Poll: Movie Bob rehired?


New member
Aug 2, 2015
09philj said:
To claim Bob is racist is exceedingly disingenuous, and to do so says more about you than him. However, he remains a somewhat toxic individual that nobody should want at the forefront of an effort to relaunch a site that already has a reputation for toxicity.
Remember the Expendables...



New member
Mar 19, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
anthony87 said:
Your link is from Kiwifarms....how do I know that one perticular image isn't faked and edited?

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Maybe Macris is back and heard something vaguely about eugenics and Nazis and got the wrong impression?


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Samtemdo8 said:
anthony87 said:
Windknight said:
He's mean when he talks about the people who voted for trump, calling them stupid and evil, and that he's not sorry anytime their voting choices bring them pain and suffering. That plus an old tasteless joke he's apologised for, and a general distaste for bigoted nerd dudes has led people to try and pretend he's big into eugenics and secretly a nazi by stretching so hard they've pulled something.
Nice attempt to downplay the shite he comes out with but when said shite includes gems like this:

I don't have to stretch very far.
Your link is from Kiwifarms....how do I know that one perticular image isn't faked and edited?
Having followed Bob on Twitter for a few years, it's actually quite likely to be legit. Looking through his history to find them there to confirm, though. :p

Five minutes Later...couldn't get back that far, but that's about how he sounds when he's talking about that kind of thing. He's about as tired of humanity holding itself back as possible, hence the sounding-extremely-cheesed-off.
Gauche said:
Samtemdo8 said:
anthony87 said:
Your link is from Kiwifarms....how do I know that one perticular image isn't faked and edited?
Oh cool, someone found it. :D


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
How racy? I mean, this site is ostensibly supposed to be PG-13 after all. Like, are we talking about frontal nudity or what?

OT: I didn't really like Bob's stuff when he was here before so I probably won't watch it again.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Marik2 said:
White genocide
'Bout time. The future is half castes, like me. We're taller, smarter, and have less health problems. We also don't have a crippling allergy to peanuts, fresh fruit, and sunlight. Behold my mongrel genetics.

We're also friendlier and better around kids.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Hot damn! The KiA "concerned citizen" squad is really out in force. It's going to be an amazing next few days. I think I'm going to need more popcorn though.

anthony87 said:
Oh no! How dare he say that whiteness isn't the end-all-be-all of existence!!?!?!11!?!

If you still have issues with the sociological and demographic fact that diversity is very much going to be the future and "whiteness" is going to slowly die out, I feel nothing but pity for you. Might want to get building yourself a "safe space" bunker and fill it with survival supplies. The coming decades are going to be rough for you.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Avnger said:
Hot damn! The KiA "concerned citizen" squad is really out in force. It's going to be an amazing next few days. I think I'm going to need more popcorn though.

anthony87 said:
Oh no! How dare he say that whiteness isn't the end-all-be-all of existence!!?!?!11!?!

If you still have issues with the sociological and demographic fact that diversity is very much going to be the future and "whiteness" is going to slowly die out, I feel nothing but pity for you. Might want to get building yourself a "safe space" bunker and fill it with survival supplies. The coming decades are going to be rough for you.
It's funny how he and others feel threatened by a random fat guy on the internet with no power.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Windknight said:
Baffle2 said:
Well, I don't want him here if he's a racist, but we certainly could do with some more racy material if that's what he's offering. I'm thinking nipple tassles, supposedly edible underwear, maybe a game of dog toy vs sex toy, that sort of thing.
He's mean when he talks about the people who voted for trump, calling them stupid and evil, and that he's not sorry anytime their voting choices bring them pain and suffering. That plus an old tasteless joke he's apologised for, and a general distaste for bigoted nerd dudes has led people to try and pretend he's big into eugenics and secretly a nazi by stretching so hard they've pulled something.
Leftist perspective: Bob is also a raging neolib and massively classist. The guy is somehow as far away from class conscious as one can possibly be. He fucking sucks shit.
Apr 17, 2009
Samtemdo8 said:
His Marvel Bias and DC/WB Zack Snyder hateboner is certainly going to further test my patience :p
You realise you're accusing him of exactly what you're doing but from the other end right? And why is Youtube recommending so many "DC sucks" videos if you're not actually watching them?

anthony87 said:
Of all the tweets you could have gone for, you went for that one? Really? The sentiment there is not exactly unreasonable. You could have gone for the one where he talks about purges or something but instead just one where he says "white supremacy is bad and the wall is stupid"? Damn dude, either you're not bringing your A game or you've sort of revealed what your real problem with him might be


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Bob means well. We might disagree fundamentally on matters like economics, the importance of the working class and Batman v Superman but... well, he has his heart in the right place.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
So long as he can keep politics out of his work, I think that's what is important. Wasn't he somewhat popular before all of that stuff? I can't say I ever watched his stuff, but that was due to choosing different entertainments.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Windknight said:
your reaching if you want me to read those tweets as wrong or bad. He may not be polite about it, but that doesn't make him wrong. Diversity IS the futre, and white supremacy is holding everyone back.
Yes, they are wrong-headed, and "diversity" as Bob sees it is in fact a weapon of white supremacy. Bob demonstrates a staggering lack of understanding of even basic IPE, to understand why or how. Let me just give you one example.

Prior to NAFTA, most agriculture in Mexico was based on the ejido system -- communal subsistence farming. The ejido system was guaranteed and protected by the Mexican constitution. The US and Canada used the Mexican debt crisis (unrelated to the ejido system) to strongarm Mexico into ratifying NAFTA, and a precondition for the Mexican government was the repeal of Constitutional protections of the ejido system.

When Mexico entered into NAFTA, heavily-subsidized US agricultural products flooded across the border and Mexican farmers -- which by the way were largely indigenous peoples -- couldn't compete. Because they couldn't compete, these farmers had to either abandon their land, or lost it in naked land grabs by the Mexican government on behalf of large multi-nationals. To find work to live, these displaced peoples had to either go to the new maquiladoras or cities to work in some of the most abhorrent conditions one can find in an industrialized country, or come here to the US work at a pittance in our agricultural and service sectors as a permanent economic servitor class.

You don't want to sleep tonight, go look up working and environmental conditions in the maquiladora zone. It's some straight-up Upton Sinclair shit. That shit still goes on today, and not only is it what Bob (I hope) supports out of raw ignorance and ideological zeal, it's the people living and working in those conditions who are most at-risk by his much-beloved automation.

Bob supports free trade and open borders? Well, that's the face of it.


New member
Nov 26, 2014
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Marik2 said:
White genocide
'Bout time. The future is half castes, like me. We're taller, smarter, and have less health problems. We also don't have a crippling allergy to peanuts, fresh fruit, and sunlight. Behold my mongrel genetics.

We're also friendlier and better around kids.
How are you on shedding though?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
anthony87 said:
Nice attempt to downplay the shite he comes out with but when said shite includes gems like this:

I don't have to stretch very far.
Wait, that's what you're pissed off about?

Being angrily pro-immigration and calling someone (a Trump supporter?) a Nazi?

Come on, at least go for the juicy stuff. Like the eugenics joke. At least that one was actually sketchy.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Samtemdo8 said:
Remember the Expendables...

Ah, some of his finest work. In hindsight, the only thing he was wrong about was predicting there would be Expendables-alikes made in its wake. That didn't happen. There wasn't some big macho renaissance and the fourth film (if it ever gets made) won't have Terry Crews, so there goes one selling point. Weird how things work out


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
TopazFusion said:
And here I thought me making a return to the site was the only controversy we were gonna see this year...
Well it wasn't going to be tough to top you. The most noteworthy thing about you is that you abused a very limited and overall meaningless power, got booted, and got brought back without ever actually having to address it. I mean, yeah, in real life you would have been made to apologize and pretend to feel bad for a while, but this is the consequence free internet.

Eacaraxe said:
Bob supports free trade and open borders? Well, that's the face of it.
In fairness I think a lot of people just kind of have a fundamental misunderstanding if what forcing this kind of trade and border situation does and is actually intended for. Its very easy to think "our place is good, so if we open it up more people will feel the good", but they don't realize that their place is so much better developed that they have huge fundamental advantages over these other places that will hurt them. Add to that a lot of the advantages they have were built on the back of the old inequality they created and things can only get worse.