Poll: If all drugs were legal...


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Hell no. Other than alcohol I don't take any drugs, I'm too worried about what they'd do to my health. However I'm not against legalization, but I don't feel like I have enough knowledge on how effective it would be to make a definitive statement on the matter.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Really, there should be a whole poll option for "marijuana but not anything else" considering alcohol is a harder drug by comparison. It should be legal but just isn't. Other drugs most often have a fair argument against them and I wouldn't do any of that just for kicks.

All that said, pot and gaming effectively don't mix. I don't want to be that burnout playing W+M1 suicide pyro in TF2 that makes me want to kill him.


New member
May 20, 2009
I probably wouldnt because it would be expensive. Illegal drugs are expensive enough as it is but you can garuntee if david cameron had anything to do with it he'd tax the shit out of it and make it more expensive than it already was. I already pay £4 ($6 US) for 10 cigarettes and over £3 ($5) for a drink and you can garuntee at least 50% of that is tax. David camerons answer to binge drinking is simply to make alcohol more expensive which is essentially just a tax on the poor. You can garuntee he would do the same with drugs if they were legal

I know it sounds a bit counter intuitive but drugs should remain illegal. Its not like they are difficult to get a hold of and if youre smart enough you wont get caught doing it


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Cannabis is fine and technically not a drug (technically), a bit of schizophrenia later on if you over use, mild paranoia while under it's effects, but It's better for you than alcohol, and can be really enjoyable (subjectivity is awesome).

Other "hard" drugs, I'll stay far far away from that shit. (I'm a human, so I have a choice, gateway drugs don't exist only poor choices.)
While they do have a bigger, more euphoric high. You also have to contend with all the other shit that comes with it, addiction, "meth face", being a fucking smack head. The list go on.

In terms of legality, the hypocrites are always going to look down on me for being a stoner, but remember alcohol is fine because "its okay to drink your drug" and "ETS PAART OB R TRADISHUN".

I'll stop now, before I go into full on green warrior mode.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
They did a study about the availability of drugs and how it effected drug use.


He was trying to prove that taking or having access to drugs didn't lead to addictions but instead the environment people grew up in and society as a whole.

OT: I don't take drugs anyways, so even if it were legal I still wouldn't.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
As Mitch Hedberg said "I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too."
Had friends who were junkies, if I wanted - I'd just take or buy.
Decriminalization doesn't affect me.

Given my training however, University study, and recent issues with the police in the family over the last year. I wouldn't do anything anyway. All the side-effects and none of the gain? No thanks.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
I'm open to this kind of thing so yes.

I could keep it under control, after all.

Still wouldn't make it any easier to say that to my mum (really against drugs, though she's completely fine with getting wasted on booze).


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I've smoked weed once ( which is legal here ), didn't really see what the big deal was.

Can't say I see why I'd want to use any of the other drugs, the side-effects seem to vastly outweigh whatever high you can get from it.

Staying awake for 50 hours without eating anything and then playing games with lots of particle effects or watching funky anime probably has more or less the same effect and doesn't involve any needs, I freaking hate needles.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
No. I respect the people that don't let drugs take their lives over, and do it safely, but I wouldn't take them personally. I drink occasionaly (about, like.. 3 times in my whole life) but I'd rather stay far, far away from drugs. Oh, and caffeine. Literally all I've ever done.

Really, if pot was legal, it would be great. The only bad thing about it is smoke - which damaged your nervous system, but tobaco does that and much, much more - and has medical uses. So yeah. Yah pot. Just don't hurt anyone or anything in your high.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Definitely not. I have ADHD and have taken just about every kind of ADHD med available on the market (with a doctor's consent). There is no such thing as a mind effecting drug that doesn't have some unwanted and unpleasant consequences, even marijuana. If you take something that effects the mind and, say, you suddenly start having a panic attack due to the medication, you aren't going to get out of that negative effect until the medicine is out of your system. There are some side effects that can keep you from doing work or put you at risk of injury.

Recreational drugs are just a very bad idea that people would do best to put out of their minds. If only they had my experience with these kinds of things they'd know better.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I don't smoke or drink alcohol, even though they're legal.

I wouldn't start using drugs, just because i was allowed to.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Not really. I don't even drink much alcohol because I don't see the "fun" in getting intoxicated (my Psychology Professor says I was born with the fun gene).


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I put "no" but now that I think about it there are some assholes people out there who classify caffeine as a drug so I could already be taking a recreational drug. If actual drugs were made legal though I'd still leave the things alone...can't really afford that AND video games AND food AND rent AND...whatever the Hell else I have to spend money on. I don't even drink or smoke (if you demonize people who do though, I dislike you)


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I might buy some weed once to see what all the fuss is about, technically it would be the second time i tried it, but i didn't really inhale that much the first time to avoid getting completely wasted. I don't really care for the rest, i still need to quit smoking so i don't need even more useless addictions.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Some recreational drugs are already legal. Alcohol, tobacco, and in my state, marijuana.

I drink the occasional bottle of hard cider, and share a bottle of wine with friends when we have social dinners together, but that's about it. The availability and legality of marijuana in my state has yet to induce me to try it. I'm really not interested in putting anything harder, or with potentially longer-term effects, into my system. Given that I already have an occasionally irregular heart beat, cocaine could well kill me. Just not that interested.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
N'aw, both personal morals(I should be strong enough to live with my own body and no other help. People or drugs. Caffeine and alcohol are drugs, by the way.) and because I don't like the idea of my mind being impaired. I have waaaaay too many secrets about myself and others. I don't want to risk ruining my life, or someone elses because I thought I had the right to indulge in selfish pleasure, which I coulda just gotten from games with much MUCH more control. But like a few others have said, you might get a slightly skewed demographic. I would be a very boring friend in college it seems, if I even have people to hang out with. Granted that I break all odds and make it to college.