Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
well it's exposition now, it might be the prologue. Though I doubt it for some reason.

The story so far is when Kessler came back in time to prepare Cole for the Beast he ended up screwing with the Timeline and the Beast woke up way before it should have. So when Cole tried to fight it he ended up getting beat, and with no way to stop it he needs to power up, so he tracks the First Sons (was that what they were called) to this new city, to find out about the Raysphere and how to increase his powers.

Personally? my idea was for Cole to travel around the world, based on if you were good or evil in the last game, he would arrive at a new city and either destroy it to lure out the conduits who are acting as heroes, or he would track them down and help them clean up the city.

If you lured them out for a fight you kill and absorb there powers, if not they teach you the basics of the power and let you learn it for yourself.

at the end of the game, he's either killed all the other Heroes and preparing himself to kill and absorb the powers of the Beast. If he's good he's essentially assembled a team of heroes and made himself super powerful. ready to defend against the Beast.

I mean it makes sense that around the world there would be other Conduits, And I'll admit that I'm getting a bit of "Sly 3" vibes from it.
So I just want to know where you got all this plot information from.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
TheAmazingTGIF said:
SpaceMedarotterX said:
well it's exposition now, it might be the prologue. Though I doubt it for some reason.

The story so far is when Kessler came back in time to prepare Cole for the Beast he ended up screwing with the Timeline and the Beast woke up way before it should have. So when Cole tried to fight it he ended up getting beat, and with no way to stop it he needs to power up, so he tracks the First Sons (was that what they were called) to this new city, to find out about the Raysphere and how to increase his powers.

Personally? my idea was for Cole to travel around the world, based on if you were good or evil in the last game, he would arrive at a new city and either destroy it to lure out the conduits who are acting as heroes, or he would track them down and help them clean up the city.

If you lured them out for a fight you kill and absorb there powers, if not they teach you the basics of the power and let you learn it for yourself.

at the end of the game, he's either killed all the other Heroes and preparing himself to kill and absorb the powers of the Beast. If he's good he's essentially assembled a team of heroes and made himself super powerful. ready to defend against the Beast.

I mean it makes sense that around the world there would be other Conduits, And I'll admit that I'm getting a bit of "Sly 3" vibes from it.
So I just want to know where you got all this plot information from.
Only the bolded is plot information, the rest is what I wanted. As for where I got it from


Although I may have mistaken COLE getting beaten up by the beast and Empire City being destroyed to just the City being trashed. Though it doesn't make sense for him to go "Oh shit I need more power" if he didn't try fighting him at least once.


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
TheAmazingTGIF said:
SpaceMedarotterX said:
well it's exposition now, it might be the prologue. Though I doubt it for some reason.

The story so far is when Kessler came back in time to prepare Cole for the Beast he ended up screwing with the Timeline and the Beast woke up way before it should have. So when Cole tried to fight it he ended up getting beat, and with no way to stop it he needs to power up, so he tracks the First Sons (was that what they were called) to this new city, to find out about the Raysphere and how to increase his powers.

Personally? my idea was for Cole to travel around the world, based on if you were good or evil in the last game, he would arrive at a new city and either destroy it to lure out the conduits who are acting as heroes, or he would track them down and help them clean up the city.

If you lured them out for a fight you kill and absorb there powers, if not they teach you the basics of the power and let you learn it for yourself.

at the end of the game, he's either killed all the other Heroes and preparing himself to kill and absorb the powers of the Beast. If he's good he's essentially assembled a team of heroes and made himself super powerful. ready to defend against the Beast.

I mean it makes sense that around the world there would be other Conduits, And I'll admit that I'm getting a bit of "Sly 3" vibes from it.
So I just want to know where you got all this plot information from.
Only the bolded is plot information, the rest is what I wanted. As for where I got it from


Although I may have mistaken COLE getting beaten up by the beast and Empire City being destroyed to just the City being trashed. Though it doesn't make sense for him to go "Oh shit I need more power" if he didn't try fighting him at least once.
Thanks, I just wanted to know where this came from. It was assumed the Cole would fight the Beast at one point, but I hadn't read any of that yet.

From that article I completely agree with the writer: he looks a lot more like Nathan Drake than Cole from 1.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Ya know from what I watched in the trailer how do we even know "New Cole" is in fact "Cole" at all? They never said he was, and I didn't see anything to imply he was, in fact all I see is evidence to the contrary. Maybe I missed something but it stands to reason the bomb that gave Cole his powers could give other people powers too.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Celtic_Kerr said:
4. The ending of #1 also becomes a tad ruined with this. If you were evil, you made Empire city into a haven for the power, a playground fro the malevolent and you stod over them all as the most powerful. You were a supreme being of evil. If you chose good, then you had discovered your call was to protect the citizens of Empire city. So now he's off somewhere else finding his calling? I agree, it's a tad off for me.

I just hope they have a good story line to back it all up
reason he is out of Empire city is becuase now Empire city is destroyed. I read in GameInformer (the one that announce the game) that the story is that Kesseler hoped that Cole would have a while before the beast came but he ending up coming way way eariler then they expected before Cole was strong enough and so Cole had to escape the city.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
TheAmazingTGIF said:
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?

I love Infamous, but im sad about the changes they implemented with Cole. I think Sucker Punch is hanging out a bit too much with Naughty Dog, because the game is looking dangerously similar to Uncharted 2 in terms of the "cinematic" feel. Notice the helicopter chase in the gameplay video, the camera angle etc.

Not that theres anything wrong with looking like Uncharted, but i want to play Infamous really. Also, Cole is looking a lot like Drake and i don't think it fits with his persona.
If Cole turns out a joke cracking jackass, i don't know if i can take it.

And Ice powers? Give me some sort of magnetic powers or telekinesis, it goes along better with lightning powers. Despite this, i think the game will be great.


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
R said:
TheAmazingTGIF said:
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?

I love Infamous, but im sad about the changes they implemented with Cole. I think Sucker Punch is hanging out a bit too much with Naughty Dog, because the game is looking dangerously similar to Uncharted 2 in terms of the "cinematic" feel. Notice the helicopter chase in the gameplay video, the camera angle etc.

Not that theres anything wrong with looking like Uncharted, but i want to play Infamous really. Also, Cole is looking a lot like Drake and i don't think it fits with his persona.
If Cole turns out a joke cracking jackass, i don't know if i can take it.

And Ice powers? Give me some sort of magnetic powers or telekinesis, it goes along better with lightning powers. Despite this, i think the game will be great.
You have said something the things that I fear and yet forgot the mention. Thank you person who can apparently read my thoughts.
I don't know how they would work in the ice powers, I agree that it doesn't compliment the lightning. Super Speed might be interesting, or teleportation (but those might be hard to implement).


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
HijiriOni said:
Ya know from what I watched in the trailer how do we even know "New Cole" is in fact "Cole" at all? They never said he was, and I didn't see anything to imply he was, in fact all I see is evidence to the contrary. Maybe I missed something but it stands to reason the bomb that gave Cole his powers could give other people powers too.
What the hell would be the point of inFamous 1 if they would go to a new protagonist in 2. It would make more sense if the ending to 1 was not so obviously: well now that that is over with here is the set-up for 2.
Why it is still Cole:
Zeke is back (1) with a guy named Cole(2), who has lightning powers(3), does some of the same things as 1 (4), and is there one good reason why they would craft an entirely NEW character? It would be like replacing Han Solo with Dash Rendar in Empire. What the hell would be the point?

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
I somewhat agree with the OP (heh, that rhymes if you say it aloud...)
I absolutly loved inFamous... inFact... I think I'll go play it when I'm done on the PC.
But I really don't like new Cole... For the same reasons Op mentioned, basically hes just not as cool (Just my opinion).
But the other problem with the character change is that he eventually must become Keesler, I feel that Kessler was somewhat similar to original Cole, being bald and having a similarly grizzly voice. Are they going to change what he looks like when cole eventually becomes him, or will they do like prince of persia did and take back the original voice actor in the third game, I hope so.
And in response to the OPs last point... inFamous wasn't nessecarily preparing you for 2, just preparing you for things to come... 2 may not nessecarily be dealing with the ending of 1, and it doesnt look like it is... instead it could just be another set of unrelated adventures where Cole develops his powers further.

As you can probably tell, I'm a bit iffy on the subject... I only recently picked up inFamous 2nd hand at a reduced price... I'll probably wait just as long for the sequel if I ever plan to get it...

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/07/03/video-infamous-2-gameplay-now-with-more-cyclones/ Here's the new gameplay, see it plays just like the old game but faster... and with cyclones.
Woah... I like the look of that... Those slow-motion fight scenes look like they could get boring after seeing them hundreds of times... but if Fallout 3 thought me anything, seeing enimies getting killed in awesome slow motion never gets old... And I like how the electricity interacts with the environment more than in the original.

But I'm still not too fond of 'new' Cole...
But now that I really think about it... It was the other characters I really got attached to in inFamous...

A solution to that problem would be to have a playable character skin of original Cole for anyone with original inFamous data on the HDD.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Use of "Douche" to describe a voice or look rather than character traits shows not only immaturity on your part but also a stereotypical outlook on life.
"Douche" is a shortcut. If you want me to spell out why a low-cut v-neck, jewelry, and pathetic tattoos make this guy a douche, you're shit out of luck.

It's sort of funny to accuse me a stereotypical outlook on life when the new Cole was clearly designed through some combination of focus testing and groupthink. Is there anything wrong with him specifically? No. The world needs its Nathan Drakes, too, I suppose. But this isn't the first in a series. This is a sequel to an existing property with a protagonist that differs almost 100% from the first iteration in tone and style, and the change was made with clear aim to broaden appeal. If you don't understand why continually broadening the appeal of something is bad, I guess you're at home with 90% of movies, books, and games.

'Hey look guys I'm calling people lemmings, am I hip yet tell me i'm hip!'
And you said "everyone and there [your mistakes there, both in spelling and number] mother". You shouldn't mock someone for using imagery or cliched speech when you started it.

A traditional badass, I thought you said variety.
We live in a post-Nathan Drake world. The ideal protagonist, in films and games today, is the smooth talking, ever-witty male model. A traditional badass is no longer the norm, so the original Cole did represent variety. I used "variety" and "traditional" intentionally. I think about my word use, so a contrast of that nature actually says something.

I live in australia, nobody looks like Cole down here, I don't know where you live and what you put up with.
Oh. Everything makes sense now.

See, every jackass in the United States tries to look and sound like new Cole. That's WHY they're changing him - to appeal to more of the designer crowd. Because I live here and have to put up with these idiots all the time, this change annoys me. The old Cole was a breath of fresh air next to the cultural ideal propagated by our commercials, films, and games.

Anyways, there's really no denying the new Cole is completely different from the old one. I take aesthetics and design choices pretty seriously, so it offends me to see such radical change to a fairly unique character for the sole purpose of pushing sales.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
Spacefly said:
I somewhat agree with the OP (heh, that rhymes if you say it aloud...)
But the other problem with the character change is that he eventually must become Keesler, I feel that Kessler was somewhat similar to original Cole, being bald and having a similarly grizzly voice. Are they going to change what he looks like when cole eventually becomes him, or will they do like prince of persia did and take back the original voice actor in the third game, I hope so.
In Kessler's timeline, the events of inFamous never happened. Since they did happen in Cole's timeline, his future was changed, therefor he doesn't necessarily have to become the bald, grizzly Kessler. In fact, it would make sense for Cole to take steps to avoid becoming Kessler after what he went through.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Durendarte said:
Spacefly said:
I somewhat agree with the OP (heh, that rhymes if you say it aloud...)
But the other problem with the character change is that he eventually must become Keesler, I feel that Kessler was somewhat similar to original Cole, being bald and having a similarly grizzly voice. Are they going to change what he looks like when cole eventually becomes him, or will they do like prince of persia did and take back the original voice actor in the third game, I hope so.
In Kessler's timeline, the events of inFamous never happened. Since they did happen in Cole's timeline, his future was changed, therefor he doesn't necessarily have to become the bald, grizzly Kessler. In fact, it would make sense for Cole to take steps to avoid becoming Kessler after what he went through.
Although you might have a point there, i still believe that changing the character, for whatever reason (just hope it isn't for the sake of larger audience appeal) is a let down giving the painfull endeavour Cole went thru in iNfamous. Is development as a character is consistent with a darker, more mature presence wich i can't seem to find in the new Cole, as far as we where shown. The new backstreet boy look has no appeal for me, and i find harder to relate to him.

Still, he have only seen 3 minutes of in-game footage and screens, and Sucker Punch is a great studio, im sure they will not disapoint us. Lets have some faith :)

To me, iNfamous remains the best or second best (Arkham Asylum maybe) superhero game ever made.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
TheAmazingTGIF said:
R said:
TheAmazingTGIF said:
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?

I love Infamous, but im sad about the changes they implemented with Cole. I think Sucker Punch is hanging out a bit too much with Naughty Dog, because the game is looking dangerously similar to Uncharted 2 in terms of the "cinematic" feel. Notice the helicopter chase in the gameplay video, the camera angle etc.

Not that theres anything wrong with looking like Uncharted, but i want to play Infamous really. Also, Cole is looking a lot like Drake and i don't think it fits with his persona.
If Cole turns out a joke cracking jackass, i don't know if i can take it.

And Ice powers? Give me some sort of magnetic powers or telekinesis, it goes along better with lightning powers. Despite this, i think the game will be great.
You have said something the things that I fear and yet forgot the mention. Thank you person who can apparently read my thoughts.
I don't know how they would work in the ice powers, I agree that it doesn't compliment the lightning. Super Speed might be interesting, or teleportation (but those might be hard to implement).
My ability to read minds is legendary and something to be feared :p

Super speed and teleportation, sounds good and i don't see how it would be hard to implement (although it would probablly mean some tweeking in the enemy design and combat). Maybe we will be pleasently surprised, we never know :)


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
FieryTrainwreck said:
but that could still be setrotyping becuase you are basing his attitude on looks, I have met people who are goth looking and are very nice people. You are assuming that no matter the look he is going to be a douche. He may have a new voice (one that when I relistened to it, I kinda like it.) and a new look, doesn't suddenly mean his attutide will change, when I change my clothes and get a haircut do I suddenly change my personality?

Mr. Grey

I changed my face, ya like it?
Aug 31, 2009
I am disappointed with their choice of voice actor... as for changing his appearance, Cole could be doing that to hide or something to that effect. Now back to the voice actor, he sounds too damned whiny and nothing at all like the Clint Eastwood voice from before which was perfect for the situation. Then they take that away and implement this voice which sounds... awkward in such a situation.

This new guy sounds more like... that guy. That guy in the horror movies who is the first to go because he was already getting on everyone else's nerves in the first twenty minutes by being sarcastic all the damned time. That guy who never gets the girl because he's too much of an idiot and is too busy fixing up his hair to see what she really needs and the main character swoops in and sweeps her off her feet from him. That guy that gets his ass handed to him on a silver platter in every high school movie ever. That guy who is Shooter McGavin - the antagonist - in Happy Gilmore, who says the most stupid shit that even Adam Sandler can own him with a retort. These are not the things Cole was in the first inFAMOUS - save for possibly not getting the girl, but he'd never be fixing up his hair in every mirror - but now suddenly he sounds like he is.

This is why I dislike the new voice actor, but it's not the worst thing ever. Just... not a very smart decision. Maybe a smart business decision, but whoever said business was about being smart?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look. Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.

As for why he's still growing stronger? the Beast came at a different time since Kessler fucked with the time stream, he's still not ready. He tried to fight it and it destroyed him. They've already said that a million times.

Melee combat is good, especially since YOU KEEP ALL YOUR OLD POWERS he's already a master at ranged combat, now he needs new moves, there's only so many variations on "Lightning Gun" you can have.

And finally before anyone brings it up "How did lightning turn into ice" it didn't and your an idiot. That's NOT how the Conduits work, Conduits don't gain lightning powers they gain powers period, Cole was ALWAYS going to mutate into a conduit that's the only reason the Raysphere worked on him, he still has further mutations to go under, and not necissarily the same ones as Kessler because again, Kessler fucked with the time stream and the Raysphere forced his mutation early. Stop bitching about the fucking ice powers, and just incase you missed the forward this is me saying this early.

So in summary.

1. The story makes sense because The Beast arrived early than it was supposed to, Hence Cole has had to leave Empire City, hence he's in an unknown enviroment where people are intent on killing him.
2. The powers make sense because in the 1st game he essentially mastered all the use of ranged electric combat, we've only seen ONE melee power so far and TWO Ranged ones, the cyclone and the ice. Also given how conduits worked (as in you actually listened to the dead drops instead of ignoring them) Cole's powers should only get stronger.
3. Cole still has the same body type he had in inFamous, he just let his hair grow out a bit and the different graphics engine makes him look different but as for body archetype, skin and hair colour, he looks exactly the same. If your complaining about a new outfit for a much hotter location than Empire City, and the fact that he decided not to shave his head anymore, there is the door.
4. His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.

Of course (before someone has a cry) these are just my opinions (And some factoids) so take that for what it is.
I have to give props to you dude, have some internets.

Anyway, I personally don't care much about Cole's new look, that is fine to me. The gameplay looks fantastic, especially the new elctro-wall-run thingy, that was sooWEEEET.

But I do admit that the voice was a bit much. I mean, in the original, as gravely as it sounded, it's a bit much to all of a sudden change it to what it is now. At least have the voice actor gargle some nails for a bit just to gruff it up. That's my only real complaint.


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
R said:
TheAmazingTGIF said:
R said:
TheAmazingTGIF said:
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?

I love Infamous, but im sad about the changes they implemented with Cole. I think Sucker Punch is hanging out a bit too much with Naughty Dog, because the game is looking dangerously similar to Uncharted 2 in terms of the "cinematic" feel. Notice the helicopter chase in the gameplay video, the camera angle etc.

Not that theres anything wrong with looking like Uncharted, but i want to play Infamous really. Also, Cole is looking a lot like Drake and i don't think it fits with his persona.
If Cole turns out a joke cracking jackass, i don't know if i can take it.

And Ice powers? Give me some sort of magnetic powers or telekinesis, it goes along better with lightning powers. Despite this, i think the game will be great.
You have said something the things that I fear and yet forgot the mention. Thank you person who can apparently read my thoughts.
I don't know how they would work in the ice powers, I agree that it doesn't compliment the lightning. Super Speed might be interesting, or teleportation (but those might be hard to implement).
My ability to read minds is legendary and something to be feared :p

Super speed and teleportation, sounds good and i don't see how it would be hard to implement (although it would probablly mean some tweeking in the enemy design and combat). Maybe we will be pleasently surprised, we never know :)
One can only hope...