Poll: If You Fought In The American Civil War, Who Would You Fight For?


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
Unfortunatly I didn't read it but watched it on T.V, the show known as QI, it is a reliabale source though, you'll have to trust me on that one. My recall ability isn't perfect but I think the show said something like; "American prisoners make more than 90% military helmets for pennies an hour" or something like that. They didn't refer to it as actual slavery, but pretty damn close. If you want, PM me and i'll give you a link to the episode that showed it.
The difference between this scenario and slavery is that prisoners have been tried and found guilty by a jury of their peers. They're not always guilty, but it is safe to assume they have violated one or more rules of our shared social contract. They are supposed to be punished. I'm rather firmly of the opinion that prison inmates should be used as much as possible for menial labor, and be paid nothing for it. They're already getting free room and board, there's absolutely no reason to pay them any more.

Slaves on the other hand were born/captured and forced to labor for no reason beyond that someone could make them. They were forced to labor simply because they were born. That's a completely different scenario than prison labor.
Dec 14, 2009
Agayek said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Unfortunatly I didn't read it but watched it on T.V, the show known as QI, it is a reliabale source though, you'll have to trust me on that one. My recall ability isn't perfect but I think the show said something like; "American prisoners make more than 90% military helmets for pennies an hour" or something like that. They didn't refer to it as actual slavery, but pretty damn close. If you want, PM me and i'll give you a link to the episode that showed it.
The difference between this scenario and slavery is that prisoners have been tried and found guilty by a jury of their peers. They're not always guilty, but it is safe to assume they have violated one or more rules of our shared social contract. They are supposed to be punished. I'm rather firmly of the opinion that prison inmates should be used as much as possible for menial labor, and be paid nothing for it. They're already getting free room and board, there's absolutely no reason to pay them any more.

Slaves on the other hand were born/captured and forced to labor for no reason beyond that someone could make them. They were forced to labor simply because they were born. That's a completely different scenario than prison labor.
That's where you're wrong, being in prison is the punishment, they are a danger to society and have been removed from it. Making them work for fear of punishment isn't the point of prison.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
The side that won. I couldn't care less about some other country's politics so I might as well win something, I like winning.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
The British... as a quadruple agent, and destroy your country from the inside out. How dare you leave us.
at the time no-one in britain realy cared all that much, we had way bigger problems with france that forced us to abandon the 13 original american colonies in favour of keeping our sugar plantations in the carribean, which were worth one fuck of a lot more at the time. funny how history comes to bite you in the arse innit realy

and not to piss in your tea but i'll stick with being a good old regular triple agent while i'm helpin out the brits
Dec 14, 2009
Madshaw said:
Daystar Clarion said:
The British... as a quadruple agent, and destroy your country from the inside out. How dare you leave us.
at the time no-one in britain realy cared all that much, we had way bigger problems with france that forced us to abandon the 13 original american colonies in favour of keeping our sugar plantations in the carribean, which were worth one fuck of a lot more at the time. funny how history comes to bite you in the arse innit realy

and not to piss in your tea but i'll stick with being a good old regular triple agent while i'm helpin out the brits
I was just joking, no need to pwn my face with logical factual facts.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
hippykiller said:
I was just wondering which side you good people would fight for. You have the Union fighting for the North. and you have the Confederacy fighting for the South.

I personally would fight for the south. why? well becuase im an Irish Republican and a catholic. and i don't like the idea of a government that forces beliefs and laws on states that don't agree with them. and a whole majority of people who fought for the Union were German anti-Catholic immigrants. but that's just me. so, people of the escapist... Time To Pick Sides!
So...you don't believe in a federal government at all? And forcing SLAVERY on an entire race is hunky dory? Also, I'm fairly certain that the majority of northern soldiers were neither german nor "anti-catholic," whatever the Hell that means. The only place in the world where I can think of anti-catholics dwelling is Ireland.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Agayek said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Unfortunatly I didn't read it but watched it on T.V, the show known as QI, it is a reliabale source though, you'll have to trust me on that one. My recall ability isn't perfect but I think the show said something like; "American prisoners make more than 90% military helmets for pennies an hour" or something like that. They didn't refer to it as actual slavery, but pretty damn close. If you want, PM me and i'll give you a link to the episode that showed it.
The difference between this scenario and slavery is that prisoners have been tried and found guilty by a jury of their peers. They're not always guilty, but it is safe to assume they have violated one or more rules of our shared social contract. They are supposed to be punished. I'm rather firmly of the opinion that prison inmates should be used as much as possible for menial labor, and be paid nothing for it. They're already getting free room and board, there's absolutely no reason to pay them any more.

Slaves on the other hand were born/captured and forced to labor for no reason beyond that someone could make them. They were forced to labor simply because they were born. That's a completely different scenario than prison labor.
That's where you're wrong, being in prison is the punishment, they are a danger to society and have been removed from it. Making them work for fear of punishment isn't the point of prison.
'Scuse me for butting in, gentlemen, but how is offering convicted criminals the chance to earn a bit of cigarette and ding dong money doing super-easy work at all tantamount to slavery? No one cuts off the sex offender's foot if he chooses not to make helmets one day.


New member
Dec 21, 2007
Well, since the war wasn't really *about* slavery (check the history boys and girls), in the early days I'd pick the south.


Robert E. Lee was a far superior general than any of his northern counterparts, the Union's own constitution states that when people feel oppressed they are allowed to break free and (again check the real history) if Britain had joined the war in support of the south then the north would have lost (naval superiority bitches).

Also, the Union committed a lot of war crimes in occupied southern territories. Read up on Sherman's march.

In truth, neither side occupied the moral high ground - but in schools they will teach the easy narrative of 'north = good guys, south = bad guys'.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
The guys who weren't into slavery.
Seriously, that's my stance.

Both sides did pretty nasty things, but it was called "a war" for a reason.
Dec 14, 2009
funguy2121 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Agayek said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Unfortunatly I didn't read it but watched it on T.V, the show known as QI, it is a reliabale source though, you'll have to trust me on that one. My recall ability isn't perfect but I think the show said something like; "American prisoners make more than 90% military helmets for pennies an hour" or something like that. They didn't refer to it as actual slavery, but pretty damn close. If you want, PM me and i'll give you a link to the episode that showed it.
The difference between this scenario and slavery is that prisoners have been tried and found guilty by a jury of their peers. They're not always guilty, but it is safe to assume they have violated one or more rules of our shared social contract. They are supposed to be punished. I'm rather firmly of the opinion that prison inmates should be used as much as possible for menial labor, and be paid nothing for it. They're already getting free room and board, there's absolutely no reason to pay them any more.

Slaves on the other hand were born/captured and forced to labor for no reason beyond that someone could make them. They were forced to labor simply because they were born. That's a completely different scenario than prison labor.
That's where you're wrong, being in prison is the punishment, they are a danger to society and have been removed from it. Making them work for fear of punishment isn't the point of prison.
'Scuse me for butting in, gentlemen, but how is offering convicted criminals the chance to earn a bit of cigarette and ding dong money doing super-easy work at all tantamount to slavery? No one cuts off the sex offender's foot if he chooses not to make helmets one day.
They are not 'offered' they are made to work otherwise they are punished within prison, such as solitary confinement etc.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Icehearted said:
Racism has never exclusively been about the anger of lost labor, I assure you. I fully believe that southerners by and large regarded my people as little more than livestock they could occasionally rape or murder without penalty, unless of course the livestock they chose to rape or murder happened to belong to someone else.
I misplaced a "most" in my post, it's one of the big problems with posting while drunk and having to rewrite it two times. It wasn't just southerners who beleived that, it was pretty much anyone who got slaves from Africa, and more than likely a large portion of the Africans who traded them in the first place. I don't think it had as much to do with race as it did the fact that they were slaves.

If this makes no sense to you, it's because I'm hungover and awake 3 or 4 hours before I like to be on a saturday. And there is the makings of a shitload of snow outside, that I will have to shovel.

BRB hurling.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I wonder if my family now would repeat what happened with my family during the Civil War; one brother fought for the South, the other the North. My brother and I are very close, so who knows.


New member
May 22, 2009
North! I REALLY wanna win!

Or: Great Britain - Invading the silly buggers while they are fighting their own! MUAHAHAHAH!


New member
Jan 19, 2008
I believe that it wasn't simply a case of "good" (abolutionist North) vs. "evil" (pro-slavery South) and there's been plenty of so-called "neo-Confederate", revisionist literature of late to underline this point, including the rather terrible film "Gods And Generals"

But c'mon...seriously? The North.