Poll: KotOR vs Mass Effect


New member
Aug 10, 2009
You wanna know what would be awesome? KOTOR and Mass Effect in a box set!! Not much unity between them, but who cares. They're both great games. ^_^ I'd buy it.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
NoMoreSanity said:
Darrkon Fearlock said:
I didn't care for the sequel, it was longer which was what I wanted, but the story lacked. The first was much better.

Edit: Also don't make me pick, it's like asking which of my vital organs I need the most to live.
I think I'm one of the few to actually like II more. The characters were much more well-established, HK somehow got even cooler, and the stories darker tone was done wonderfully.
I am, too a bigger fan of KotOR II, but not because of the characters, and fighting I'm simply a bigger fan of the blurred line between the Dark and Light side, for example at Cidatel Station, Czerka is obviously right in their feud with the Ithorians, but they also have connections with the Exchange and are overflowing with mercenaries, so that makes them the bad guys, sorta, whilst the Ithorians are peaceful, and care about nature, but do you know what else they care about? Spending the collapsing Republic's credits. But they want us to focus on the peaceful stuff. So, there you have choice, are you going to risk the Republic's wellbeing in order to help the Ithorians, or are you going to help Czerka, even though thousands of people will lose their soon-to-be-built homes, it will be better overall.

OT: I'll choose KotOR simply because I'm a Star Wars fan.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Well. I'm going to agree with some of the other guys on here and say NWN.

KotOR 2 was fun as hell, I played through that game literally a good six or seven times. However, it is very limited by it's linear nature, really not as open-ended of a game as Deus-Ex or STALKER or your Fallouts and Elder Scrolls games.

Mass Effect I write off altogether, never ever buy a game published by EA, because their DRM is ridiculous and full of shite. Install the game three times before you can never play it again! A cloud is overhead and the internet is out? Your game doesn't work!

Plus add to that the fact that the devs asked for another six months to polish the game and get the kinks out, a request that was practically laughed out of the EA offices, and you end up with a half finished game that barely lets you play it.

That's my rant for the day.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Oh God, Mass Effect a thousand times. I got it last week, and I'm on my third playthrough. I mean, don't get me wrong, KotOR was an immense game and I loved it (apart from Taris, which was just unpleasant and a little repetitive repetitive repetitive) but Mass Effect is just KotOR +1, if you see what I mean. The Galaxy is bigger, the characters are deeper, the support NPCs don't get in your ear every five fucking minutes, and let's not forget the combat.

Anyway, buy Mass Effect. It's what, £10 preowned, with the first DLC.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
gdfhgfh73 said:
Both games are mediocre, average, and overall OVERRATED!!!
Dude, do you actually enjoy having people hate you? You need some serious help, you know that. Now stop trolling. It's stupid and highly undignified.

Gill Kaiser

New member
Sep 3, 2008
First of all, the games do not use the same engine at all. That's a pretty ridiculous claim. Mass Effect uses the Unreal Engine 3, the same engine that powers Bioshock, Arkham Asylum and Gears of War. KotOR used the Odyssey engine, a modified version of the engine that was used for NWN1.

Secondly, Mass Effect is not just KotOR updated for the next generation, just because they are made by the same developer and are both Sci-Fi RPGs. The gameplay in combat is not the same, since KotOR uses a variant of the D&D 3e ruleset and is therefore a hybrid of turn-based and real-time combat based upon dice rolls, whereas Mass Effect is a 3rd-person shooter with skills merely affecting damage and accuracy, a bit like the system that was in Deus Ex. The gameplay out of combat, such as the questing and the openness of the world (i.e the freedom given to the player) is somewhat similar, but it's been the same in nearly all of Bioware's RPGs since the venerable days of Baldur's Gate. You might as well say that Mass Effect is an "updated form of Baldur's Gate" just because they're both RPGs in which you talk to people and travel around multiple quest hubs, but we all know that would be ludicrous and would require ignoring the myriad differences in gameplay styles.

Finally, Mass Effect's feel is different to KotOR's. Mass Effect was designed to feel more like an interactive blockbuster movie, since you do not choose Shepard's exact responses but merely point him/her in the direction you wish to take the conversation. KotOR is clearly much closer in style to the old Bioware RPGs such as Baldur's Gate series, but especially NWN.

I would suggest getting both, since both are classics in their own right. They're really not as similar as you seem to think they are. Anyway, all Bioware games deserve to be played, and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you disagree.


Gullible Dolt
Nov 20, 2007
mass effect I like the realtime combat and lack of gibberish alien speak.
mass effect is less a choice between good or evil and more an acculimation of both.
also I hated the starforge level when the game throws all those enemies at you.


New member
Jul 1, 2009

Mass Effect had a larger universe, third person action combat, a vehicle that didn't respond that well and is overall pretty fun.

KOTOR on the other hand had smooth turn-based battle, a limited number of worlds to visit but they all had something fun on it, a levelling and customization system that leaves Mass Effect's in the dust, more side-character exposition, and (if you're into that sort of thing) Jedis and lightsabres and other Star Wars things.

Also, I'd go for KOTOR1 over KOTOR2


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Both games are excellent and rank highly on my list of favorite games ever. BioWare certainly knows how to make an RPG. I give the advantage in this one to Mass Effect, though. Here's why:

If you've never played KOTOR you won't be playing it with nostalgia goggles in place. It still looks good to me, but screens I've shown to people used to cutting-edge graphics gape at it. Personally, I think it looks better than a few recent titles that'll go unmentioned, but there is a downgrade there. If you don't care, good. But if you're unwilling to overlook the limitations of the previous system, you'll probably be disappointed.

I'm also a bigger fan of the story in ME than in KOTOR. Probably because I favor original works over continuations of an old series. Don't get me wrong, KOTOR completely rebooted Star Wars for me. But I was still much happier delving into a new world than setting foot in one that--let's all be honest here--has been a bit disappointing in the past decade. Granted, the BioWare team is much better than George Lucas at writing a gripping yarn and believable character interactions, but they were still working with somebody else's 'verse. Mass Effect was entirely their own creation, they had complete freedom, and the story/characters are compelling and unique.

You also need to consider the continuation of both stories. KOTOR II--being farmed out to Obsidian--disappointed many people, myself included. You're better off just playing the original. But the Mass Effect sequel looks pretty killer, especially considering you can import your saves and continue as the exact same character. This isn't a skin deep transfer. It looks like every choice you make will carry over, including those you thought inconsequential at the time.

Personally, I've spent more time in ME than I did in KOTOR. I'm huge fans of them both, but ME has held my attention longer and continues to deliver every time I play it.