Poll:Immortality or Invincibility


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Housebroken Lunatic said:
outcast_within said:
invincibility, i'd go shoplifting so bad and no-one could stop me, muahahahahaa
You sure? Just because you're invincible, it doesn't necessarily mean you have super strength as well. So while the security guards might not be able to kill you, they could sure as hell gang up on you and cast you in irons. What good would invincibility do you then? : )
that's imortality.

Invincible > can not be beat. i'd whoop those security guards asses and steal another lolipop muahahahaa


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Redingold said:
It'd be really boring, living forever. Everyone you knew would be dead, and then the Sun would explode and you'd be floating through space for a bazillion years.
solution:when youre extremely bored after like 300 years or so, just kill youreself.
no lonelyness but very long lifespan.

(imagine getting life in prison.)


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Invincibility would be awesome, I would beat the crap out of those jerks that graffiti crap everywhere

Parallel Streaks

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Immortality, I'd learn every type of martial art, read every book in every library in the world, even the shitty little ones like "Cooking Lasagna for Crocodiles", and researched a formula for invulnerability.

Then I would become the President's most trusted adviser, advise him down the wrong path, cause a nuclear war, be evacuated to the fallout shelter beneath the White House, then slowly rebuild society and become its' eternal, forever young dictator.

This is one of my many numerous plans in the event of Super Powers.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Some of us have grandparents who had to use an outhouse. Now we have electric cars and lazers, and showers that give you a tan as you bath. And you're worried about getting bored if you live too long?? Really??! Live a few lifetimes and see how much life changes.
Point: immortality
However, given the current rate of governmental interference, and the leaps we're taking in identity reading (my eyes and fingers were scanned before i could work)changing one's identity to hide the fact that you're 500 years old may become imperceivably difficult. They will find you, detain you for identity fraud, and then you will belong to some governmental lab which will hold you and study you in the interest of "national security" you freak.
Point: invincibility
In my lifetime I have been discusted by the direction of society as a whole and the effect we're having. Things that I was fond of destroyed and replaced with more concrete -more garbage -and more government. Do you Really want to see the planet further destroyed; cultures further disgraced? And people don't evolve, they deteriorate. A person certainly would not evolve -so much for that arguement. And you want to be a historian?? what happened when you were 4? do you remember?? try remembering 50 when you're 1,000!
Point: invincibility
So you want to be a super soldier?? use the government grants for college and whatever pay the army gives?? Is that the sum of your immagination??? How about take a few years to get in top fitness and become a fighting champion a la boxing, wrestling, ultimate fighting.. after a few years of going undefeated, declare yourself undefetable; take your millions in payment, trophies, and Endorsements, build a house on a private mountain; retire with your family and live the remainder of your days in luxurious comfort and adventure.
Point and Mark: INVINCIBILITY!


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Immortality. I would distance myself from people and just observe life. I would become the world's best historian and hopefully, once humans ahieve a level of technological prowes that allows us to travel the stars, I can find my own colony on a peacuful planet with no religious nuts around.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
I do NOT want to be living forever. I barely like the world enough for this lifetime. I'll take invincibility and be a hero.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'll take invincibility. I want to live my life the way I want, without the chances of dieing.

I could rob a bank and get shot, and still live. I could have cancer, and not go through the whole "I'm dieing" depression. I could use my resistance to harm to do lots of things that could benefit both humanity, and myself.

And when it's all said and done, and I am ready to go, I can die in peace, after living a life of high-octane awesomeness.

Immortality is cool and all, but eternal youth won't stop a bullet. It'll just make you look prettier at your funeral..


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Invincibility. Why would I want to watch all my friends and family die as I stay the exact same?


New member
Apr 6, 2008
invincibility. immortality would be cool for a little bit, until you realize that everybody you ever knew or loved would age, and eventually die before you. that would suck royally. with invincibility, i could just do whatever the fuck I wanted, with almost no consequences.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I choose immortality because it has so many more options in the long run.. No doubt in the future if this race lives that long we will invent ways to survive nuclear blasts with a piece of armor or something.. So invincibility is inevitable! + you would be able to travel the world meeting new people seeing the world change with the people.. MY I WONDER WHAT THAT MUST FEEL LIKE!


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Seeing everyone around you die while you lived on would be really quite bizarre and traumatising. Anyone who has read Interview with the Vampire will appreciate how immortality can be quite the curse. Invincibility all the way.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I read somewhere that with out disease and aging the chances of dying (violence and car accident) are about 1 in 1500 a year. So I'd probabaly take immortality work and make a lot of money and invest it, pretty much bide my time for an average lifetime making myself a billonaire, then wonder the world, learn a lot of skills and languages.

Then I'd probably start getting paranoid about dying and live in a massive self sustained mansion on an island and do nothing but swim, screw (I've got floozies) drink, play video games and watch movies.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I'll take immortality. Since I'm not invulnerable and can be killed by conventional means, if the loneliness of eternal life gets me down, suicide is an option.

It'll be weird when my date of birth on my ID gets out of step with how old I appear, though...that'll be a fun one to explain to the authorities.

And if I'm immune to disease/wear and tear, then that will save me a TON of money on health insurance!


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Invincibility, because you could do whatever you wanted for a solid 80 years, as opposed to having an excruciatingly boring extended life in which you are still very limited in your capabilities.

If I was invincible, when someone I hate tells me to go jump of a bridge, I would simply do it and then say "Okay, now you try."

inpachi said:
No doubt in the future if this race lives that long we will invent ways to survive nuclear blasts with a piece of armor or something.. So invincibility is inevitable!
Whenever a mechanism is created to defend against a weapon, a new weapon will be created that can bypass that defence. Then a new defence will have to be created, and so on.

Unstoppable Wall

New member
May 12, 2009
Invincibility surely, as tempting as immortality sounds I would rather not watch every one of my family and friends die of repeatedly. Invincibility on the other hand sounds like it would be remarkably fun...at least to me, I mean if they lock me up to test on me who's to say I can't just, I dunno break out and kill the sonsabitches shooting at me for testing? Give it thought and Invincibility is clearly a much better choice.

Peace,War,Love,Hate,Chaos and Greed
-Unstoppable Wall