Poll: Movie Bob rehired?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Canadamus Prime said:
Until I see an official statement from Russ, I'm taking this as hearsay and rumour. I mean bringing back Moviebob seems counter to Russ' goals.
Going by Bob's tweets it seems like a done deal. I don't imagine he'd have brought it up himself if he wasn't certain.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
When a bully punches you and no one else defends you, you have to defend yourself.

It may not be the best result, but if the people who disaproved of it actually cared, they would have done something BEFORE it got there.

If you really want to stop all racism, then maybe stop punching down and instead aim up?

But it is really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Bob means well. We might disagree fundamentally on matters like economics, the importance of the working class and Batman v Superman but... well, he has his heart in the right place.
That man lost his "hear in the right place", years ago. "Liberal" or "conservative", it doesn't matter. He's just another loud mouth twat with a "with me or against me attitude". I won't be watching a ***** in a box stand. If anyone else hates him, do not bother giving him any attention.

Johnny Novgorod said:

What a full life this man has led.
Already proving my point. Bob has not learned a goddamn thing. Thanks for the update Johnny. I appreciate you as always.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
anthony87 said:
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
It's a pretty common tactic in history to use one's own apparent oppression as a club to beat down those you disagree with.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
The Lunatic said:
anthony87 said:
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
It's a pretty common tactic in history to use one's own apparent oppression as a club to beat down those you disagree with.
Citation needed.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Samtemdo8 said:
undeadsuitor said:
I can taste the salt on this site now.
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p

And I disagree with him vehemently on the 2009 adaption of the Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey.
To be fair, saying the modern DC movies (Other than Wonder Woman) are bad, isn't bias, it's basic observational skills.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Souplex said:
Samtemdo8 said:
undeadsuitor said:
I can taste the salt on this site now.
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p

And I disagree with him vehemently on the 2009 adaption of the Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey.
To be fair, saying the modern DC movies (Other than Wonder Woman) are bad, isn't bias, it's basic observational skills.
This is obersvationally bad to me:



New member
Aug 13, 2009
Palindromemordnilap said:
"If you demand that not all jobs be taken by white people then you're a racist!"

Its an odd hill you've chosen to die on anthony m'boy
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
When a bully punches you and no one else defends you, you have to defend yourself.

It may not be the best result, but if the people who disaproved of it actually cared, they would have done something BEFORE it got there.

If you really want to stop all racism, then maybe stop punching down and instead aim up?

But it is really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
This should be a laugh but please point out when I justified any racism.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Samtemdo8 said:
Souplex said:
Samtemdo8 said:
undeadsuitor said:
I can taste the salt on this site now.
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p

And I disagree with him vehemently on the 2009 adaption of the Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey.
To be fair, saying the modern DC movies (Other than Wonder Woman) are bad, isn't bias, it's basic observational skills.
This is obersvationally bad to me:

I'd much rather watch some PG rated Robot Chicken sketches than Zack Snyder's visual diarrhoea any day.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
When a bully punches you and no one else defends you, you have to defend yourself.

It may not be the best result, but if the people who disaproved of it actually cared, they would have done something BEFORE it got there.

If you really want to stop all racism, then maybe stop punching down and instead aim up?

But it is really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
This should be a laugh but please point out when I justified any racism.
Everything you have said here has been deflecting criticism of actual racists doing actual harm to the world cause one guy who is NOT in a position of power thinks racism is bad.

The hypocrite here is the one who only blames the oppressed for fighting back.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
anthony87 said:
Palindromemordnilap said:
"If you demand that not all jobs be taken by white people then you're a racist!"

Its an odd hill you've chosen to die on anthony m'boy
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.
So you believe a whiter America is superior? Cause that is what you are saying. If that's not what you mean, then you need to rethink your argument.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
EvilRoy said:
In fairness I think a lot of people just kind of have a fundamental misunderstanding if what forcing this kind of trade and border situation does and is actually intended for. Its very easy to think "our place is good, so if we open it up more people will feel the good", but they don't realize that their place is so much better developed that they have huge fundamental advantages over these other places that will hurt them. Add to that a lot of the advantages they have were built on the back of the old inequality they created and things can only get worse.
Honestly, I think it just boils down to having lived for so long in a sanitized media bubble of one's own creation, and that being inside a country infamous for heavily corporate-biased, sanitized, and censored news, that one's perspective on the world becomes irrevocably skewed for the worse. Out of sight, out of mind, and it's easy to whitewash neoliberalism when one isolates themselves in an ideological bunker built of censorship and alleging racism in anyone who dares challenge preconceived notions.

I mean, look at something like "Coca-Cola death squads". Did the Coca-Cola corporation specifically pay paramilitary groups to assassinate Columbian labor leaders? It was never proven, but it fits the MO considering the track record of Coca-Cola hiring paramilitaries and mercenaries to bust unions and attack laborers attempting to organize. We're not even a century out from the same shit happening in this country; see, the coal wars of the 1890s-1930s. It's awfully telling the same social Darwinist, "brave new world" and "leaving behind the unevolved masses" rhetoric Bob employs today, were explicitly used in the US a century ago to justify anti-labor policies and union-busting, which took on a distinctly racist and ethnicist overtones when considering turn of the century factory workers were third-wave immigrants and the descendants of second-wave immigrants.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
09philj said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Souplex said:
Samtemdo8 said:
undeadsuitor said:
I can taste the salt on this site now.
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p

And I disagree with him vehemently on the 2009 adaption of the Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey.
To be fair, saying the modern DC movies (Other than Wonder Woman) are bad, isn't bias, it's basic observational skills.
This is obersvationally bad to me:

I'd much rather watch some PG rated Robot Chicken sketches than Zack Snyder's visual diarrhoea any day.
Bah, I am dark and brutal and like garbage like this :p



New member
Aug 13, 2009
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
Saelune said:
anthony87 said:
We all know that if Bob had used the phrase "A blacker America is an inferior America" then people would be nailing him to the wall so don't be giving me that bullshit about it not being so bad.

Fucking hypocrites.
Let me know when a black supremacist is the President.
I imagine that would be in the news if it were to happen.
Maybe you got my point, don't know, but to make sure.

Trump is a white supremacist and is the President of the US. Therefor racism by white people against black people is a bigger deal than racism against white people. Plus a lot of things people claim is racism against white people is just black people defending themselves.

I assure you, if one day a trans black lesbian little person becomes President with a legion of cronies letting them do as they will and they seek to kill all straight white cis men above a certain height, I will be opposing that. But that is not the reality we are in. Priorities.

Because WHO has the power and what they do with it is an important distinction to be made.
It's really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
When a bully punches you and no one else defends you, you have to defend yourself.

It may not be the best result, but if the people who disaproved of it actually cared, they would have done something BEFORE it got there.

If you really want to stop all racism, then maybe stop punching down and instead aim up?

But it is really interesting seeing you try to justify racism.
This should be a laugh but please point out when I justified any racism.
Everything you have said here has been deflecting criticism of actual racists doing actual harm to the world cause one guy who is NOT in a position of power thinks racism is bad.

The hypocrite here is the one who only blames the oppressed for fighting back.
I haven't been deflecting anything. All I'm saying is don't be racist.

To anyone.

It boggles my mind that that concept has so many people worked up.

Saelune said:
See above.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
anthony87 said:
Canadamus Prime said:
Until I see an official statement from Russ, I'm taking this as hearsay and rumour. I mean bringing back Moviebob seems counter to Russ' goals.
Going by Bob's tweets it seems like a done deal. I don't imagine he'd have brought it up himself if he wasn't certain.
I'd rather hear it from Russ than Bob because, unless I'm mistaken, Bob has kinda gone insane.
Apr 17, 2009
anthony87 said:
Palindromemordnilap said:
"If you demand that not all jobs be taken by white people then you're a racist!"

Its an odd hill you've chosen to die on anthony m'boy
I'm not dying on any hill, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Not sure where you pulled that quote from either.

The words I'm referring to are "A whiter America is an inferior America." Y'know, the racist statement.
Its basically what your argument is. The fact that you're already trying to distance yourself from it suggests even you know its a dumb argument. Lets look at it shall we? Bob in the tweet you quoted is angry because of the support Trump has gained, and how it largely seems to spring from people who are under the impression immigrants are going to steal their jobs. Their reaction to this is to want to shut out all immigrants which in their mind seems to boil down to anyone with a darker skin tone than them. The problems with this include America kind of needing a lot of migrant labour to function and their anger being misdirected towards born and raised American citizens. A whiter American would be shutting out all the skills of a decent chunk of population for no real reason other than a bunch of racists being racist. So yes, a whiter America would actually quite really be inferior. This is not a comment on white people, its a comment on how the idea of "whiter equals better" is just plain wrong. Hence why you complaining about it makes you really seem like one of those racists, because you're kind of hitching your wagon to theirs. Starting to see now?