Poll: Guys: would you give up your seat on the last lifeboat to women and children?

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
Well I'm still legally a child so no, if I were an adult I couldn't say if I would let children go instead. It seems to be a hard decision, but adult women are adults like me, I wouldn't give it up for them if I had a choice. If the water isn't deadly freezing cold, then I would probably use part of the ship to sit on while I hold onto a life boat.

Observing the comments on page 1, it seems a lot of people are talking a lot of shit saying they would toss people off the boat, or that everyone deserves to die. It would be an unfortunate problem if they had a child, all alone and scared, who was denied the right to live because a bunch of adults dragged it off the life boat and left it to die. Granted that would be awful, but it would hopefully give people a different view then "everyone should die because I don't like them and they don't help ME!"

HigherTomorrow said:
You people are terrible.

Of course I would give up my seat for a woman or child.

I can swim.
I remember reading or hearing somewhere that the waters surrounding the titanic were freezing cold. So your bravery, chivalry and Duke Nukem avatar will be the only things you can use to prevent hypothermia. But it is still a noble and commendable act that would be remembered.

Ryuu Akamatsu

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Only for children. Women aren't any more valuable than men. Children at least deserve a chance to see adulthood.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Nope, i don't see why someone deserves to live more than me just because of gender, i might take the kid on my lap, but if thats not an option then too bad for him, i`m not heartless but screw your 'hes got a whole life to live argument', i`m 21 so i got at least good 60 (optimistic) years ahead of me.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Flimsii said:
Your survival always takes precidence over someone elses unless your either mentally ill or just plain suicidal doesnt matter how small annd cute the mother and child is.
...and if I am mentally ill?

Once contemplated suicide in my life. I get along just fine now, but if it were down to my life or someone else's, I wouldn't think much of my own. Granted, the thought of freezing/drowning to death is not appealing, so maybe I would look for a gun...

Wow, this turned depressing.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
I couldn't actually vote this way (so I didn't) but I would find one of the seniors who invariably had given up their salvation to some child or mother saying "you have your whole life in front of you dear." and give THEM my seat regardless of their sex. Selfless acts should not go unrewarded.

It's kind of cheating though since I've been in many fires and floods at sea and have taken courses about how to survive a shipwreck so I'm kind of obligated to let the easy way out go.

Then again the Senior would probably just give up their seat again. *sigh* Oh well at least I'd have help....


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
Not a chance.

It was only a while ago that I'd never have given anything more value than my own life, it is only recently that I've realized there is someone I'd give that last seat to.

I'd still probably try and grab onto the side of the lifeboat or something, though =P

King of Wei

New member
Jan 13, 2011
I would, especially if the woman and child were related. I'm nice like that.
Plus, the challenge of creating a make-shift raft would be too awesome to pass up, though i'd still probably die.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Katana314 said:
Flimsii said:
Your survival always takes precidence over someone elses unless your either mentally ill or just plain suicidal doesnt matter how small annd cute the mother and child is.
...and if I am mentally ill?

Once contemplated suicide in my life. I get along just fine now, but if it were down to my life or someone else's, I wouldn't think much of my own. Granted, the thought of freezing/drowning to death is not appealing, so maybe I would look for a gun...

Wow, this turned depressing.
Kinda my point, freezing to death or living with a guilty conscious. I chose the former over the latter.

I think really the vast majority of people think more of themselves than others. Hell i dont like people much, been fucked over by virtually everyone i trusted. All my freinds and even one of my own family. But i can see why someone with depression would be more willing to give up thier seat. Depression is a mental illness remember aswell.

Also where you gonna find a gun your on a sinking ship.

P.S Sad you contemplated suicide, happy you decided against it and are ok now. You need to be in a pretty terrible place to think deaths the only escape. Damn, made me depressed.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Bek359 said:
HigherTomorrow said:
You people are terrible.

Of course I would give up my seat for a woman or child.

I can swim.
But can you swim for hours in arctic waters?
Of course he can, hes fucking duke nukem, didnt you see his avatar?

Although he would probably just pick up the woman. Capture the babe and all that.
And give her a "reassuring smack" :p

Also to anyone saying "sit on my lap" you clearly have no concept of buoyancy. The boat would sink if too many people are on it and to the others sayin it for the lulz to try to cheat the system as it where, why bother posting.