Poll: How often do you masturbate?!


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
A couple times a week. Maybe 3-4, and always when I'm trying to sleep. Although this morning I did it just because I was taking an off-schedule shower so might as well. (And not in the shower, could never even keep it up in there)

Since we are being so open, once while lying on my back, I accidentally hit myself in the eye, I wasn't even mad, it was amazing. And my record is 5 times in one day. When you're fourteen you could really kick the refractory period's ass. And yes it hurt for a few days afterward.

I always use videos or pictures with captions, it's quick and...well not clean, but quick. If I have to use my imagination it takes much longer, and for some reason goes way farther than what I'm comfortable with. Although once I'm done milking the maggot to videos I immediately have a song loaded in my brain (it's random) I have to listen to right after, and it increases the high I get after.

That enough for ya OP?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
TizzytheTormentor said:
I'm masturbating right now!

OT: I only get the urge to whack it when I see this person [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/profiles/view/] around, I just can't help myself.
don't....somones gonna fall for that...

OT: quite regularly, never really need outside "inspiration" although occasionally it can help, also got a vibrator not too long ago and while it was interesting/different I always found doing it myself far more efficient/satisfying..I wonder if that's a conditioning thing


New member
Jun 24, 2011
EHKOS said:
A couple times a week. Maybe 3-4, and always when I'm trying to sleep. Although this morning I did it just because I was taking an off-schedule shower so might as well. (And not in the shower, could never even keep it up in there)

Since we are being so open, once while lying on my back, I accidentally hit myself in the eye, I wasn't even mad, it was amazing. And my record is 5 times in one day. When you're fourteen you could really kick the refractory period's ass. And yes it hurt for a few days afterward.

I always use videos or pictures with captions, it's quick and...well not clean, but quick. If I have to use my imagination it takes much longer, and for some reason goes way farther than what I'm comfortable with. Although once I'm done milking the maggot to videos I immediately have a song loaded in my brain (it's random) I have to listen to right after, and it increases the high I get after.

That enough for ya OP?
Almost, but we need more pictures in that knickers thread!

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
This isnt the normal sort of thread i would meander through. Especially not comment on. But today is a day and i am a person; so with balls up and chin out, i say fuck it! I allegedly tease the ticklesome tiger between 2-5 times a week, or whenever that feisty squirrel gets close enough to my window. My testosterone levels go a bit crazy if i miss a certain anti-depressant, the first symptom of that is always the very noticable change in sex drive. Which alters the attention shown to wild whiskers there. Well this was a fun way of avoiding the troublesome threads!


New member
Feb 9, 2013
I aim for once a day, but sometimes it can creep up to twice. I most often use "visual aid", as you put it, but sometimes the old brainpower is enough. Whether it's a curse or a blessing, I know not, but my sexual interests are so many and varied that I can watch/think of something entirety different each time, which helps it always feel fresh and exciting. So yeah.

As for an inappropriate setting... erm, does sitting in the car in a busy car park count? I was kinda young at the time, and I was bored as fuck waiting for my mother to come back from the shops.


Not a Gamer, I Just Play Games
Jul 8, 2013
Been married over a year, and haven't had sex with my wife in over the same amount of time. Because she's in the US and I'm here.

So you know what? It's daily. Because fuck immigration and the bullshit costs and flaming hoops that you have to jump through like a fucking trained animal just to get the chance to be with one you love...maybe.

...ahem...sorry, got a little ranty there at the end.

I'm doing my best to cut down on the "visual aides" and start using my imagination a little more, as well as cut back a whole lot on the frequency. Mainly because I notice that it's a whole lot better the longer I go between sessions.

Inappropriate setting? Heh. Well, I did once video myself doing it for an ex and accidentally sent it to someone else. Does that count?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Twice a day, generally. Once when I wake up, and again before I hit the sack. Sometimes more if I'm randy and bored.

No shame here. I have moved beyond shame, into the realm where regret is a lingering afterthought.

And I almost always use visual stimulation. Either with my computer, my tablet... or both.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Geez, I can't believe I'm about to respond to one of these threads but here goes. *deep breath*

Generally it'll be at least once a day and it'll most often be because I'm bored and by myself or I read something that... yeah. I don't require a visual/written aid but it helps the process along.

I can't say I've done it in an inappropriate setting. The key part being the fact that I prefer to be alone.

Just for note, I'm not a prude. I am, however, a very private person who tends to prefer to keep such things to herself.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I love that so many people are beginning their posts with something along the lines of "I can't believe I'm actually posting on this thread"


Sep 23, 2014
Once a day, usually after I wake up. Lots of visual aids (but not "porn" in the traditional sense).

Usually my imagination plays a big part. As I've blurted out in several threads by now, I am transgender (trans-female, it's me in my profile picture) and most of my fantasies involve me being a Real Girl?. My primary fetish involves being EXCEEDINGLY NICE which isn't exactly the most popular "kink" but hey, that's what imagination's for. I might even draw to express my sexual interests.

I usually rely on fapping to keep my sex drive in check. Being sexually attracted to people is actually extremely stressful for me (more so given my slim chances of finding a girl that "likes" me, due to factors such as my location, lack of initiative, horrendous body dysmorphia etc.) so I figure it's a good idea to get it over with at the start of the day just so my mind is clearer later on in the day. Also it feels fucking awesome.

I do it as a routine. Like eating. I eat to satiate my hunger and also for pleasure, same as masturbating.

Leemaster777 said:
Twice a day, generally. Once when I wake up, and again before I hit the sack.
I hope you realise the clever choice of words you used. ;)

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
I tell people I do it once every few days, but realistically it is at least twice a day, most likely 3 or 4. Once in the morning, once at night before bed. It really works as a way to bookend the day. Throw in a few extra times when I stumble a across anything remotely sexy and that comes to... way too much. Seriously, I think I have a problem.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Like many aspects of my life, there's no consistency in anything.

Frequency varies with my life, but 3-5 times a week is a pretty good average.
Usually I use visual aid, but not always.
Whenever I feel like.
Once. Only once. In a car, going down the highway. One handed driving OP.
My mind is incapable of keeping focus, so random things will pop to mind.
I do try different things though, just to see what happens. Right now if I get the running water of my shower in a very precise spot, it feels really great. Like "my knees start shaking" great. But I haven't finished like that yet, so I'm trying to.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I figure a few times a week, though sometimes like once or more a day, depends really, I try not to do so too often, for various reasons. But honestly it's usually to keep my mind off of suicide... I'm alone, and that's not gonna change, I haven't always been that way, but trust me, that's part of the reason.

I mean, it's hard sometimes, I suffer from clinical depression, and none of the meds I've tried work.

The closest thing to "positive physical contact" I get with other people are occasional hand shakes, yeah, I know, nobody likes a downer, but honestly, sometimes I just need someone to touch me, to make me feel like less of a worthless piece of shit.

Meh, that's life, only time that I'm not in the pits is when I'm so high I can't remember where I am... I figure masturbation helps, cuz it takes my mind off of life for a bit, and the endorphins help me relax a bit, generally the only thing outside of booze and weed that can help me sleep.


Dec 24, 2011
I masturbated for the first time last year at the age of 21, so I guess I've been trying to make up for lost time? I'm not crazy religious or guilt filled, I have no ethical hangups, it just didn't seem to work for me, I guess my manhood is just less sensitive? But anyway, I haven't skipped a day since.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I'm a 25-year old virgin posting on a message board about video games.

Take a guess.

...what am I doing with my life...


New member
Sep 9, 2014
Way too much (once every two days) considering I have a fiance. She likes it when I climax, and it is hard to do consistently after wanking so much when I was single. I really need to stop altogether for her sake.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
marioandsonic said:
I'm a 25-year old virgin posting on a message board about video games.

Take a guess.

...what am I doing with my life...
You could be a 24 year old who's had just enough sex to know what he's missing and be asking people about their solosexual habits on a videogame forum.

think about that for a second.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Why the hell not?

Frequency: usually more than daily. However, I have severe, chronic back problems, and that's a pain that can be exacerbated by "the deed," so sometimes less than weekly. Depends on how bad things get. Also, how busy I am.

I don't need visual aids, usually, but I enjoy them. It's more like seasoning on a meal than a necessary ingredient. My mind is plenty smutty on its own, though, so I don't really need help.

Time? Usually morning or night, but it depends on pain and work loads.

I have done things in a couple of places I shouldn't have, and that's as much as I'll say. I also won't say what I think about.

I think I just killed the libidos of many forumites. Actually, it may be libido genocide.