Poll: Naruto vs Bleach


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I've only seen a few episodes of Naruto but it never really got me interested. Sasuke was the only half-way tolerable character and it just seemed to make zero sense. When before the 10th episode you have a guy in bandages with a giant sword being attacked by talking ninja dogs with not an ounce of explanation as to what the fuck is going on, you've set a foot wrong somewhere.

I'm not much further into Bleach, in my defence. But so far I'm liking it a lot more. So that's what my vote goes to.

Cerebral Force

New member
Jun 8, 2011
aba1 said:
your forgetting one piece those are the big three and one piece is ranked higher than naruto and bleach (at least in japan) I like it better since it isnt full of filler and isnt full of continuity
Indeed, I was only able to see up until Alabasta and I'll admit I do love it, however i can't seem to find it nowadays (either due to being in Australia, or for a lack of not being able to find it because I suck)

Thanks for mentioning it though, I was only thinking about those two when I started this topic. You can imagine my dumb-founded expression when I realised that my fellow Escapists are AWESOME! :)


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
I prefer Bleach to the First Season of Naruto so its about

Elfen Lied>Shippuden>Bleach>Strawberry Panic>Naruto

how strange is my order it goes from

Sadist murders with romance> A guy in a Most liky Smelly Jumpsuit throwing his Blue Balls > A Guy with a KickArse Sword and Wit to boot > Lesbian's in a Boarding School [ it made me cry twice [different eps]] > and yeh that


New member
Jun 30, 2010
Bleach, because it has badass swords. Really, both the series are kind of brainless, but I've always had a thing for bleach.


New member
May 23, 2010
Kragg said:
versus threads get locked btw, read the rules people
It seems they have cut that particular part out of the rules in the more recent editions.

I do miss the days of the stricter, clearer forum rules.

Cerebral Force

New member
Jun 8, 2011
Kragg said:
versus threads get locked btw, read the rules people
Oh, sorry I didn't realise, I had a look at the rules and you're definitely right, I'll have to be more careful in the future and word topics better, thanks for letting me know.

(I have read topics that were often game related with a vs aspect to it and thought it would be ok, again thanks for the advice! :) I appreciate it, this is my first topic.)


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Cerebral Force said:
aba1 said:
your forgetting one piece those are the big three and one piece is ranked higher than naruto and bleach (at least in japan) I like it better since it isnt full of filler and isnt full of continuity
Indeed, I was only able to see up until Alabasta and I'll admit I do love it, however i can't seem to find it nowadays (either due to being in Australia, or for a lack of not being able to find it because I suck)

Thanks for mentioning it though, I was only thinking about those two when I started this topic. You can imagine my dumb-founded expression when I realised that my fellow Escapists are AWESOME! :)
awww thats to bad the water 7 ark was amazing and the place they are now is pritty crazy they had a huge world war a 2 year time skip people (not going to name) have died you should read it all or watch readings better tho. I would recomend you skip the foxy pirates ark and alot of people get board during the skypia ark but i dont mind that one the intro to it is important just before they get there


New member
Oct 30, 2009
I've only seen a little of both so I can't really say. I like:

1:Darker than Black
3:D-gray man
4:Black Cat
6:Kaze No Stigma

and I just started watching "Durarara!!" on Hulu. I was blown away when I saw the cameo of 2 characters from Baccano in this show.




New member
Jun 20, 2010
I honestly can't see the appeal of anime's like Elfen lied. You just can't take it seriously with the ridiculous amounts of fan service from the beginning. Call me ignorant, but if the visuals want to be childish and immature (oooh blood and titties, yay!) then I do not expect the story to be any better, no matter how "deep" some people claim it to be. Daphne in the brilliant blue had that problem too. It was getting set up to be a pretty decent anime, but the ridiculous costumes just meant you couldn't take it seriously.

what I mean is, I hear people saying this is an amazingly deep, dark, story based anime, but if it is really focused story, and nothing else, why is there so much COMPLETELY unnecessary nudity, and why the hell (for as much as I watched of it) were people not caring about it?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Willsor said:
I honestly can't see the appeal of anime's like Elfen lied. You just can't take it seriously with the ridiculous amounts of fan service from the beginning. Call me ignorant, but if the visuals want to be childish and immature (oooh blood and titties, yay!) then I do not expect the story to be any better, no matter how "deep" some people claim it to be. Daphne in the brilliant blue had that problem too. It was getting set up to be a pretty decent anime, but the ridiculous costumes just meant you couldn't take it seriously.
ya that show was deffinatly not about fan service at all that part yes had a naked chick but I dont think that had anything to do with fan service so much as story


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Willsor said:
I honestly can't see the appeal of anime's like Elfen lied. You just can't take it seriously with the ridiculous amounts of fan service from the beginning. Call me ignorant, but if the visuals want to be childish and immature (oooh blood and titties, yay!) then I do not expect the story to be any better, no matter how "deep" some people claim it to be. Daphne in the brilliant blue had that problem too. It was getting set up to be a pretty decent anime, but the ridiculous costumes just meant you couldn't take it seriously.
Speaking of fan service, try watching the end credits of "Needless" without feeling like a pedo. It was enough for me to quit watching the series after the 1st episode.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
As of this moment, Shippuden.
The fillers have ended for the time being and I am amused thoroughly.

Bleach.. I haven't watched since they ended the last chapter w/ fillers..

All around, I do prefer Shippuden, but Bleach sure as hell has its moments.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I liked bleach up until
The aizen arc is ended and Ichigo loses his powers

After that part, it has just gotten stupid. Really really stupid. The series jumped the shark a long time ago


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Based on the past cannon story arcs I'm going to say that I like Naruto more.

The whole Aizen is God thing got old fast. I'm also getting sick of Sasuke and hope he just gets killed in the next few episodes.

Both shows have a great although underutilized supporting cast. I think too much focus is given to Naruto and Ichigo. None of those shows feel like they actually need main characters or at least not those two. I would totally watch a show called Kakashi.

My biggest issue with both is the need to have filler arcs and overly-long flashback that just ruin the quality of the shows. They're done because they are catching up to where the manga is and they're waiting for the creator to make new volumes. I wish they would do things the western way and just have the show go on a break for three to four months instead of airing year round. The overall quality would be much higher.

For an example of what I'm talking about, look at Dragon Ball Z vs Dragon Ball Kai. Kai is DBZ with all the crap cut out. I would watch Naruto from the beginning if it got the kai treatment.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Out of those two (I count Naruto and Naruto Shippuden as a whole) I would choose Naruto. Bleach did start of good but at the current state, it just fillers and anyway to drag it on to avoid keeping close to the manga. While Naruto did had this problem (don't remind me of the year worth of fillers) but it seen to handle better although a few of those fillers arc can be dull.

I only said Naruto because of the poll given. The anime I enjoy the msot is One Piece.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Fullmetal Alchemist! XD! (Followed closely by Soul Eater)

I've started reading both the Bleach and Naruto mangas, and stopped reading both. Bleach because it's simply on of the many mangas I need to get back to reading (not unlike my giant list of "to read" for my books), while I simply didn't find anything new or engaging with Naruto.

It's filled with all the stuff all other mangas do, except it feels like it doesn't have enough of its own thing to make it stand out. Probably a great introduction of what to expect about of the average shonen manga, but not something I want to make sure I've read the latest chapter of (unlike One Piece, which is by far my favourite shonen manga).


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Cerebral Force said:
Phoenixlight said:
Naruto >>>>>> Bleach
Why did you put Shippuden in a seperate catagory? it is Naruto...
That is true, I was unsure whether I should have or not, but then I thought to myself, that if I had a choice between the two, I'd pick Shippuuden, but you do indeed have a valid point.
He sure does, but I'm glad you split them cause I can't stand Shippuuden.

I choose Naruto because it went up and down in quality (some are crap but some are really good) during epsiodes 1 to 134, then I stopped cause it was all filler.

I stopped watching Bleach at the end of the second season. I don't know how I kept watching through all of the second season though. I wish I could get that time back.

Also, I laugh every time I see someone say Naruto, Bleach, DBZ, Pokemon and One Piece are crap and then mention in their better list Elfen Lied. I can not think of a worse anime than Elfen Lied right now.