Poll: POLL: Sci-fi bodymodding. Bio or Mech?


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I'd take a bit of both, I'd mostly go for cybernetically augmenting my bones and muscles, as well as giving me cyber eyes. I'd keep mechanical augments out of my brain though.
I'd go for bio augments for things like improving my immunity, my lung capacity, anything that tech upgrades couldn't do.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
HUD in my eyes, that would make life epic, I would also make a bio/mech augment that activate an increased metabolism mode that would allow me to burn off all this excess fat.
May I make a list?
Lungs of awesome.
Built in shielding unit.
Robotic skeleton that would be light enough so that my muscles could still move it with minimal extra effort if it broke.
Gills, bitches don't know bout my swimmin skillz.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Bio, because i dont have to get in the metal detection for 15 minutes, telling them i have metallic implants to improve my body, when they probably think i dont.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Requx said:
I think bio could mess your body up more, and mechs are almost ageless. That said Ive always wanted to be a zerg
So wait you just want scamper around on the creep for a few hours with a brain the size of a relatively small peanut before being irradiated to death by a large space ship that you can't even attack?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Ithos said:
NO PLASMIDS! (changes to BODY, not laws of physics :mad: )
Hey I could argue that if you had biological augmentations that allowed for an abnormal amount of electrical buildup (hey, electricity already naturally exists in our bodies, just say... bump it up to 11), you could have a nasty Electro Bolt plasmid like ability. =D

OT (sort of, if above isn't): I would probably go with biological augmentations to enhance naturally abilities with mechanical alterations to boost them further. Both. IMHO, I don't find augmentation to be immoral in the least. We have used tools for the entirety of our species to improve out lives, and what difference do "augmentations" make to that? I say improve our lives as much as is physically, psychologically, and financially feasible, or possible.

May I add something else (and I wouldn't be surprised to be beaten on this suggestion), but what about Nano-augmentations ala Deus Ex? All the power (and more) of Mech without the robotic... messiness.

I apologize right now for the over use of ellipsis (...) and parentheses ().


New member
Nov 22, 2009
salinv said:
Ithos said:
NO PLASMIDS! (changes to BODY, not laws of physics :mad: )
Hey I could argue that if you had biological augmentations that allowed for an abnormal amount of electrical buildup (hey, electricity already naturally exists in our bodies, just say... bump it up to 11), you could have a nasty Electro Bolt plasmid like ability. =D

OT (sort of, if above isn't): I would probably go with biological augmentations to enhance naturally abilities with mechanical alterations to boost them further. Both. IMHO, I don't find augmentation to be immoral in the least. We have used tools for the entirety of our species to improve out lives, and what difference do "augmentations" make to that? I say improve our lives as much as is physically, psychologically, and financially feasible, or possible.

May I add something else (and I wouldn't be surprised to be beaten on this suggestion), but what about Nano-augmentations ala Deus Ex? All the power (and more) of Mech without the robotic... messiness.

I apologize right now for the over use of ellipsis (...) and parentheses ().
Yeah but what about the bees?


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Bio mods are cool in theory, like having a tail (DBZstyle) would be cool, or having some bio morphing ability of something. but everything bio can do, cyber can do, and do cooler and better. Cyber eyes that can double as nightvision, thermo binoculars? Enhanced robo limbs? natural camouflage built into my skin? a cyber brain that can project your psyche and connect to the matrix (Sprawl, Ghost in the shell combo) or even hidden weapons and electronic mind hud displays, cyber can do what Bio ain't got a chance to.

Can someone tell me one advantage to bio modes? That not to dis bio (its cool too) but because i actually can't think of anything, and am curious.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
thinking form a tactical stand point, mech upgrades/augments are a liability beacuse they are suseptible to the elements and technical malfunctions.... also EMP could leave you with a blind eye and a limp arm. AND THAT is why i pick Bio


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'd take biological upgrades and any mechanical implants that don't show, just as upgrades. As for lost limbs and such, biological, I'm going to be a pickey cyborg.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Both, but with a strong preference for mechanical. Not only are biological mods fragile and susceptible to food, illness and age; worst of all you can never really trust that they won't try to re-write your DNA or make you hatch a litter of salamanders or something.
Besides, as others have said before it would be much easier to upgrade mechanical mods when next season's models come out.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Bio mods seem kinda... unpredictable. At least with a machine, if it doesn't work, you broke it, or you've got a hardware conflict. If a biomod doesn't work, your body's either gonna reject it, or it's gonna reject you.
Chances are 90% of the escapists maintain their gaming hardware better than themselves (gross generalisation, sorry).
Full body cyberisation is pretty bloody drastic, with side effects such as cyberbrain sclerosis, but biological mods will have to contend with every permutation of incompatibility issues (emphasis on mutation).
With the general state of science at the moment, genetic research looks set to overtake cybernetic.
In my humble opinion.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I'll take mechanical. Also, if I can do anything to work around superstrings, I'll be a happy man.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Mech. It'd hurt less if something went wrong and they had to replace it.

Both bio and mech would have minor biology compatibility and acceptance problems if they were using real world science and we're not just assuming that they magically work.