Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Depends on who exactly.

TheYellowCellPhone said:
I'd accuse everyone of being to sexist that women are important than me. If I really want to, I could create gravity or something.
Also, this.


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
I wouldn't, equal rights baby! mmm Civil Rights stings does it not? :3

I would probably take the logic of survival. does a child have enough training and knowledge to survive on a small boat. Wouldn't a quick death of hypothermia be preferable to the long drawn out death of starvation? Yes, so that little ankle bitter is coming out of the boat!

now lets take women, is their a kitchen on board? no. Then out of the boat woman I'm coming through! (jking jking)

besides what would humanity do without my completely full proof plan against the coming Zombie Apocalypse? I didn't write it down, I keep it in my brain so you'll just have to keep me alive.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Brawndo said:
Last week was the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. According to passenger logs, 74% of women and 52% of children on board survived, but only 7% of the men did. The Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C. commends the men "Who gave their lives nobly to save women and children."

Now the Titanic sunk in 1912, when chivalry was celebrated and women were still viewed as second-class citizens who had to protected by men. I wonder, if there was a major maritime disaster today would the results be the same? Are grown men still as disposable in 2011?

** [I know technology and maritime rescue is dramatically different today, but assume for argument's sake in this hypothetical there would be a good chance you would die if you stayed on the sinking ship]

I would not because hey, there's enough for everyone already.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) makes it a requirement for merchant ships to have liferafts on each side of the ship, sufficient for all the people on board (the stated capacity of the lifeboat, irrespective of the fact that there may actually be lesser people onboard).
Jun 11, 2009
scumofsociety said:
I'd give it up for my (theoretical) child or "my" woman, but everyone else is swimming.
That about sums it up for me, unless that woman or child was somehow demonstrably contributing more to society than I am. This is not difficult, believe me.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Screw. That. It it was just because of my gender, and had absolutely nothing to do with my accomplishments, I would not give up my seat willingly.

Mercsenary said:
I would not because hey, there's enough for everyone already.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) makes it a requirement for merchant ships to have liferafts on each side of the ship, sufficient for all the people on board (the stated capacity of the lifeboat, irrespective of the fact that there may actually be lesser people onboard).
This too. This situation should NEVER EVER occur again.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Mercsenary said:
Brawndo said:
Last week was the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. According to passenger logs, 74% of women and 52% of children on board survived, but only 7% of the men did. The Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C. commends the men "Who gave their lives nobly to save women and children."

Now the Titanic sunk in 1912, when chivalry was celebrated and women were still viewed as second-class citizens who had to protected by men. I wonder, if there was a major maritime disaster today would the results be the same? Are grown men still as disposable in 2011?

** [I know technology and maritime rescue is dramatically different today, but assume for argument's sake in this hypothetical there would be a good chance you would die if you stayed on the sinking ship]

I would not because hey, there's enough for everyone already.

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) makes it a requirement for merchant ships to have liferafts on each side of the ship, sufficient for all the people on board (the stated capacity of the lifeboat, irrespective of the fact that there may actually be lesser people onboard).
And what if the accident that is sinking the boat made a number of those unusable?


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Arontala said:
InnerRebellion said:
Yes, without question. My life is not as valuable as a woman's or a young child's, in my opinion.
Is her life worth more just because she's a women? THAT WOULD MEAN YOU DON'T SUPPORT GENDER QUALITY!!!!1!!!1!!1!!

OT: Maybe I would save the children, but it depends on if they're screaming or not. I detest loud children.
I'm sorry? A women? Surely you mean a woman? Nothing against you, that mistake just drives my passion for writing insane. And no, not because she's a woman. It's more valuable because she has more to live for than I do.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I've always been kind of "old fashioned" when it comes to things like chivalry, so yeah, I would.

Plus I'm not a bad swimmer...


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I'd uphold the american view of gender equality.

I'd be like "If you want all those rights you have to get all the shit end of the stick as well"
And she would be like "I'm your wife!"
And I would be like "Your also a bad swimmer"

Wow, that was morbid. Anyway, I'm not married and I don't know if I could give a child a death sentence.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
no but the the women can sit on my lap her kids will have to sit on the floor


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Anoni Mus said:
I watch Ultimate Survival. Titanic took some time before sinking, so I would find a way to make a flutuable device. Like using doors.

Who needs a boat? Pfft!


New member
May 8, 2008
Ohhi said:
No I would not, to me other people are worthless unless proven otherwise so unless you are worth something to me you are as good as dead.
This, seconded.
If the boat is full, fuck you. I didn´t bust my ass getting there to give up my spot. And I hate children.
If, however, the person is close to me, maybe I would consider the gentleman next to me offer her a seat, by hurling him overboard.
By accident, of course. It´s crowded and I´m in a panic, my elbow hit him completely unintentional.
*cough cough*


New member
Oct 6, 2009
ANYONE who says yes i would is a liar.

When it comes down to it your saying you'd drown for a stranger, who would do that.

Your survival always takes precidence over someone elses unless your either mentally ill or just plain suicidal doesnt matter how small annd cute the mother and child is.

I consider myself a (mostly) good person but to essentially kill myself for people of whom i have no idea of their character is a concept i find baffling.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Jonny49 said:
Anoni Mus said:
I watch Ultimate Survival. Titanic took some time before sinking, so I would find a way to make a flutuable device. Like using doors.

Who needs a boat? Pfft!
I've watched enough McGyver and Mythbusters to make TWO boats.

OT: I am also quite a good swimmer, so I would rather I be floating in the water than the kid.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
No. I don't think any one has any right over me because of gender or age. That would be discrimination.