Poll: POLL: Sci-fi bodymodding. Bio or Mech?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
crudus said:
Ithos said:
crudus said:
Bio. Fuck getting my ass beaten by an EMP.
hahah :p there's ways to shield stuff from that you know. but valid point.
thank you for the vote and feedback :)
Shields can fail though. To be truly immune is to not have transistors.
plus aren't the shields the part that is brought down also with EMPs?

Death on Trapezoids

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Bio all the way! Even without plasmids!
Seriously, who wouldn't want to be able to breath underwater, regenerate instantly, eat sticks, rocks, and your enemy's weapons, and brave the cold vacuum of space?
mainly bio over mech because [a href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CyberneticsEatYourSoul"]Cybernetics eat your soul[/a]


The Morally Bankrupt Weasel
Sep 10, 2008
well a mix and match is the best bet organic replacement parts and upgrades as much as i can but electronic parts for special abilities that even engineered flesh cant do
for me organic parts would feel more natural

and EMP's that are strong enough can also affect the electrics in organic tissue


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Bio organic all the way. yes the mech stuff is quicker and simpler but there's just a savage simpleness to it (( no offense.)) starting out with shaved heads and jutting wires single color eyes and coolant rods sticking out of your back or what not to even the best of a star trek esque style with clean flowing lines and wireless inter everything.

bio manipulation could be argued as an art form the act of growing these tissue and splicing genes why debate on the robotic eyes or the reinforced steel when you can have the eyes of a hawk, the speed of a panther the only limitation is your biomass.... and the chance that too much manipulation will turn you into a pyschoitc freak ( a.k.a bioshock with their gene manipulation too much = fragile minds.) or running he risk of eventually becoming all machine and losing your soul to the machine gods.

in short Bio good machine good... bio just prettier.

things to motivate my opinion

( Borg, Adepts Mechanius, Bioshock, bat man beyond ( the splicing episode)... yeah all fantasy but what did you expect?))

also note the machine and soul thing I was referencing that you would lose yourself as a human not the existental christian special organ magically hidden inside of you....... also no offense to christians

also also you got a computer in your brain? I got a pipboy on my wrist you can lift a building or hide a gatling gun in your arm? I can rip your wires out with my claws/talons/ what ever.... and in the future of bio I see real live tenticle rape filmed in Japan! Rejoice my brothers the future is upon US!

okay toning the crazy knob down to a six.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Mech augmentation for sure. I like your HUD idea. After I have to replace my stomach with more mech parts, I'll know when to eat. Or gas up.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I've had this discussion countless time, and being in a Science Fiction research lab I've read both the pro's and con's of Mech and Bio augmentation. My feeling is that right now Mech augmentation is the leading "in thing" to do but bio is slowly catching up. I've seen and read some amazing real-life experiments done with BioEngineering and Biomedical Engineering that would blow your mind.

I will admit though I'm a little biased because 1) I'm getting a biomedical engineering minor and 2) I have this weird power/influence over electronics that royally screws them up and I'm afraid that if I did the Mech choice I would either break it or short it out at bad times.

(Example would be a cyber-brain, like in Ghost in the Shell, that the data corrupted just because I got near it / had it in my body.)

P.s. If anyone wants to read some good Science Ficiton book about biopunk (Biological Augmentation) I suggest getting Ribofunk by Paul Di Fillipo. By far my favorite scifi book and one of the reason I decided to get a BioMedical Engineering Minor.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
TheCake66 said:
salinv said:
Ithos said:
NO PLASMIDS! (changes to BODY, not laws of physics :mad: )
Hey I could argue that if you had biological augmentations that allowed for an abnormal amount of electrical buildup (hey, electricity already naturally exists in our bodies, just say... bump it up to 11), you could have a nasty Electro Bolt plasmid like ability. =D

OT (sort of, if above isn't): I would probably go with biological augmentations to enhance naturally abilities with mechanical alterations to boost them further. Both. IMHO, I don't find augmentation to be immoral in the least. We have used tools for the entirety of our species to improve out lives, and what difference do "augmentations" make to that? I say improve our lives as much as is physically, psychologically, and financially feasible, or possible.

May I add something else (and I wouldn't be surprised to be beaten on this suggestion), but what about Nano-augmentations ala Deus Ex? All the power (and more) of Mech without the robotic... messiness.

I apologize right now for the over use of ellipsis (...) and parentheses ().
Yeah but what about the bees?
your body could produce a sweet necter that could attact them and then bees are at your command with the simple toss of a slimy ball of goo...... also thicker skin so the bee stings wouldn't hurt.... and nerve removal..... and a few other anti-toxins yatta yatta.

Joshua Strunk

New member
Jun 30, 2010
Personally the ability for both would probably corrupt people. However I don't care about that so i would go for a more mech in limbs, eyes, (nervous system possibly)Bio enhancements to basic frame work primarily intellect.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
If I can have a tail, and a pair of doggy ears, then I'm down... And just add a second vote because I know another person who would want a kitteh tail and kitteh ears to match XD, and maybe even give me some added punch to my vocal cords, howling for the win!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
If we are talking just changes to our actual bodies, then i prefer bio. Though it depends on the mod, if mech offers better stuff, i'll go with that, but i prefer bio because it implies a certain natural element, which would mean less maintanance, less chance of damage that won't auto repair(read heal) and less tech needed to maintain. However, When i say bio, i do not preclude the possibilty of "reprograming" the body to do things like graft iron or even advanced organically based composites onto the skeleton. that's my 2 cents.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
BIO all the way!
super strength and speed, regeneration and a badass organic aesthetic
as opposed to boring grey mech armor....
which has been done a thousand times before....

also to ALL those voting for a mixture of biological and cybernetic modifications
When the inevitable civil war between the genetically altered humans and cybernetic space marines breaks out you will be executed for heresy/treason
so pick a side 0.o


New member
Jun 17, 2009

i would prefer to have my organs replaced by better, organic ones(+secondary and tertiary ones just to be sure.

mech-parts on the outside in the form of having a computer implanted in the forearm(I'm looking at you, Cable) or having my eyes replaced. I wouldn't want to look like a cyborg, so my metal skin should always be under a layer of normal skin(unless i want it to be the top layer, either to show off or to intimidate, or for maintenance).
From an aesthetic point of view I wouldn't like BIO because it alwys makes me think of tumor growth or insect carapaces. Mech on the other hand could be nicely incoporated with all the metal i wear on my body anyway(jewelry, watch, piercings and stuff).

but for some reason i would always prefer to have some organic component as a backup, not because of sabotage, in the age of scifi-bodymodding it's likely to be as easy to manipulate biomods as it is tech mods.


Soi just my own thoughts and to sum this up I don't care as long as i still look human(unless i could just put my brain in a huge spider-combatwalker) but still would prefer mech.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Mostly Bio with a few mech mixed in for those bosses that are hard to kill with Bio.

Go Go Mech Death Toes!


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Those who have already played Prototype will have to agree with me on this one.

Although I wonder what happen if Mercer got himself some mech modification.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Mechanical, on the basis that the idea of a computer implanted into one's brain is pretty interesting. Hack anything you want, instant access to any information you could ever need, calculator in your head...yes, this will do.

Unless the brain implant emails your thoughts to an advertising agency. Hmm.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Mech... Luke Skywalker gets a hand.
Bio... Alex Mercer impales a company of soldiers.

I think I'll go with bio.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Plurralbles said:
Mech... Luke Skywalker gets a hand.
Bio... Alex Mercer impales a company of soldiers.

I think I'll go with bio.
Can you honestly say you would choose bio over this?

And why choose at all, both is double the awesome! Get imba machine parts and improve the parts you don't replace. Like the terminator in the third movie, except you'd be alex mercer on a framework of awesome machine stuff.