokkolpo said:
Beryl77 said:
I think that questions like this one are a bit pointless because most people haven't been in a situation like that and therefore don't know what they would really do. People don't know how it feels in such a situation and many think that they would actually do it.
I'm not saying that no one would do it but if they were confronted with that question in reality it would be much less people doing it.
Important to know is that this isn't about ''what would you do?''
This is about ''what do you think you would do?''

Which is an entirely different question, but interesting and not at all pointless.
For you this makes a difference but many people will still give the same answer, whether it's a 'what would you do?'' or a ''what do you think you would do?'' question. Besides, many people lie about questions like these because other people might think that they're egoistic, even if they can answer it anonymously.
I still don't see the point in questions like this one.

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
This is one of those unique situations in which you won't really know what to do until it actually happens... which will hopefully not.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Yes, for both.

I'd then break a solid wood door off its hinges, tie my belt to the lifeboat, and hang onto the other end so we still stayed together.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
If it was my wife and kids sure someone else well my response would be:you see I have wife and kids waiting for me at home sorry


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Beryl77 said:
rokkolpo said:
Beryl77 said:
I think that questions like this one are a bit pointless because most people haven't been in a situation like that and therefore don't know what they would really do. People don't know how it feels in such a situation and many think that they would actually do it.
I'm not saying that no one would do it but if they were confronted with that question in reality it would be much less people doing it.
Important to know is that this isn't about ''what would you do?''
This is about ''what do you think you would do?''

Which is an entirely different question, but interesting and not at all pointless.
For you this makes a difference but many people will still give the same answer, whether it's a 'what would you do?'' or a ''what do you think you would do?'' question. Besides, many people lie about questions like these because other people might think that they're egoistic, even if they can answer it anonymously.
I still don't see the point in questions like this one.
True (to everything you've said).

I honestly don't get why people even lie about as such.
But the point (how I see it) is always about amusement.

Since the real answer is just not as interesting as being Spiderman.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'd only give it up if the people taking my place were useful members of society. Like what if I gave up my seat and the woman who takes it is just some alcoholic who winds up running over somebody later in a DUI?
It's not women are inherently better people or something.

Children... I guess so, since CHILDRIN R DA FOOTAR!!! Of course the kid could always grow up to be a serial killer or a worthless bum.
Although if it was JUST a kid, he could always sit in my lap (not to be creepy or anything).


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Nope, I would rather live.

And in answer to your question, a study of aeroplane disasters showed that the factor which most increased your chances of survival was your gender. Males are the most likely to survive. The second most important was how close you were to an exit. So I'm guessing most men (and people) would value their own survival rather than that of some strangers, regardless of their age or gender.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I feel like there should be a poll option for 'I'd give it up for anyone'.

Not that I necessarily would, I just resent the idea that I'd be sacrificing myself for chivalry's sake rather than general altruism.


Big Stupid Jellyfish
Jun 7, 2010
I love how a lot of people are screaming "EQUALITY, THERE, HAVE IT!!1!" as if any normal woman would beg you to die instead of her just because she's a woman. I'm glad there's equality because I'm no longer a helpless woman that's everyone's burden. The reason for saving women and children first, back in the days of the Titanic, was the simple fact that women mostly didn't know how to swim, they had three tons of layers of clothing, they were considered weaker and unable to survive the cold waters (and they most likely wouldn't survive it. I know I wouldn't), men were needed to operate the boats and help everyone on board (because women couldn't do it) and because a hundred years ago, populations were constantly at risk from diseases (around 6 years later the Spanish flu killed tens of millions of people) and wars so any women that survived the Titanic maybe contributed to the population growth after these disasters. Yes, you need both male and female for reproduction, but one male can make a hundred women pregnant over the course of one month, while one woman has to bear the child for 9 months (which means; 1 male + 100 females + 9 months = 900 children, while 1 woman + 100 males + 9 months = 1 child [excluding the possibility of twins]). So, less females = slower reproduction = risk of "extinction" (alright, humanity wouldn't go extinct just like that, but I guess humans are naturally inclined to avoid any such possible risk, especially in times where a flu could kill you easily).

Today? We don't have these reasons to do so, but people still often rather save women and children. It's a nice gesture, but it's quite redundant. Me being a woman, I most probably wouldn't accept that kind of a help if I can help myself on my own or if I could possibly help others on the way. If I'm injured, I would require help, but not because I'm a woman, but because I'm injured, obviously. Would I give my seat to children? I'm not sure, maybe I would. It's hard for me to grasp the idea that in this time and age such a disaster would occur where you could either save yourself or give your "seat" to someone else. Usually, nowadays, we only have to help the injured ones or the ones that can't move on their own. The days where children and women can't help themselves are quite over, and I'm glad. If, somehow, such disaster occurred, if I was not injured or in any way harmed, I would help the ones that are, small children, pregnant women and disabled people, but I wouldn't outright consciously give up my life for people that are not my family or close friends. And I wouldn't feel good if someone did the same for me. Luckily, the possibility for anyone to end in such situation is drastically low.
Sep 14, 2009
Jedoro said:
Yes, for both.

I'd then break a solid wood door off its hinges, tie my belt to the lifeboat, and hang onto the other end so we still stayed together.
exactly this. granted there aren't enough motherfuckin doors...but still. why couldn't they have taken a piece of the boat and held onto the main lifeboat ??


New member
Jan 18, 2010
I would indeed. For a woman out of chivalry (and because I think men are the grunts of the human race) and for a child because they haven't even had a chance to live their own lives yet.

Ohhi said:
No I would not, to me other people are worthless unless proven otherwise so unless you are worth something to me you are as good as dead.
The fact that you have such a world view makes me pity you. Severely.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
It really depends on who im giving it up for. If its like a 7 year old orphan girl whose never felt the love of a parent then yes i would. if it was an 11 year old Rat faced brat who was in first class then no. As for women, i think they should get all the children off then worry about the women. Children are our future after all.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I always carry a couple rolls of duct tape for just such an emergency. Thank you MacGuyver and the geniuses @ mythbusters!!


New member
Jul 16, 2010
You don't know before you're in the situation. But judging from how humans work, I highly doubt I'd give up my seat. Maybe to say, my special one, but otherwise.. Fuck no.