Poll: Mass Effect - post ME3

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Magenera said:
I thought they said that the ME universe wasn't over, and that they could look at other areas of the Mass Effect Universe.
Oh they did they made 2 prequal novels and 1 just after the end of mass effect 2
they were all made by the lead writer but sorry i forget his name the first shows CPT. anderson when he was targeted as a potential canidate for the specters all you fans should now this if you payed any attetion to the story it says why he failed and how saren learned of the reapers


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
voetballeeuw said:
I'd like to see a sort of DA:O but Mass Effect game. We get to choose an alien race, and we go for a nice romp through space. Should be quite entertaining.
Idea spawning... Medievally or so themed like DA:O but anchored to an ME race before space age, such as the Salarians maybe. You could play the story of the Silent Step, who defeated a nation with a single shot, or the Ever Alert who kept armies at bay with hidden traps.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Chapel1185 said:
After ME3, they should drop Shepard, and make a game similar to Dragon Age: Origins, imo. They could have 4 different origins(Human, Turian, Asarii, and Krogan). Either that, or a game about the First Contact War.
What about Quarians and Krogan?


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Dr. Paine said:
Shepard's story should end in 3, but I would absolutely adore more books, especially books focused on the different races and history. Like... asari finding the Citadel, the hanar saving the drell, quarians and the geth uprising, turians and the Unifaction War..
Agreed. But I think they should carry on with a new protagonist. There's always threats to galactic peace. Personally, I'd like to play a Krogan or an Asari. But I beg of you, for the love of all that's holy, no MMO. I'm starting to feel like I'm in the minority of people who don't give a rip about multiplayer outside of co-op.

And I'm Canadian so maybe I'm biased towards Bioware. I think they are tops


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I would really hate to see the ME franchise and universe to disappear after the 3rd game. I actually wouldn't mind if they shed the rpg element and went in a different direction with some spin-offs (quality spinoff's... not Urdnot Kart Racing >_>). Maybe something from a turian perspective or a space-combat kinda thing. Hell, a descent: freespace clone in the ME universe would be fantastic.

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
I think Mass effect has the most realistic and well thought out universes in the history of Sci-fi, so any game which explores the franchise would be great.

BTW I disagree with your "learn from star wars" option.

Fair enough the prequels aren?t everybody?s cup of tea and nowhere near as good as the first 3, and that other cgi "film" had me hitting myself with a hammer to dumb myself down enough to be able to watch it. However the expanded universe of star wars are brilliant. Some of the books are ok, and the games were great. KoToR is still my favourite game ever because the immersive universe has yet to be bested by another game(though ME comes close. Battle front 1 & 2 were, such fun games which i played for days and days with my dad and friends. republic commando, rouge squadron and Jedi academy(which has the best light sabre combat ever) are proof that good games can be made in the same universe as there franchise players. I have empire at war minimized as I type now.

If only some half decent star wars games were avalibul on a current gen console ( TFU * Pukes*)
Nov 28, 2010
Much as I'd love to stay with my FemShep forever it's probably time to retire her after ME3. It'd be stupid to push the story beyond it's comfortable end (assuming it 'ends' as such in the third one) but I'm more than receptive to the idea of exploring the rest of the ME universe.

I don't particularly care what form this comes in either, so long as we get to see more of what has so far been displayed as a very detailed, expansive setting.

Glad to see the captcha backs me up: "this Forsho"


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Didn't Bioware already open a new studio (Bioware Montreal)with the mandate "more mass effect, without Shepard", so we kinda already know where they're going...


New member
Jan 16, 2010
I would like to see a prequel about the First Contact War, Krogan Rebellions, or Rachni Wars. Or maybe a Prothean prequel! I'm pretty sure Shepard will either die or retire by ME3 (of course he can die in ME2...).


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Rather than continuing with a Shepard story, why not something completely different.

And I don't mean another race or character. How about instead of a single ship with a 3 man strike-team to deal with, have that premise at the beginning of the game, but then as you progress past the start you eventually gain the ability to command larger troop formations and fleet formations. As you move through the ranks of...I don't know... a newly formed Citadel peacekeeping forces your role would become lest FPS-ish and more general tactician.

Eventually by the end of the 3rd game (yes plan it as a 3 game series) you become a Marshal of the Citadel Peacekeepers, giving you control of battalions and fleets.

Something akin to Star Wars: Empire at War



New member
Jan 27, 2011
Mekado said:
Didn't Bioware already open a new studio (Bioware Montreal)with the mandate "more mass effect, without Shepard", so we kinda already know where they're going...
You wouldn't happen to have a link for that would you?

Just curious.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I chose the second, most popular option. I like Shepard very much, but feel that a trilogy all to himself is more than enough for one character. It's a rich game world and deserves to be viewed from different perfectives.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
sleeky01 said:
Mekado said:
Didn't Bioware already open a new studio (Bioware Montreal)with the mandate "more mass effect, without Shepard", so we kinda already know where they're going...
You wouldn't happen to have a link for that would you?

Just curious.
A couple, here's a joystiq article from last year for the senior level designer

Here's a capture of the EA jobs listing last year, clearly indicating Multiplayer programmers for mass effect.

And here's one from the escapist for good measure :)

Edit: oh, and here's a current job offer for Animation director at Bioware Montreal for the mass effect franchise.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I'm imagining a Spectre game post-first contact war where you enter in George R.R Martin style intrigue, assassination and hardcore bonking. But you know i probably read too much...


New member
Nov 20, 2010
for mass effect 3 have a quarian being tested for spectres (after the reaper war they are allowed on the citidal? (yes i think they should expand the universe talk about him maybe meet an grey old version of him/she (useing the save files) or have some one at the same time as shepard)


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
RatRace123 said:
voetballeeuw said:
I'd like to see a sort of DA:O but Mass Effect game. We get to choose an alien race, and we go for a nice romp through space. Should be quite entertaining.
This, let's play as a different character of any race (OK probably not any race, maybe just sticking with the council races, Quarians and Krogan probably, oh and Drell, I'm sure a few people would want to be a Drell).

There are other stories outside of Shepard's and hey we've only seen 4 spectres throughout the two games (including Shepard) let's play as another one of them. Political intrigue and assassinations, you could totally work a good game out of that.
You forgot Hanar. I want a ME game where I play as Blasto. That is all.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I'm really way too invested in this game, I frown every time someone calls Shepard 'he' or 'him', since mine is female. :p

So yeah, I'd definitely would like ME3 to be Shepard's final act.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
From what I've heard, ME3 will be the end of Shepard's story. Which will be nice, no need to drag out a story longer than it needs to be. I've also heard that Bioware plans on making more games within the Me universe which also sounds promising. More RPG would always be welcome as Bioware seems to deliver with those types of games, but it does open the floor to other genres as well. And FPS seems obvious, although I don't know how interesting that would be, but someone else mentioned a RTS (or a strategy game in general) and I have to say I like the idea. Flesh out the military forces of each race a bit (beyond foot soldiers and battle mechs) and you could have several different distinct sides to play as.