Poll: Naruto vs Bleach

Detective Prince

New member
Feb 6, 2011
*glances at avatar* I think I prefer Naruto. Good writing, despite having lots of characters they're instantly recognisable and memorable, the storyline is very tightly kept together. The manga is better than the anime though.

My problem with Bleach, which I do like....sort of, is that Ichigo lacks the charisma that Naruto Uzumaki has. Ichigo seems to have 2 emotions. I'm fighting grr and I'm going to go fight...grr.

But it doesn't matter about Bleach. I'm addicted to Naruto. XD There I said it.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Only ever saw a few episodes of Naruto, and I didn't like what I saw (although Danish voice acting and copious censorship could certainly be a contributing factor to that). So I suppose Bleach.

The real Sophie's choice would for me instead be between Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Spice & Wolf. With Baccano! as the runner up.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Why so many options when it should just be Naruto vs. Bleach with Naruto encompassing the whole series (including Shippuden). And if this was a straight 1v1 contest, why did you feel the need to add "Other". this isn't about favorites. This is about which you can tolerate more.

Personally, I've never gotten into Bleach because the first episode just didn't hook me into it like Naruto did. And any thoughts at attempting to get interested again are ignored when I remind myself I really don't want to.

As for favorite anime... Death Note, Toradora, and Angel Beats are all rather good.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Willsor said:
what I mean is, I hear people saying this is an amazingly deep, dark, story based anime, but if it is really focused story, and nothing else, why is there so much COMPLETELY unnecessary nudity, and why the hell (for as much as I watched of it) were people not caring about it?
Only unnecessary because you don't understand it.
As Nyu is primarily the naked one, i'll stick to her as the purple-haired girl's nudity is generally to be shaming and degrading.

Nyu is innocence incarnate, so nudity is nothing to her. When she becomes Lucy, she puts on some clothes. The violence is so over-the-top to juxtapose against the sickening cuteness of the kids, expressing the duality of man or something of the like.

I don't like elfen lied, but fanservice isn't the problem, too little plot for about half the season and a terrible ending, not to mention awful voice acting in both english and japanese, are far more apparent problems.

OT: I've never watched naruto or bleach because 200+ episodes are too many to catch up on, and long running animes have too many fillers. I will add another vote for Baccano! because, to be honest, it is incredible. Not only is it enjoyable to watch, but it is quite a feat in storytelling; having 3 main plotlines across different time periods involving around 30 characters and never becoming confusing or difficult to follow.

I like Cardcaptor Sakura the most, so perhaps disregard what i say.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Bleach is garbage. Kubo can't write, his story basically repeated itself twice as well =/ I enjoy the anime fillers more than any of the cannon after the soul society arc.

Naruto is average to above average for shounen so I'll pick that.


New member
May 27, 2009
with series like these, they always start off strong, then get progressively stupider and stupider. bleach started off really strong, but petered off really quickly. naruto started off pretty good then remained average for the rest of the series.

i'll go with bleach for its brilliant opening seasons.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Well they are both not that good.

But Naruto has a quite decent story and plot while Bleach not so much.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
To keep it in the spirit of long running animes with separate story arks I'd have to say Fairy Tail and Gintama are vastly superior to Bleach and Naruto.I'm afraid to get into One Piece out of fear I'll either like it too much or like it a lot and then get super disappointed when the fillers hit.

The Shade of Time

New member
Nov 22, 2008
Bleach started off really well in my opinion but it soon turned into DragonBall Z with swords.

Naruto on the other hand went the other way with me, really didn't care for the original series, but shippuden is amazing.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Naruto has a better story, but Bleach has a better style, either way I hate both of them now, hindsight is such a great thing.

They're both paced pretty badly, breaking up the main-characters and their battles with useless side-characters and their fights against characters that have only been on screen for like, 5 minutes, and then said fights last up to 5 or more chapters.


New member
May 4, 2011
I enjoyed the first few arcs of Bleach, and I liked some of the characters in Naruto, but I wouldn't say that either is in my top favorites. I enjoy more shows like Baccano, Kino's Journey, and Haibane Renmei.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
As far as i am concerned, Berserk is the one manga that stands high above everything else.
Fantastic artwork combined with a story that has no equal in any medium i can think of.
Just don't make the mistake of quiting on it after the first few volumes. The story gets really epic, and you can re-read it a hundred times and every time you can find some new aspect to the story or some funy detail in the artwork.

Death Note is also very good.

The important thing to consider about Naruto/Bleach is that the Manga is far superior to the anime.
I like both mangas, Naruto more than Bleach, but the animes don't do them justice, especially Naruto Shippuden. At least watch the japanese originals, even if you have to read subtitles.
But seriously, read the mangas, they are good.

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
Full Metal Alchemist> Full Metal Panic!> Shippuden> Bleach(why do you keep draging on forever?)> Naruto(100 eisodes of consecutive filler? Really?!?)

EDIT: I also agree that the manga is much better for Naruto/Bleach.

Maxtro said:
Both shows have a great although underutilized supporting cast. I think too much focus is given to Naruto and Ichigo. None of those shows feel like they actually need main characters or at least not those two. I would totally watch a show called Kakashi.
May I point you towards Kakashi Gaiden [http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kakashi_Gaiden]?


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Naruto and Shippuden. I only got 100 episodes into Bleach and it just wasn't doing anything for me. Plus the art style is really weird. Ichigo seems to get mored ripped as time passes.


New member
May 26, 2010
I really liked Bleach to begin with, but it has slid down my favourites list a fair bit now. The multiple .hack anime's and Fullmetal Alchemist are my favourites at the moment. Brotherhood is just to die for.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Naruto is better, but only because Bleach is complete and utter shit, Naruto is just a regular turd. One Piece is the only one of the "big three" that's actually still fun if you as a fan are aware of its flaws (One Piece isn't many times more popular than both the others combined in Japan for nothing). Naruto and Bleach are in the state they are now only fun if you're a complete fanboy oblivious to their gigantic flaws.
I'm talking about the manga here, because the anime of One Piece is pretty shitty too.
Also, Bleach and Naruto were great in the beginning. Such a shame.

ps: Hajime no Ippo deserves mention. It's one awesome boxing series and it deserves more recognition. Give it a watch please!