Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
dancinginfernal said:
Women wanted equality, here it is. Kids first, ladies.

Nothing annoys me more than the pseudo-feminist who wants all the advantages of equality with none of the responsibility. Chivalry is fast dying and I'm just speeding that process along.

True gender equality FTW.

JackSparrowSucks said:
Of course not.
You forgot to finish your sentence, friend.

Evil Earlgrey

New member
May 14, 2010
Multiple thougts factor into this decision:
- The ocean is where i want to (and will) die one day. This or an underwater cave. So it would be the perfect choice to die. (+1 for yes)
- Its better to die on your free will than unwillingly. (+1 for yes)
- Most people living in this world still have egoistic, self-centered caveman brains (as this thread again wonderfully illustrates). As i spend my life doing good things it would be a waste to sacrifice myself for any of them with a very high probability (+2 for no)
- If anyone can survive alone in the ocean its me. So that again is (+1 for yes)
- then again one of the biggest problem of mankind is overpopulation. Acutally i should just try to sink all the fucking lifeboats and try to kill them all (+3 for no)
- I've spent too much time thinking about the issue already and someone took my place.. DAMN

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Im a pretty strong swimmer, and i want to die in a nobel way. So i most likely would, though im 15 and can be considered a child by todays standerds.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Anoni Mus said:
I watch Ultimate Survival. Titanic took some time before sinking, so I would find a way to make a flutuable device. Like using doors.
But then some ***** decides to join you and you have to float next to the door and freeze to death?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Fagotto said:
Assuming the woman is an absolute stranger, not for her. My life is worth just as much as hers is. For the kid though, assuming it's not a lifeboat full of kids then yes. I'd feel really horrible later if that kid died. I can imagine having nightmares of them...
I got over the nightmares after I'd held that third kid down under the tap water and watched the spark of life drain from her little hazel eyes. The only dreams I get about them these days awakens me with a smile.

Gallows humour.

open trap said:
Im a pretty strong swimmer, and i want to die in a nobel way. So i most likely would, though im 15 and can be considered a child by todays standerds.
If you want to die in a Nobel way, then oughtn't you do it in a science experiment?


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
thatguy1 said:
Question 1: Do you still have a big dream you want to accomplish?

Question 2: Is that dream realistic?

If you answered no to either of these questions, give up your seat to the young ones.
Woah, harsh.

Practical, maybe; depending on the dream.

Human? Fuck no.

Madara XIII

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Sep 23, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I would.

For the simple reason that I brought my personal jetpack with me.

[HEADING=1]Jetpack away![/HEADING]
Or I'd do the next best thing and cling to the lifeboat from the side and dangle in the water in hopes that a Shark doesn't eat me or the water's not frigid as all hell.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
yes, but i would definitely be balancing myself on the edge of the boat if thats what it takes for me to get to safety too lol


New member
Mar 7, 2011
If the water was warm, there was no sharks and it was just 1000m no... Too much work, 200m to shore. Then I might, if I brought my swimming trunks and I had nothing that would take damage from getting wet, on that note, I would give up my seat for my computer.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Wolfram01 said:
No, but I'll take a kid on my lap... and please, don't go there
Go where Pope Wolfram01?

Heeheehee Sorry nothing like a good bonce on the catholics to make you feel evil and giddy.

A Raging Emo

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Apr 14, 2009
I would, but I have to admit, there would be some priorities; say, if my best friend was there, I'd give up my seat for her and only her. However, if it was just me and loads of people I don't know, then yes, I would.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
razor343 said:
Anoni Mus said:
I watch Ultimate Survival. Titanic took some time before sinking, so I would find a way to make a flutuable device. Like using doors.
But then some ***** decides to join you and you have to float next to the door and freeze to death?
God why the bitches always gotta bring people down?
Poor leo :'(


New member
Dec 29, 2010
No. This is real life, dude. Not worth it.

Also: Why should a random woman live and I die for the mere fact that she is a woman?


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Madara XIII said:
razor343 said:
Anoni Mus said:
I watch Ultimate Survival. Titanic took some time before sinking, so I would find a way to make a flutuable device. Like using doors.
But then some ***** decides to join you and you have to float next to the door and freeze to death?
God why the bitches always gotta bring people down?
Poor leo :'(
Leo has to go through too much shit if you ask me. First he commits suicide because of some random underage chick. Then he drowns for some other chick. Then he goes on some weird ass Island. Then he overdoses drugs and starts having weird dreams :(