Poll: POLL: Sci-fi bodymodding. Bio or Mech?

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I'd personally like both. I could have robotic eyes to help see in the night, heat vision, ect. and have bio for regeneration capabilities. If I had to pick only one however, it'd be bio because if the robotics are ruined, you out of luck. Biological powers are forever.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I go for bio-enhancements. At the end of the day I'd take the self sustaining opportunities of biological enhancements over the more potent, yet prone to failure mechanical ones.
Someone said that mech would be better because it ends up better than bio over a long enough time span.
Those jets you used as an example have entire teams to maintain them constantly just to keep up decent performance. Those slow birds you claimed inferior maintain themselves.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
both is a bit daft to ask. Who wouldnt want the best of both? personally though, in terms of ME, id go for full mech. hack computers with my finger!


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Mix n' Match with a heavy leaning towards bio.

Biological augmentations are pretty low maintenance (aside from some potentially increasing calorie-intake per day or so forth) and even at the lowest level are self repairing (whilst you need high-end nanomaterial for even minimal repair with synthetic augmentations). Plus they simply do some things more efficiently. For example, you can increase strength in all muscle groups with bio in one go - with cybernetics you'd need to replace them all to accomplish the same, and cyberlimbs would need a ton of anchoring + replacing virtually all of your back muscles and most of your legs to let you lift cars with ease or whatever - just a limb replacement would only give you super-strong grip

Bio can't, of course, do everything. An augmented reality system (such as a HUD) would be pretty invaluable. As would access to various programs and the internet via said AR interface.

But with both I could totally go for the techno-werewolf [http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/204/6/3/Cray_Narick_Werewolf_by_mariecannabis.jpg] look. Bio-augs for strength and speed, claws and fangs, mech augs for HUD, reinforced bones, etc..... :p

Katani Koneko

New member
Jul 8, 2010
I'd actually like the Bio mods, because I'd love to jump to school instead of drive. And hell, never to get sick again would be nice.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
donfuhrer said:
Those who have already played Prototype will have to agree with me on this one.

Although I wonder what happen if Mercer got himself some mech modification.
Mercer + lasers = ?

thx for vote and feedback =^_^=


New member
Jul 20, 2009
individual11 said:
Bio mods seem kinda... unpredictable.


thx for your vote and feedback =^_^=


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Might I sugest agin, a skul-gun for my head. Yesterday in Batery Park, some
scum we all know pushes smack for NSF gets jumpy and draws. I take 2 .22's,
1 in flesh, 1 in augs, befor I can get out that dam asalt gun.

If I could kil just by thought, it would be beter. Is it my job to be a
human target-practis backstop?

Gunther Hermann


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I'm leaning towards bio, from survival standpoint not straight-out war. I imagine mech stuff would require more maintenance and gives a whole new meaning to getting my system hacked.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Although I went with Mech, after reading the thread... I can't decide. Most likely I'd go mechanical with some Bio. For specifics, I'd get a mechanical arm with a hidden blade while on the Bio end I'd fix my eyes (short sightedness sucks) and strengthen my internal organs.

Also, here is some other stuff.

Firstly, to those that say Mech will survive longer the Bio, I find that statement to be flawed. It is possible to via Bio engineering extend the natural lifespan of a living creature, human or otherwise. I don't know how as my knowledge of internal organs, DNA etc. is comparable to a rock's perception of the world but I do know that it can happen and probably will happen.

Secondly, Wintermute_, something Bio engineering has over Mechanical augmentation is surprise. If you look at a mechanically augmented person, unless the changes are on the inside, your going to more or less know what they have done while with a Bio engineered person, your not going to know if they made they eyes sharper or given their arm the ability to change into some bio-cannon that could level a block. This could also be a disadvantage in the design phase (Mech: Know what your doing from the get-go. Bio: Testing the waters to see what happens).

Thirdly, to those who said HUD, I'd just prefer them as part of a pair of sunglasses. I'll skip some random rant and and just say HUD + Sunglasses = deadly pair of shades.

Lastly; Having played Frac/ture long ago, while the game was meh, the Biological augmentations people had were interesting.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
If it were for reasons of style I'd go with mech, but from a practical standpoint I'd favor a fusion of the two, a sort of biotech/technorganics... sort of what you see employed by the Vorlons from Babylon 5.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Probably bio, unless you're willing to shell out for anti-rust you're probably going to come down with gangrene in the rain with mech implants.