Poll: Mother punishes adopted child by forcing him to drink hot sauce


New member
Sep 12, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:

My mum made us a chilli that hot...

Why is this even news?
This. Exactly this. I fed my nephew chili that is many times hotter, is that child abuse?


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Chibz said:
FeralCentaur said:
Cold showers? I've been taking those since I was a kid. You can't REALLY get that ill from a cold shower. At worst you'd be shivering for a bit.
How cold were the showers you took though and wouldn't be possible to get something like a cold from that?
That, good sir, is a very common misconception. Colds aren't caused by the cold (This is a misnomer). They're rather caused by a virus. I mean sure, it's probably not pleasant for someone not USED to a cold shower but it isn't in any sense of the word physically harmful. This just goes back to people being wusses.

[/quote]Ahhh I thought that it was a virus that you would get because of the cold though. I think the people who can be blamed for my misconception are everyone in a form of entertainment that takes place during the winter. Edit: It appears my post makes one of my quotes look like one of your quotes and two of your quotes look like my quotes.


In an unsuspicious cabin
Jul 22, 2009
Chibz said:
People still have different thresholds, especially kids. Being forced to hold hot sauce in your mouth isn't the same as just eating spicy food. Besides, I didn't see a Tabasco label anywhere, though I admit that you may have recognized it from the bottle or something.

Despite of the amount of physical pain involved, making your kid cry and scream like that and keeping at it is just sick.

Chibz said:
I fed my nephew chili that is many times hotter, is that child abuse?
That depends. If you stuffed it in his mouth against his will and forced him to hold it while he was crying, yes.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Chibz said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:

My mum made us a chilli that hot...

Why is this even news?
This. Exactly this. I fed my nephew chili that is many times hotter, is that child abuse?
That would depend on how many times hotter it was, the age of your nephew, the sensitivity of his taste and weather or not he had it willingly. For example, if your nephew was 20 years old it would be child abuse because he wouldn't be a child or if your nephew was 3, the chili was 99999999x hotter and you forced him to have it, that would be child abuse.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
The idea of taking a swig of tobasco for doing something inappropriate doesnt sound that bad. The way this woman dispenses punishment is more akin to psychological abuse and torture. Supposedly she tried many punishments including jumping jacks till exhaustion, including a forced cold shower and degradation it's really torture at that point.

After all this time as an existing species we still have a lot of work to do.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
This isn't parenting, this is nazism! Not only is that kid going to have a fear of showers for the rest of his life, but he's never going to appreciate the benfits of hot sauce now. Heck maybe we can throw coca cola cans at him next and see how he feels!

The parent should never dish out physical punishment in my views. Children are pretty easy to manipulate with bribes and psychology. I used to help out at a cub scout group (for the minors, they were about 5-8 called beavers) and if they ever misbehaved all I used to do was set up a different activity and say, HEY LOOK OVER HERE!!! There's a brilliant scene in "Finding Neverland" when the boys are depressed and worried because they're mother is being seen by a doctor, so what does Johnny Depp do to keep them occupied? He licks a stamp, places it face down on a coin and hurls it at the ceiling to stick it to the roof. He then spends the next several minutes teaching the 4 boys how to do it. THAT THERE IS PARENTING!!! Kids are a one track mind, if you can set that mind to something else other than what they are doing wrong or are concerned with SHAZAM your job is done.

I respect kids need to understand what they did wrong and if they're being a particular arse they need some form of punishment, but the supernanny technique never goes wrong there (stay on a step for so many mins, a time out). But I'd be hesitant to do that. I'd rather say "I will let you have ice-cream after dinner if you've been good, and if you haven't been good you don't get ice-cream". That way the child is in the mindset, you do good, you get good.

Though that's just my opinion. Real parents feel free to scrutinize!


New member
Sep 12, 2008
FeralCentaur said:
Ahhh I thought that it was a virus that you would get because of the cold though. I think the people who can be blamed for my misconception are everyone in a form of entertainment that takes place during the winter. Edit: It appears my post makes one of my quotes look like one of your quotes and two of your quotes look like my quotes.
Oh, I can explain why colds are much more common in the winter! It's because more people are in a much more compact area, making it easier for the virus to spread from person to person.

Ren3004 said:
People still have different thresholds, especially kids. Being forced to hold hot sauce in your mouth isn't the same as just eating spicy food. Besides, I didn't see a Tabasco label anywhere, though I admit that you may have recognized it from the bottle or something.
It's still only 2500 on the scoville scale. That makes it laughably mild. Now if this was MY hot sauce, that WOULD be child abuse.

Mad1Cow said:
This isn't parenting, this is nazism!
I don't need to read the rest of this post. You, good sir, have lost.

FeralCentaur said:
That would depend on how many times hotter it was, the age of your nephew, the sensitivity of his taste and weather or not he had it willingly. For example, if your nephew was 20 years old it would be child abuse because he wouldn't be a child or if your nephew was 3, the chili was 99999999x hotter and you forced him to have it, that would be child abuse.
My nephew was approximately same age as the child in question. I can approximate how much hotter it was. Let's see... Yep, it's about 300x hotter than tabasco sauce. Was he forced to have it? Well, that's all there was for dinner.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Chibz said:
You're seriously putting a lot of faith into the "This is torture" card aren't you?
Ok, prove it isn't. I've put a fair few points forward as to why it is.

You're honestly comparing something with serious psychological rammifications to a mild inconvenience. Yeah. You're pretty much out of logical arguments. Waterboarding is so horrible because it simulates the sensation of drowning. This is... "so horrible" because it mildly inconveniences the child. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! COMPARABLE!
How much water is needed to simulate drowning? How nice is being forcibly penetrated through the mouth with water and a bar of soap, restricting breathing and, wait for it, potentially simulating drowning. You'r forcing water and soap into a child's mouth. That is extremely compatible, made worse by the fact that it's administered by someone a child is supposed to trust. Say your boss came to you for failing to complete something at work properly, and he forcibly penetrated your mouth with water and a bar of soap. Would you sue for this "mild inconvenience"?

He's frickin' EIGHT. I don't see how "newborn baby" fits in, but seriously. Stick to the topic at hand.
It's called putting it into perspective, something your argument lacks. Children develop differently, eevryone one of us does. What is/isn't hot to you is going to be completely different to everyone. That is, unless you regularly dope up your children on hot pepper sauces

Physical violence? PHYSICAL VIOLENCE?! You're JOKING right? How is this "Physical violence"? Oh wait, I've been successfull trolled... Hats off to you, good sir. You've won.
If someone did it to you, right now, would it not constitute physical violence? Or do your children stand there in the bathroom, mouths open, just ready for you to treat them with some good ol'soap mouthing?

My point is valid about the parenting. If, to teach your child a lesson when they have done wrong, you need to physically interact with them, you are pretty much a shit parent.

Ren3004 said:
There are better ways to punish a kid. First of all, shut up about Tabasco not being bad, many kids, and even adults don't tolerate spicy food. That was a mouthful, it's not like a pinch of pepper on your tongue when you swear. Second, I'm 20 years old, and cold showers give me the feeling that I can't breathe. How do you think a kid is gonna feel?
Tabasco sauce is NOT hot. It has a relatively tiny scoville rating (Roughly 2500). It's a hot sauce in the same way wine coolers are a potent alcohol.
Not my quote, but I'll reply anyway

The fact that tobasco needs a scoville rating is enough to prove that this IS spicy. Maybe not to you. Definitely not to me, but it is spicy to some. Considering the small amount that the child was probably exposed to from time to time, dumping a load in her mouth, and making her hold it there is a different experience. What is she was mildly allergic to it? She wouldn't have noticed before, but holding a load in her mouth would soon help find out.

It's like having been in a room with smokers, to being forced to puff down an entire cigar, or from having some wine every now and then with food, to drinking until heavily drunk. The quantity matters, and none of these are valid punishments if someone was caught trying to steal a drink or cigarette as an 8 year old!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
On second thought, I'm staying out of this debate. The casual tone in which some people talk about punishment is making me rather concerned, and I don't need the headache.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Verlander said:
Ok, prove it isn't. I've put a fair few points forward as to why it is.
No you don't. Your very argument is contrary to the definition of torture. However, I already did prove it wasn't torture. Try reading.

Verlander said:
How nice is being forcibly penetrated through the mouth with water and a bar of soap
You clearly know nothing about the topic at hand. A bar of soap? What?

Verlander said:
It's called putting it into perspective, something your argument lacks. Children develop differently, eevryone one of us does. What is/isn't hot to you is going to be completely different to everyone. That is, unless you regularly dope up your children on hot pepper sauces
You still compared a newborn baby to an eight year old. Again, what's wrong with you?

Verlander said:
The fact that tobasco needs a scoville rating is enough to prove that this IS spicy. Maybe not to you. Definitely not to me, but it is spicy to some. Considering the small amount that the child was probably exposed to from time to time, dumping a load in her mouth, and making her hold it there is a different experience. What is she was mildly allergic to it? She wouldn't have noticed before, but holding a load in her mouth would soon help find out.
Wine coolers, not wine. There's a massive difference. Wine coolers are legal to buy without being carded, they have an alcohol/content rating of 0.5%. A scoville rating of 2500 or lower is almost nonexistant. You're just pulling shit out of your ass now. Congratulations on having lost the argument. Quote me further and be welcomed to /ignore land.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
It's called being strict and builds character.I'm not trolling...But then again the reasons might not be worth it.I mean she is mormon...


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Chibz said:
FeralCentaur said:
Ahhh I thought that it was a virus that you would get because of the cold though. I think the people who can be blamed for my misconception are everyone in a form of entertainment that takes place during the winter. Edit: It appears my post makes one of my quotes look like one of your quotes and two of your quotes look like my quotes.
Oh, I can explain why colds are much more common in the winter! It's because more people are in a much more compact area, making it easier for the virus to spread from person to person.

Ren3004 said:
People still have different thresholds, especially kids. Being forced to hold hot sauce in your mouth isn't the same as just eating spicy food. Besides, I didn't see a Tabasco label anywhere, though I admit that you may have recognized it from the bottle or something.
It's still only 2500 on the scoville scale. That makes it laughably mild. Now if this was MY hot sauce, that WOULD be child abuse.

Mad1Cow said:
This isn't parenting, this is nazism!
I don't need to read the rest of this post. You, good sir, have lost.

FeralCentaur said:
That would depend on how many times hotter it was, the age of your nephew, the sensitivity of his taste and weather or not he had it willingly. For example, if your nephew was 20 years old it would be child abuse because he wouldn't be a child or if your nephew was 3, the chili was 99999999x hotter and you forced him to have it, that would be child abuse.
My nephew was approximately same age as the child in question. I can approximate how much hotter it was. Let's see... Yep, it's about 300x hotter than tabasco sauce. Was he forced to have it? Well, that's all there was for dinner.
Well I don't eat anything with hot sauce, I also don't drink any fizzy drinks since they hurt my tounge so perhaps I'm not a good judge of this. Although if you only gave them something like half a spoon full and the chili didn't have much nutritional value or you put some rat poison in it then it could count as child abuse.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
Random berk said:
Uh... hot sauce? Really? This is a bizarre way to punish a child, but is it really that cruel? Having never tasted hot sauces before, since I'm not a fan of spicy food, I still find it hard to believe that they can actually do anything worse than leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. They are supposed to be edible, and put on food to improve it, right? If she'd made him drink something like liquid soap, then this'd be totally unacceptable, but whats so bad about a condiment? It sounds like something I'd do as a drunken bet more than anything. (drink the sauce, that is, not feed it to a child)
The worse (As in hotter) types of hot sauce do hurt, a lot. For instance, I have a bottle of hot sauce in my fridge that caused me to well up in tears after dipping the end of a toothpick in and licking it off. This kid was forced to hold it in his mouth for an extended period of time. We don't know how hot it was, but it could have permanently damaged his tongue. Then there's the fact that while he was being forced to hold burning liquid in his mouth, his "loving" mother was screaming at him that "WE DO NOT LIE IN THIS HOUSE.". Then there was the whole cold shower thing, which, you know, at least one child has died from.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
FeralCentaur said:
Well I don't eat anything with hot sauce, I also don't drink any fizzy drinks since they hurt my tounge so perhaps I'm not a good judge of this. Although if you only gave them something like half a spoon full and the chili didn't have much nutritional value or you put some rat poison in it then it would count as child abuse.
Haha. My dear brother (jokingly/as a method of endearment) would tell you to put on a dress and twirl it around. I'd let you borrow one of mine. To put this into perspective...

This is the Naga Jolokia Pepper. Its scoville rating is in the million~ neighbourhood. I put these in my hot sauce which goes in my chili. It's usually dilluted down to a level where I can actually eat it. If she were to force him to eat something along these lines, that would be abuse. Even assault. It could make you physically ill if you don't have the tolerance, or even KILL you.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
racrevel said:
Im wondering what the child actually did as there is no mention..

Actually, there is in the video. He got in trouble at school, and then lied about it. Doesn't deserve a mouthful of hotsauce (poor kid) and a freezing cold shower, that's just brutal.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Chibz said:
No you don't. Your very argument is contrary to the definition of torture.
...any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in, or incidental to, lawful sanctions. --UN Convention Against Torture

No it isn't

You clearly know nothing about the topic at hand. A bar of soap? What?
Sorry, do you use squeezy soap now? More liquid I guess

You still compared a newborn baby to an eight year old. Again, what's wrong with you?
Seeing as I can understand what is being typed by both parties, I'm not the one with anything wrong.

Let me spell it out for you simply to avoid confusion:

People aren't born with tolerances to spicy foods

They develop these tolerances

People develop differently

If you are ashamed of your child not having these tolerances, you should be locked up anyway for woeful ignorance about children, much less forcing them to hold something in their mouths that you clearly have no idea of what the effect could be!

Wine coolers, not wine. There's a massive difference. Wine coolers are legal to buy without being carded, they have an alcohol/content rating of 0.5%. A scoville rating of 2500 or lower is almost nonexistant. You're just pulling shit out of your ass now. Congratulations on having lost the argument.
Don't live in America, such things don't exist here. Does bread have a scoville rating? Does non flavoured meat? Does water? Does anything that is not spicy There are at least 3 distinct rankings below the section that tobasco is rated (which incidentally is between 2500 and 5000 for the standard bottle) which actually makes it far more significant than your wine cooler example.

Not that this is a game (although childrens health seems to be a bit of a guessing game for you), nut no, you haven't won. What you are saying isn't even funny, and frankly, is so ridiculous that I have to assume you're winding me up. . Hope you had fun


New member
Jun 27, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:

My mum made us a chilli that hot...

Why is this even news?
Chibz said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:

My mum made us a chilli that hot...

Why is this even news?
This. Exactly this. I fed my nephew chili that is many times hotter, is that child abuse?
It is amazing how much you don't get why this is so bad. She filled his mouth with hot sauce, which OBVIOUSLY HURT HIM, and forced him to keep burning chemicals in his mouth while she yelled at him. It doesn't matter how much the type of hot sauce would hurt to someone else, it obviously hurt like a ***** to him. She forced him to keep something that was BURNING HIM in his mouth while he cried, and you don't see what's wrong with that? The fact that it was hot sauce wasn't the point, the fact was that she took something that she knew hurt him badly, and forced him to keep it in his mouth for an extended amount of time. You don't call punishing your child by forcefully burning his mouth child abuse?