Poll: Mother punishes adopted child by forcing him to drink hot sauce


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I see nothing wrong with this punishment. How does this differ from washing the kid's mouth out with soap for swearing? (A perfectly valid punishment)


New member
Jan 31, 2011
If 'torturing' prisoners for information with truth serum, or warping their perception of reality with psychotropic drugs, cosplay and props is evil, then how is punishing a child with a painful chemical any less so?

Some twits may argue that the chemical did no real lasting damage to the child, but just as with chemical interrogation/torture, it is not the physical damage we need to be concerned over, but the mental damage the incident leaves behind, which will never truly heal.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Well... considering who I am, I want to punch the woman. Such is like torture to a child.

But then again, I oppose all forms of punishment that physically harms a child so... you all may disagree.

Though, it would be nice if we knew what he did.

Holy Shit, I just finished watching the videos. I want to beat the shit out of that woman, put fire in her mouth and throw her into a vat of liquid nitrogen. Why the hell does she still have custody? Take him far away from her. NO child deserves that treatment. EVER. People say I'M a danger to children? LOOK AT THAT. THAT IS HORRIBLE. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT. He'd be better off in my care, damn.
The hell is wrong with that woman? She needs a trip to prison ASAP. There is punishing a child......then there is that. Kids do have rights. I'd take away her daughter, too.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
jackpipsam said:
it's set up, how did they get a camera in there overwise?
something seems a little off to me too. like a fake dragon created so the townspeople will pay knight to slay it. I suspect Dr Phil is creating business for himself.

if its not fake, then I'm between the first and second pole options. The first is too extreme, the second is to mild imo


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Someone uses an unconventional form of physical torture to punish her child? Yeah, that's a crime, and child services need to be called

Chibz said:
I see nothing wrong with this punishment. How does this differ from washing the kid's mouth out with soap for swearing? (A perfectly valid punishment)
How is that a valid punishment?

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
stinkychops said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
While the child probably did deserve some sort of punishment, this was stepping over the line of acceptability. I don't think he should be taken away from her though assuming she doesn't do it again, as there's still many children waiting to be adopted.
I have to say... considering the way the woman acted in the video, I think she'll do it again. She could be given a second chance, only if the child agrees though.

Though, she pulls it again, CPS Time.
Considering the intelligent, level headed response she gave on Dr Phil there is no doubt to me that she'll do it again. She's obviously a cold hearted, calculating *****. If I see her in real life I will spit in her face.

The video was painful to watch. I'm surprised I finished it.
Poe's Law in effect.

I don't know if you are agreeing with me or using sarcasm.

Damn you, Poe's Law. Damn you.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Yup that is abuse. His little lie is no where justified for such an act. What ever happen to just send him to the corner or minor punishment like that?


New member
Dec 27, 2009
LegendaryGamer0 said:
stinkychops said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
While the child probably did deserve some sort of punishment, this was stepping over the line of acceptability. I don't think he should be taken away from her though assuming she doesn't do it again, as there's still many children waiting to be adopted.
I have to say... considering the way the woman acted in the video, I think she'll do it again. She could be given a second chance, only if the child agrees though.

Though, she pulls it again, CPS Time.
Considering the intelligent, level headed response she gave on Dr Phil there is no doubt to me that she'll do it again. She's obviously a cold hearted, calculating *****. If I see her in real life I will spit in her face.

The video was painful to watch. I'm surprised I finished it.
Poe's Law in effect.

I don't know if you are agreeing with me or using sarcasm.

Damn you, Poe's Law. Damn you.
He's probably agreeing with you, mate. Calm down. :)


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Chibz said:
I see nothing wrong with this punishment. How does this differ from washing the kid's mouth out with soap for swearing? (A perfectly valid punishment)
Washing a mouth out with soap isn't really painful, it just tastes horrible and there's not much chance of the kid getting hypothermia from tasting soap. Edit: Wait, why did the mother have this filmed? is it because she wants to get attention from it, is it because she gets pleasure out of it and wants a video of it so she can relive it again for some sick pleasure or something else?

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Wardnath said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
stinkychops said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
While the child probably did deserve some sort of punishment, this was stepping over the line of acceptability. I don't think he should be taken away from her though assuming she doesn't do it again, as there's still many children waiting to be adopted.
I have to say... considering the way the woman acted in the video, I think she'll do it again. She could be given a second chance, only if the child agrees though.

Though, she pulls it again, CPS Time.
Considering the intelligent, level headed response she gave on Dr Phil there is no doubt to me that she'll do it again. She's obviously a cold hearted, calculating *****. If I see her in real life I will spit in her face.

The video was painful to watch. I'm surprised I finished it.
Poe's Law in effect.

I don't know if you are agreeing with me or using sarcasm.

Damn you, Poe's Law. Damn you.
He's probably agreeing with you, mate. Calm down. :)
No, I'm perfectly calm. I assume he's agreeing but when you've been to the places that I have, the line gets blurry.

OT: She is a horrible mother.

[sub][sub][sub]Post #911, I am an emergency or a terrorist, meep.[/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Verlander said:
How is that a valid punishment?
How isn't it? It's not painful, it's not really a form of torture. It's a mild inconvenience at best. Two swigs of water, taste is gone. In fact, this is probably SAFER than the "wash mouth out with soap" punishment. For the love of Rah, people, it's just Tobasco sauce!

To summarize almost everyone else in this thread: "How DARE she punish her kid in a mildly physically painful way! People like that need to be rounded up and drowned in ammonia!" Kinda sick.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
NLS said:
Why is it mentioned that the kid is adopted?
I guess it makes it worse with the whole evil step mom stereotype. What I don't understand is why did it say "Mormon mom caught abusing child" why would her religious choices matter, unless of course they were some crazy cult which I doubt Mormonism is.

I don't understand why she did something so severe over something so small. Sure the kid got in trouble but who hasn't gotten into some form of trouble at school now-a-days. I know a lot of Escapists have said that physical punishment is never the best answer, although I'm not sure, when I got smacked it made me step the hell in line and listen, but this is way too far. Imagine when the kid is like 16 and gets caught speeding a car, what is she going to do, put meat and cheese between his hands and burn them in a waffle iron for 10 minutes?

In conclusion, give the woman psychological help and a temporary suspension of her children for 6 months. Within those months if she has shown she is truly sorry and that she has learned her lesson than give her the children back, if not, than prolong her psychological help until she has been deemed fit to be a parent, of course at this stage she will never get her children back and will be forced to adopt new ones or conjure them up herself.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
That's not punishment. That's torture.
Dr Sonicron orders a new set of parents for the kid and a free trip to the looney bin for the deranged mom.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
FeralCentaur said:
Washing a mouth out with soap isn't really painful, it just tastes horrible and there's not much chance of the kid getting hypothermia from tasting soap.
Hypothermia? Are you crazy? Again, it's just tobasco sauce. If my mom punished ME like that I'd get into trouble more often! Actually, I think this is a horrible & cruel punishment. And we don't lie in this house (With smiles on face)[footnote]One sec, punishing myself. Don't hold up.[/footnote]


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Chibz said:
Verlander said:
How is that a valid punishment?
How isn't it? It's not painful, it's not really a form of torture. It's a mild inconvenience at best. Two swigs of water, taste is gone. In fact, this is probably SAFER than the "wash mouth out with soap" punishment. For the love of Rah, people, it's just Tobasco sauce!
By that admission, waterboarding isn't torture. The act is physically, and psychologically intimidating. While it may not be as bad as being whipped, it's still a non constructive form of punishment. I never had any of that, and I'm not running round in a gang, swearing like a sailor or anything. In fact, I don't know any body who did, and you know what? We're all great people.

And tobasco may not be hot for you, but different people have different thresholds, especially young children. Tobasco to this child could be like habanero or worse sauce in your mouth for a few minutes, which is pretty unpleasant for a child. This is physically and psychologically harming, both are. I'm not saying don't punish your kids, I'm saying theres a better, more effective way than physically hurting them.
To summarize almost everyone else in this thread: "How DARE she punish her kid in a mildly physically painful way! People like that need to be rounded up and drowned in ammonia!" Kinda sick.
Well I don't know anyone who said that on here, but I don't think that. It would nullify my ow point. She shouldn't be allowed to foster children though

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Uh... hot sauce? Really? This is a bizarre way to punish a child, but is it really that cruel? Having never tasted hot sauces before, since I'm not a fan of spicy food, I still find it hard to believe that they can actually do anything worse than leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. They are supposed to be edible, and put on food to improve it, right? If she'd made him drink something like liquid soap, then this'd be totally unacceptable, but whats so bad about a condiment? It sounds like something I'd do as a drunken bet more than anything. (drink the sauce, that is, not feed it to a child)


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Aethren said:
Depends on the hot sauce, really.

Tabasco? That woman needs mental help.

Tapatio? That's not a punishment, that's reward.

I had worse as a kid with my real folks. At least the kid knew what the Hell he did wrong. She made a point of reminding the child why he was in trouble...which is what is necessary to keep the child from losing faith in his parents. While I don't condone that behavior and I don't think she was in the right to punish him quite SO long and quite SO much...I don't think the child should be removed from the home.

Consistent, clear parenting is more important to children than, say, being carted from country to country. I think moving him BACK to wherever he came from would do far more to upend and disturb his world than him staying with her. And I don't think she'll do it quite like that again. She doesn't seem to feel justified in her actions when confronted with everyone's reactions.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
What are the "3 cards" anyway? What did the kid do? Fuck..give him a spank or ground him, but what she did i is used as torture methods in some countries.