Poll: If You Fought In The American Civil War, Who Would You Fight For?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
The south, cause I have actually studied US history... wish the same could be said for some Yanks on this site.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
I honestly thought that the OP was trolling...

Either way, something to consider - for every 1 factory _worker_ the South had, the North had 10 _FACTORIES_. There was no way the South ever would have won.

Secondly - the war was for state rights vs. centralized government. In today's information saturated world, and unlimites travel - we really don't need strong localized government. But that's not the point of this thread.

Saying one would fight for the South is the same a hanging a 'rebel' flag (which was just 1 small regiment's colors). It's your 1st Amendment Right to think like *censored*. And one wouldn't have that right if the South had won.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Hmmm well I'm of scandinavian decent and at that time most of them migrated north in the united states. So, North?


New member
Sep 27, 2009
FranzTyphid said:
The west.
y'know just to be difficult.
OT:probably the north because i think they were about abolishing slaves
Lol. Well California and Oregon both fought on the side of the Union, so I guess you are being difficult while supporting the North.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
I would have fought for the Union. I hate exploitation and would have been an abolitionist. Even before slavery became the moral justification behind the continuation of the war for the Union, I would have still fought for them. The society of the Confederacy was a feudalistic society, and the Union a capitalistic one. I am no fan of capitalism, but its certainly better than feudalism.

edit- Really though, slavery was always an issue in the Civil War. It wasn't a direct issue of the war in the beginning, but the issue of slavery was what brought North/South relations to a violent head.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Tjaeden said:
I honestly thought that the OP was trolling...

Either way, something to consider - for every 1 factory _worker_ the South had, the North had 10 _FACTORIES_. There was no way the South ever would have won.
The South was per capita, wealthier than the North. The South was just as capitalist as the North was with the slavery run cotton trade which presented (I forgot what the statistic was) but a large portion of the world's cotton and was plenty capable of funding the war.

Get this. Free blacks. In the South. Were WEALTHIER than their counterparts in the North.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
The problem with the idea of '
hippykiller said:
I was just wondering which side you good people would fight for. You have the Union fighting for the North. and you have the Confederacy fighting for the South.

I personally would fight for the south. why? well becuase im an Irish Republican and a catholic. and i don't like the idea of a government that forces beliefs and laws on states that don't agree with them. and a whole majority of people who fought for the Union were German anti-Catholic immigrants. but that's just me. so, people of the escapist... Time To Pick Sides!
it seems noble to not allow government to infringe on our right to self-determination, but what that actually ends up doing is allowing rich people to infringe on the rights of poor people. between southern states legalizing slavery and some states (like georgia) legalizing the murder of indians (or at least being fine with looking the other way) it gets to a point where government has to step in and tell them that theyre wrong.

if the federal government never got involved, some southern states still would not allow blacks to be in the same schools, swimming pools, diners, and churches as whites. the simple fact is this: the customer (in this case, the individual states) are NOT always right and sometimes the government has to step in.

also, what federal laws have obama forced on the american people? (obviously youre talking about this an not george bush's proposition to allow warentless federal domestic wiretapping) his health care proposals called for a public option, which means youd still be able to go with or stay with the health care insurer that you prefer, hasnt written a word or signed any bills regarding gun control, and has actually said that he's instructed the DEA to get less involved in overriding state laws regarding marijuana.

truth be told, obama has done considerably less to force the federal government on americans than the previous administration.

i have to roll with jon stewart on this...this outrage against bigger government only seems to pop up when there's a democrat in the white house.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
BTW, im dying to know where you found the figures saying that the majority of people who fought for the Union were German anti-Catholic immigrants.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Dragon Zero said:
Well, if I was already in the Army I'd go with the Union however if I was a Civilian I would fight to defend my home in the South. Both sides have their good commanders and bad, while they also have their share of atrocities and morally Gray areas.

BTW if anyone wants to know a good Civil War read, check out Burce Catton's work, especially his Army of the Potomac books (Mr Lincoln's Army, Glory Road, and, the Pulitzer winning, A Stillness At Appomattox)
This makes sense...Robert E Lee was very much against slaverly and was, in fact, courted by both sides to lead their armies. But Lee ended up leading the South to defend his homeland, Virginia.


Old Man Glenn
Feb 13, 2008
Internet Kraken said:
Neither. I don't find the idea of getting my leg amputated to be thrilling. Besides, neither side can really claim to be the good guys.
More or less this. If I was drafted or some such, I'd want to be with the south. Not because I approve of slavery or any such nonsense, but because I support the right of states to secede from the nation.

Ph0t0n1c Ph34r

New member
Feb 25, 2009
Agayek said:
Aby_Z said:
If I had to, North. Slavery is bad etc, etc. I'd more likely just go ahead and make my way to Canada though...
The thing is, though, that slavery wasn't the primary issue of the Civil War.

The Federal Government forcing the states to accept the abolition of slavery was.

Basically, the American Civil War was almost entirely based on the concept of States' rights vs Federal powers. It was kinda silly that there was a war fought over it even, when one considers that there is a clause in the Constitution that allows for the secession of states that feel they've been wronged (I think it's the Constitution anyway; it may be in the Articles of Confederation instead).

On that note, I would fight for the South. But once the Confederate States of America were formed, I would dive into trying to abolish slavery within that new country.
Pretty much this. It would appear I have bean "ninja'd".


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I would fight under


Though in all seriousness I'd vouch for the North. As much as I admire the dear hearts, gentle people and fine cooking you find in the South I've never thought highly of slavery. Besides, would we really want to oppress another race?