Poll: How often do you masturbate?!

Oct 2, 2012
geK0 said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
Colour Scientist said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
OT: God I love these threads! They're a nice breath of fresh and silly air after the last couple years of "OMG CONTROVERSY!"
For once, it wasn't me!

As for the question, I know it seems really stupid given the subject matter of my last two threads but I am actually a bit bashful about answering this.

Eh, at least once a week, definitely not e'ryday.

I've never done anywhere inappropriate and I tend to use visual aids because I'm lazy and it's usually to unwind a bit in the evening.

I'm actually cringing so hard right now. XD
I'm sure OP is just one of your alt accounts!

Why you cringing so much?
What are you a prude? :p
Shit you've caught me!

I am Colour scientist's subconscious mind! I am her reptilian brain! Which is why I am named after a colour-changing reptile!

She might be cringing because of all the cheesey euphemisms she subconsciously wrote.
Aha! I knew it! You might have been able to fool these puny humans but I am a Sheep!
I saw through your ruse with my special eyes.
Colour Scientist said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
Colour Scientist said:
Beffudled Sheep said:
OT: God I love these threads! They're a nice breath of fresh and silly air after the last couple years of "OMG CONTROVERSY!"
For once, it wasn't me!

As for the question, I know it seems really stupid given the subject matter of my last two threads but I am actually a bit bashful about answering this.

Eh, at least once a week, definitely not e'ryday.

I've never done anywhere inappropriate and I tend to use visual aids because I'm lazy and it's usually to unwind a bit in the evening.

I'm actually cringing so hard right now. XD
I'm sure OP is just one of your alt accounts!

Why you cringing so much?
What are you a prude? :p
Apparently I am. :3

It must be old age.
Getting old seems terrible. You get bad hair, all saggy, and become a prude!
Time to move on grammy, let us young-ins take the wheel.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Here it is, was my exact words when I saw this thread. Hilarious and proves it was the logical conclusion.

Visual, imagination, I am sometimes even too lazy to bother imaging anything. But my imagination is usually the best. That said I am a several times a week person. Some days not at all, other days up to three times (not very often). I think the funniest is when I am sleeping and my erection wakes me up to address it's issue. Half asleep knock it out half ass clean up, and make a mental note to make more consideration for my penis in the upcoming week. My penis gets, less attention when I play Civ5. This leads to the logical conclusion that sexy games allow me to sleep better (<----had to throw that in there).

Edit: I forgot the odd places
I have masturbated while driving my car before. I started an outside the pants thing while riding my motorcycle, but decided it was not a good idea and stopped (masturbating I kept riding).


New member
Apr 11, 2014
Alright It took me some time to get me to post this. And I feel like I am going to regret this one day.

I do it at least one or two times a week sometimes more. Only in the evening at the end of the day especially on Mondays.

I used to do it more but I've been building it of. I Don't require "visual stimulants" but I do use them more often than not. Also while I am right handed I "do the thing" with the left.

Itdoesthatsometimes said:
My penis gets, less attention when I play Civ5. This leads to the logical conclusion that sexy games allow me to sleep better (<----had to throw that in there).
But when you are playing Civ you have one hand free. And when Theodora or Boudica comes into image, just Hnnnnngggggg.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Rabbitboy said:
Alright It took me some time to get me to post this. And I feel like I am going to regret this one day.

I do it at least one or two times a week sometimes more. Only in the evening at the end of the day especially on Mondays.

I used to do it more but I've been building it of. I Don't require "visual stimulants" but I do use them more often than not. Also while I am right handed I "do the thing" with the left.

Itdoesthatsometimes said:
My penis gets, less attention when I play Civ5. This leads to the logical conclusion that sexy games allow me to sleep better (<----had to throw that in there).
But when you are playing Civ you have one hand free. And when Theodora or Boudica comes into image, just Hnnnnngggggg.
I use both hands for Civ. And find Wu Zetian the hottest. But to each there own.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
tricky-crazy said:
Depends on how many times I look at your pictures.


I'm so flattered : D


oh god that creepy dr.who face in the spoiler though >.>

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010

Actually, it varies. Just whenever I have the urge to splurge, you know. Said at least once a week because that's the closest to an average.

And it's about half and half on the visual/imagination front.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Let me give you a visual representation that's SFW.

Just ignore the gavel.
I may also be joking but you'll never know for sure.

As for if I need visual aids, I'd say it's a 80/20 split in favour.
No, I haven't done it in an inappropriate setting.
As for time of day, whenever the mood takes me. *shrugs*


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Wouldn't you like to know.

Perverts, the whole lot of you.


Sassafrass said:
Wait, you mean to tell me you don't use a gavel?

I think I've been doing it wrong.

My imagination alone is rarely enough, so I don't tend to do it without visual/textual aid.

Weirdest place would probably be "friend's house". Long story. Probably NSFL.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
shrekfan246 said:
Wouldn't you like to know.

Perverts, the whole lot of you.


Sassafrass said:
Wait, you mean to tell me you don't use a gavel?

I think I've been doing it wrong.
Well, whatever floats your boat, buddy.

Some do, some don't. It's all about what feels good to you.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
So a friend asked me what I was doing, I said that I was participating in a hilariously awkward thread, I link this thread....... and now it's awkward >......>



This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
tricky-crazy said:
Depends on how many times I look at your pictures.


Why look at pictures when I can watch you through your window?

How ya doin'?
geK0 said:
So a friend asked me what I was doing, I said that I was participating in a hilariously awkward thread, I link this thread....... and now it's awkward >......>
S/He's had a very strange welcome to the world of the Escapist. XD


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
I makes sure I love my vagina like once or twice a day. Heh heh yeah. Good times.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Sassafrass said:
geK0 said:
So a friend asked me what I was doing, I said that I was participating in a hilariously awkward thread, I link this thread....... and now it's awkward >......>
S/He's had a very strange welcome to the world of the Escapist. XD
I guess she doesn't share my sense of humor

...I'm totally a smart dude like that : \


New member
Aug 29, 2012
I'll shoot (giggity). I'm a single gay man surrounded by really attractive straight dudes that I know I'll never have a chance in hell with, so naturally all that testosterone, feels, and sex-appeal really gets to me. Since I'm in college with a roommate that hardly ever leaves the room beyond classes, work, and meals, I really only get to go at it three times a week in the morning. When I'm alone I can go as much as five times a day when it gets really bad. I use plenty of porn to get the task done, but my imagination is strong enough to work on its own.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Not The Bees said:
because I am a woman, and I can do it for an hour and get several orgasms in, because it's fucking awesome to be a woman
Im a dude and a lot of times after being done and thinking to myself "Thats done, lets see what is on the rest of internet" some random picture of a sexy girl shows up (anything movie related basicly) and well... when Im alone and the guy downstairs wants it then he has to have it.

OT: It depends, when working I can go around 2 straight days (wow) without doing anything but if I am alone at home doing nothing then its almost none stop. It sucks because I usually have some things that I want to get done but eh... at least I am enjoying my time. Those things usually get done when there are other people in the house.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
It depends. I haven't seen my fiancee for about 2 months, so... I'd say about 4 times a day. Hell, I damn near cannot sleep without "mixing up the man batter".

However, when she is about, I always feel it's somewhat rude to "fiddle the flute" when there is a perfectly willing and lovely partner to partake in, so I don't.

What time of the day? Well, like I said, I can't sleep if I don't "finger the pennywhistle", so there is once. And then more or less any time I am working at home or interneting and I see something attractive on ye olde net, or I look through my old photos and see pictures of my fiancee, I just get the urge to "evac the sack".

I have "painted tissues" during my teenage years more or less at the drop of a hat; I remember one of my exes giving me a "hand shandy" at school once. Embarrassing to think of now.

I tend to think about sex. If my thoughts ever go off topic, I tend to have to start from the beginning.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
I'm masturbating right now!

OT: I only get the urge to whack it when I see this person [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/profiles/view/] around, I just can't help myself.
It's that picture I posted, isn't it?
TizzytheTormentor said:
geK0 said:
So a friend asked me what I was doing, I said that I was participating in a hilariously awkward thread, I link this thread....... and now it's awkward >......>
"Hey man, what are you doing?"
"Haha, not much, just asking people online how often they jack off"
That was pretty much the gist of it.