Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Being the only white english guy where i work, but also being a, for lack of better term "Pagan" oh yeah definatly. And the sad thing is, they call ME the racist one for being 'rude' despite the fact i wouldnt be rude to them if they werent so condescending and discriminatory towards me.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Only about my height and I know that they are just joking with me :)

Hafrael said:
spartan231490 said:
Arehexes said:
Cops asked me for a license when he pulled me over with the sirens, which would have been fine but I wasn't riding on a car. I was riding my bike, and going home to my house which he pulled me over next to it. When I went in my house he sat in front of my house in his car waiting for something to happen. I know it was raciest because how many white people would he pull over in the same neighbor hood when their on a bike and asking for a license and asking why don't you have one.
Do you need a licence to ride a bike where you live? I would have told him to fuck off because here they need probable cause to do anything, so I would have just told him that he didn't have probable cause and went into my house. If he tried to stop me, I would have threatened a lawsuit.
Telling a cop to fuck off can get you arrested.

Especially if he is already racist.
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves


New member
May 4, 2009
My Polish colleague refers to me as 'mick' and 'paddy' because I've got Irish heritage. Seriously. I'm not even Irish, and I still get discriminated for being Irish. I can't do anything about it, though. I threatened to complain and she said "I'm just an impressionable Polish girl. I'll say you taught me bad words."

Touché, my dear girl.

It was all in good humour...but I never really saw myself as Irish.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
mm yes i have. I have been discriminated for being adopted, for being asian, for being a lesbian.... yeah thats about it i think.

oh, and for being a girl, cause of course having a vagina means that im logically incapable of anything besides cooking and cleaning. I mean god forbid i know how to shoot a gun, or how to repair a carburetor.

I was told, while playing Counter Strike Source, but some alpha male, that i should "stop playing a mans game and go make him a sandwich". yeah fun.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
for having long hair mostly, but now most of those mockers are either in prison with big bubba or now jobless drug addicts. so jokes on them :D


New member
Feb 26, 2009
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
A lot of angry white males here...

Nope, not what I can think of. You can get in to some fights with some immigrant punks, but that's because they are stupid rather than being immigrants.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?
The US. Chicago specifically. The cops aren't as bad here as in Florida though.


Winter is coming.
Nov 19, 2008
Well, on a number of occasions I've had the shit kicked out of me because of my English accent. People have thrown stones, hurled abuse, and generally been pretty horrible. So yeah, I've experienced discrimination. Not really happened that badly as I've gotten bigger, but I still get little bits on occasion.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Lieju said:
Well, I've been getting yelled at for being a dirty gypsie (and on more than one occasion), so I'm discriminated for stuff I'm not, I guess.

Also I was attacked with pepper-spray for taking part in a gay-pride event.

But in a day-to-day life, no. I like to believe that stuff I've been put through was because I was personally unlikable.
And I've been told some nasty things (by some Christians, for example, mainly threats for eternal torture) but that's not really discrimination, not in a way that bothers me anyway. It's not like they have tried to burn my house down, they just think I don't deserve the same human rights they do for being gay and not believing in god.

And since they aren't the kind of people who would employ me or type I'd like to hang out with, it's mostly just sad.

AdeptaSororitas said:
Person: Uhg, I'm having so much trouble with my (Psychology/Geology/Physics) homework.
Me: Oh, do you need some help?
Person: No, I don't want to offend your beliefs, you don't believe in this kind of stuff.

That didn't make me mad, that just hurt. This was a person I'd been friends with for months, he knew I had high grades in those class A's and B's.
Isn't that like an opposite of trying to offend, trying to be too non-offending?
Or was s/he being massively sarcastic:
"Oh, you are religious, so you must believe evolution is a fairy-tale and the Earth is 5000 years old and that illnesses are causes by demons, so I just wouldn't want to put you in a position where you were unconfortable"
Massively sarcastic and condescending. Like I had NO clue, not even a vague supposition of what those classes were about because "I didn't believe in them."


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?
The US. Chicago specifically. The cops aren't as bad here as in Florida though.
and I thought that america is one of the best countries, Can I ask some questions about the laws that is in the US?

1)will pirating games will get you in real trouble?
2)Do you have to show your ID for games that are over 16+?
3)If a someone proveks you is it okay to beat him up?
4)at what age you can work,drink booze,have sex?
5)what counts as 'disrespecting' the cops. (First world country my ass)
6)if someone is try to steal from your house at night and you are in the house you can kill him?


New member
May 5, 2011
Mental illness - several friends no longer talk to me after I told them I had psychosis. Society seems very uncomfortable with it in general, and is intolerant/has no understanding. I'm surprised it wasn't an option on the poll.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
I've use to go to youth groups with my now ex girlfriend

One and the last one I went two tried telling me that hurting and killing gays is gods will and is in the bible that we should murder them.

I walked out and that was my last try with religion. Hurting people is not Gods will.

Some people from the group called my gay for walking out even though I'm straight.

I've been discriminated against where I use to work for being male and not getting a promotion.

I also want to say this happpened to my sister who is WHITE. She was pulled over in front of our house. The cop said "What are you doing on this street" ,
"I live there (she points at house)"
"No You Don't You can't live there, Show me Your license"
(she shows him the license)"Oh, Were you drinking tonight"
He made her take a breatelizer in HER yard

Cops are dicks to everyone.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Dango said:
Yup. Watching lots of anime and playing lots of video games is an easy way of becoming a social outcast in suburban New York.

And I guess you could say height, too. I get mocked for being shorter than most of my friends pretty often.
It's like were twins......you in the state or boroughs?.....cept I'm not short...

I was called gay for wrestling alot....Its good I'm good at acting and turned the gay on and would say heyyyy cuttie don't knock it till you try it then wink...they would leave.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Esotera said:
Mental illness - several friends no longer talk to me after I told them I had psychosis. Society seems very uncomfortable with it in general, and is intolerant/has no understanding. I'm surprised it wasn't an option on the poll.
psychosis? More like sexpsychosis ;D jkjk I'm not a creep like that XD

OT: I've been mocked for being fat. Most times that people have tried to mock me for being bi I've had people, that in one case was a wangster kid, stand up for me though.

Loner Jo Jo

New member
Jul 22, 2011
I've had people stop talking to me because I'm an atheist. I've been asked if I was a Satanist and someone once told me "I'll pray for you" in a very condescending manner. In reality, though, everyone is judged for some reason or another, but I'm not sure if that really constitutes as discrimination.

I've never been denied access to something (aside from friendship) because of my religious beliefs. However, when I did my student teaching I ran into a couple interesting situations. One day, a student (seventh grader) came up to me with my cooperating teacher there and asked if I believe in God. Instead of answering him, I asked him what he believes which got him talking about his own church and he didn't bother me for an answer again, thankfully. However, my cooperating teacher, and it seemed everyone else on the team, was Christian. She would play gospel music during our planning periods, and it made me feel really uncomfortable. Not so much that she was playing the music, but that if I was honest with her and told her I wasn't Christian, I knew I would have judged. I wonder if it would have changed her opinion of me.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?
The US. Chicago specifically. The cops aren't as bad here as in Florida though.
and I thought that america is one of the best countries, Can I ask some questions about the laws that is in the US?

1)will pirating games will get you in real trouble?
2)Do you have to show your ID for games that are over 16+?
3)If a someone proveks you is it okay to beat him up?
4)at what age you can work,drink booze,have sex?
5)what counts as 'disrespecting' the cops. (First world country my ass)
6)if someone is try to steal from your house at night and you are in the house you can kill him?
1. Yes, but only if you get caught. (which is fairly unlikely)
2. Yes, but only if you look fairly young. (I'm 17 and they don't care)
3. No. Not legally anyways.
4. You need a permit when you are younger than 16 to work, you need to be 21 to buy and consume alcohol, sex depends on the state and really only when a parent wants to press charges. (I started having sex with my girlfriend at 15, the age of consent is 17, it only matters if she, or her parents, me, or my parents wanted to make a big deal out of it)
5. It really depends on the police officer, and their level of discrimination towards you. As a rule, only talk when asked a question, and nod and smile. (but don't smile too much)
6. In some states yes. Its called the 'Castle Doctrine'. (look it up if you are more interested)