Poll: [If] England and America just went to war...


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I think the only move Canada should reasonably take is neutrality, but if it came down to it we would probably side with the US. We have a giant border with them and we are rather tied to America economically. Plus I imagine Britain would get beat kind of bad.
Sep 19, 2008
MrJKapowey said:
Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
Being a Brit ofc I am gonna side with britain.

But with it being 2 of the nuclear capable countries that stock icbms im also gonna run as far away from civilization as possible and wait for nuclear winter/to die.
I most heartily agree my fellow British person...

I'd probably bugger off to Italy in any case (my dad is moving there) as we'd get screwed either way: nukes or no nukes. I think that no nukes we could give them a run for their money. Until they actually tried that is...
Its cool already on the phone to the rest of Europe and they cannot stand the idea of America having that big a foothold here... doesn't make it look like they plan to invade Europe does it. with the EU on our side we would have more monies and more troops.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
s0p0g said:
neither; germany cannot afford to wage war against a western country. also, our politicians don't have the balls to do so... wait, our chancellor is female... that eyplains the lack of balls... oh well, however, we have sort of a history regarding wars, and today everyone is just all about being politically correct, so war is a big no-no (it took us almost 9 years to call that thing in afghansitan a war... can you belieeve it)
I didn't think it was a war. I thought that in order for it to be a war you had to be in conflict with a countries government, and with a state of war declared.

Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
MrJKapowey said:
Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
Being a Brit ofc I am gonna side with britain.

But with it being 2 of the nuclear capable countries that stock icbms im also gonna run as far away from civilization as possible and wait for nuclear winter/to die.
I most heartily agree my fellow British person...

I'd probably bugger off to Italy in any case (my dad is moving there) as we'd get screwed either way: nukes or no nukes. I think that no nukes we could give them a run for their money. Until they actually tried that is...
Its cool already on the phone to the rest of Europe and they cannot stand the idea of America having that big a foothold here... doesn't make it look like they plan to invade Europe does it. with the EU on our side we would have more monies and more troops.
And then with them on our side we could go for a UN trade embargo...

Or just flop and fail but on a bigger scale. We would need someone like China or Russia as well in order for us to actually win.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'm American, but I would have to ask one question: Which side winning would prevent the most death and tragedy? Ill side on the side that, if they win, will cause the least damage to peoples lives. Especially if neither side has a moral high ground.
Sep 19, 2008
MrJKapowey said:
s0p0g said:
neither; germany cannot afford to wage war against a western country. also, our politicians don't have the balls to do so... wait, our chancellor is female... that eyplains the lack of balls... oh well, however, we have sort of a history regarding wars, and today everyone is just all about being politically correct, so war is a big no-no (it took us almost 9 years to call that thing in afghansitan a war... can you belieeve it)
I didn't think it was a war. I thought that in order for it to be a war you had to be in conflict with a countries government, and with a state of war declared.

Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
MrJKapowey said:
Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
Being a Brit ofc I am gonna side with britain.

But with it being 2 of the nuclear capable countries that stock icbms im also gonna run as far away from civilization as possible and wait for nuclear winter/to die.
I most heartily agree my fellow British person...

I'd probably bugger off to Italy in any case (my dad is moving there) as we'd get screwed either way: nukes or no nukes. I think that no nukes we could give them a run for their money. Until they actually tried that is...
Its cool already on the phone to the rest of Europe and they cannot stand the idea of America having that big a foothold here... doesn't make it look like they plan to invade Europe does it. with the EU on our side we would have more monies and more troops.
And then with them on our side we could go for a UN trade embargo...

Or just flop and fail but on a bigger scale. We would need someone like China or Russia as well in order for us to actually win.
The eu is the largest economic body on the planet and lets face it russia would so join if america attacked and then you have china sitting there while america is in a war they are so not going to attack are they.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I guess we go against the newcomers, they'ven been hardly there, so no one will remember soon. :p [/european arrogance off]


New member
Oct 31, 2010
moretimethansense said:
I think we would remain neutral, which would be quite a feat as I live in England, it's a British thing.
Or we'd ask them awfully nicely to 'shove off would you.'

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Is Scotland going to be affected in anyway? If not then I'll just sit on my ass watching the 24 hour fireworks show!
Of course you just know that Scotland is going to get dragged into this somehow


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm English. All I would say is, if England threw the first stone then we'd quickly get crushed by America and all the military help they can get. At best, we could try to persuade some third world countries to help us, but more likely than not they'd rather see us fall than survive. If America started the war though for some obscene reason, well, that'd be interesting.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
It's the United Kingdom. England isn't really a country anymore. You can't start a war against England. It's an impossibility.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Me. I don't now. I'am a british and I won't to sorport my country and all. But come on, the US has the biggist air force with some of the most advanced weapons in the would.

what have we got? Buget cut backs everwher even the army.

Besides Not like its ever gone to happen. The midlest east has more oil then the north sea and we got nothing eles they would won't by force and our politicians don't have the balls to attack the US.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
Being Scottish (England =/= Britain) I'd most likely invite Canada down the pub and wait for the whole thing to cool down. As for the fight, we could call it Battle of the Beards.

Hooray for semantics!

Although If I weren't being so needlessly picky, I'd side with England. Your attitude towards sport is annoying, but you guys are alright.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Georgie L said:
one country vs the combined might of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales?
Of course Britain.
You mean the 4 countries that when combined come to just a little bigger than Florida?

Of course I have to pick the UK, the same I as I would if we were against any country. I've already said many times that if we were to ever get invaded my own personal mission would be to send at least one of them home in a wooden box but that's beside the point. We would never attack America, why would we even try? And for America to attack us? Well that would be like someone turning round and attacking the retarded dog which follows them lovingly around whilst drooling.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Seeing as Norway is a part of Nato and the other Nato countries (except USA) is part of the European Union (because of the international trade laws within Europe, even though mot all of the countries are members). I would say that we would join England against America.

America, now without NATO support and an entire continent against them, would undoubtedly lose.
I do realise that America have the biggest army (well they use more money on their army than any other counrty in the world so thats a given), but with the combined forces and the fact that the European soliders are better (per person, not in numbers. Norway currently ranking at nr.1 when it comes to the quality of each individual solider)


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Well America would beat britland pretty hard within the first months then the brits would rely on the inhabited woods above America for help then America would get Germany in it then britland and inhabited woods above America would get wooped fast.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well, considering I'm American I guess I have to side with whatever country I'm currently sitting in.