Poll: In RPG's what Moral Path will you take? (On your First Playthrough)


New member
Jul 28, 2009
I tend to play 100% good all the time, sometimes even if it isn't my first time playing through the game. I usually feel really guilty about playing evil characters and I pretty much never kill NPCs without a plot device forcing me. The exception was with Oblivion...my friend kept telling me about all the cool things you got to do if you played in the Dark Brotherhood...and for some reason that game even more than Fallout 3 encouraged some dark hidden kleptomania that I did not know I had.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
probably not 100% good but I usualy start with a good char, altho in cult quests I usualy end thoes with "evil" methods


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Chiefmon said:
100% Good: You'll go to hell and back to rescue a little girl, rather than advise her family to pay the ransom i.e. Goodness for Goodness's sake.
This. It's even the wording I would use.

In accordance with my username, I do tend towards neutrality on subsequent playthroughs...but I very rarely go lower than neutral. In a good game, I just don't feel right throwing someone under the bridge for more power or a quick buck. I can enact minor evil for a laugh, but <url=http://www.blogcdn.com/www.massively.com/media/2008/05/phipps.jpg>real, serious evil is not only quite beyond me, I tend to react violently to it.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
I'm the greedy bastard. What ever benefits me the most at the time, that is what I will take. Though right now I'm playing Infamous for the first time, and I'm taking the "Kill the Puppy" route just to change it up


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I tend to play through on Good in part because the Evil path is, as you mentioned, "stupid evil." Sure, the Good path might lead you to be a bit of a bland saint, but I just don't see the logic of NPCs sticking around some puppy-stomping sociopath through the whole story.

Mass Effect is the one exception to this rule. I love playing Renegade. Rather than Puppy-Stomping Sociopath, you are just a Complete Gratuitous Asshole, which I think works within the logic of the story.

Mr Scott

New member
Apr 15, 2008
I like to think of it as more.. pragmatic than neutral. Neutral is such a boring word, and if pragmatists aren't one thing, it's boring... boring boring boring.


Crime-Solving Rank 11 Paladin
Jul 15, 2009
The good side usually gives you the best story payoff, which is one of the main reasons I play RPGs. Plus, the evil path usually ends up being too easy as you can get what you need by killing random people.
Mar 29, 2009
Ugh, I hate answering this.
On my first way through, I just play the game.
What ever seems like a good idea at the time, I do.
Let's use Fallout 3 as an example.
I laid the smack down on Butch, I hated him.
I shot the Overseer, I hated his pompous self (That's right, I heard that comment about me being a snot-nosed brat!)
I saved Megaton, but Lucas got shot. (Took Lucas' Gun)
I went hard-core optional for Moria. (Didn't know about the perk either)
Jacked Moriatry's Terminal for the info.
Killed Silver, took her money.
Saved Harold (always liked him, didn't feel he should die, got some nice armor)
Saved Reilly's Rangers, got awesome armor.
Was nice to ghouls, got nice stuff.
Betrayed Crowley, on accident, I wanted to see where the keys led.
Killed Tenpenny after I let Roy in.
Killed Roy.
Killed everyone in hte Tower EXCEPT Dashwood.
Saved Fawkes, got him later after Raven Rock.
It goes on and on. But, I tried to serve myself in Fallout 3.
What should have been evil choices netted me "Better than Jesus" karma in the end.
I didn't shoot Three dog either.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
I usually go 100% Good on my first playthrough. I can't seem to bring myself to be evil in my first run. It's strange though because I can be a dick in real life quite easily. Maybe there's something wrong with me...*shrugs it off*

When I do my eventual evil playthrough though it provides me more laughs than actual satisfaction, i.e. Mass Effect.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I'm always good the first time around, but I always play those types of games at least twice to go the evil route, or do whatever gets me the trophies.

It's hard for me to be evil lol.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I usually play the good guy and if I have time, go through it again as an evil one.
However, in most games I found the way maybe a different but the main plot is almost always the same and leads to the same final battle / ending.