Poll: If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
Smell. I didn't even have a real sense of smell for a long time, so... yeah.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I'd have to go with Smision. I hardly ever use that one anyway. Second choice would be my sense of fair play. That's always getting in the way.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
If I had to choose one sense to lose, I think I'd go with the common one. People seem to get by okay without it most of the time.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I voted hearing because I have always dream of absolute silence and believe it could bring true peace to this otherwise chaotic world and let me think straight for once.
I wouldn't want to get rid of smell, why? Because when I made out with my first girl friend the thing I found the most attractive was the smell... is that wrong? hormones prolly but something was just lovely about it and my sense of smell has been pretty good at guiding me towards whats bad and whats good... If I lost my sense of touch I would become WAY to detached from the world and could probably never work up the effort to get of bed. If I lost my sight I couldn't play video games, card games, or read books which are my three favorite past times, if I lost my taste... I would probably lose allot of weight actually and save a nice amount of money cuz then I could just get plain oat meal for most of my meals... I would still get rid of hearing though.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Nouw said:

What the hell does it do except pain-wise?
Without touch, you can't feel your penis/vagina, therefore no orgasms. (I think, anyway)

I'd have to go with taste. While I love tasting things (Chocolate cake, pepsi/coke, cookies, etc) I could go without it. Taste is the least significant for me.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Sadly, I'd have to pick taste. Unless someone is specifically trying to murder me, I'm not about to ingest any poisons that I need to detect with taste, but smell? Gas leaks are not so uncommon that you want to be unable to detect them until you throw up- there's a reason they add scent to otherwise odourless gases.

The others are totally essential. We define most everything in day to day life in visual terms, and touch lets you know when you have applied your hand to a super strong, concentrated acid.

Hearing lets me listen to music and tell certain people to fuck off and let me buy 1$ headphones to listen to youtube soundfiles, I can barely distinguish between audio qualities anyway. And what does it matter to you, anyway? Exactly, go back to your 10000$ sound system.

Sorry, what was the question?

In an aside, Captcha asked me to type the symbol for "Beta". I do not have that key on my keyboard, should I? I mean, you only need to get one word right, but still.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I'd lost my sense of touch- the width of one of my own hairs, on -one- spot in body that will most likely never need to have a sense of touch/pressure that the other areas immediately adjacent of said spot wouldn't be able to sense.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Smell. Definetly. I practically dont have a sense of smell anyway because my nose is perpetually clogged up. I mean, sure there are situations where it would kinda suck to not be able to smell (Gas leak) but loss of any other sense would suck even more.