Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
If kids were allowed to carry guns then I would be forced to take out and dust off my firearms and not hesitate to shoot any kid I see that is carrying a gun themselves.

Obviously being sarcastic, but not really. In a hypothetical situation such as that I would take no risks.

The extreme amount of respect required to handle a firearm is not found in a child, yes a child in my eyes is anyone less than 18, but more so 16 and under. A great deal of responsibility comes in owning a weapon and knowing how to store it and handle it is only a fraction of the amount of care required to own one and to make sure no harm comes to others and yourself.

There are kids that begin to understand what it means to own and carry a firearm when they learn it from their father, either by hunting or from their father showing them what it means to respect it.

A lot of kids don't even know how to safely hand over a knife to someone, let alone handle a firearm in public.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
No. Definitely No.
From what I've learned throughout my history online, as well in some cases in the outside world, is that kids aren't very rational. Non-Rational minds + Guns = Bad, bad things.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
My parents put me in a hunting safety course when I was 12 then bought my first rifle. I intend to do the same with my own kids.

Now, having said that I still say F- NO!!! Hunting arms are different than? say? a concealable weapon. Second I was taught that there were only a few places where it was appropriate to carry and use firearms and the mall and school were not on that list. Third that would be the easiest way to decrease the population, imagine a group of pissed off illogical people with the means to change the world with less than a seconds thought.

Totally bad idea.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Gormourn said:
andrat said:
Gormourn said:
andrat said:
mike1921 said:
andrat said:
Def not
I'm technically in that category (kids) and I say no
I was mugged last week
Imagine if they had guns
I'd be dead
Imagine the test to get them actually works and you had guns, they'd be dead.
That is true, although if they can get weed, I would assume they could get a hold of guns... also it was three versus one, not great odds in my favour
At least weed doesn't fucking kill people. And it's amazingly easy to get weed anywhere in North America.

And no, I am not a user nor do I promote use of illegal substances.

But, legalize it; etc.
Yea I know
I get offered it when I go down the hallways at school ( I say no )
But I'm assuming the people they buy from would have SOME access to guns
Nah, not really. Most weed dealers are only considered criminals because they tend to sell and sometimes grow illegal plants. I'd wager and say that some 90% of them aren't involved in crime, at all. Hell, a good amount of them are complete stoners or hippie left overs.
Probably. I don't really consider weed dealers/smokers criminals because I know so many people that do it. I would consider someone say robbing people for weed or something a criminal. But still, I think they would have used guns had they had access to them


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I don't care about a government test the only person I would let carry a gun at my school is myself because I know I I wouldn't do some dumb shit.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
mike1921 said:
...................... irrelevent to what I said [...] I know the last one'd be prevented if the kid had to pass training to use a gun.
Read the last sentence bud... it quite clearly relates to what you said... accidental suicide != protection.

If you had actually bothered to read the last article, you might have seen:

"the boy's father was supporting his son from behind when the shooting happened."
"Police said the boy, Christopher Bizilj of Ashford, Conn., was with a certified instructor"

meaning that not only was he instructed, somebody else was helping him hold the weapon.

You say kids should be allowed to carry guns for protection. Kids, you know, the ones who make videos of themselves doing unbelievably stupid things? The ones who, despite having been told not to do something, will run off to do it, usually resulting in severe pain? The ones who don't learn from these mistakes and make a second video of them doing something equally stupid?

Training essentially means nothing. You can teach a person anything, but what you can't do is make them give a shit. Or even remember it. Did your parents ever tell you what was and wasn't safe? Did you ever pay attention to what they said? What makes you think these kids will retain the information for more than 15 seconds after they receive their license?

Sure, there will be responsible kids who won't make complete fools out of themselves and hurt somebody, but there will also be the ones who bullshit their way through the instructions and do something stupid afterwards. It's just not worth the risk.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
If they knew how to properly handle them, were not easily influenced, and were properly educated on them, yes. If the previous does not go perfectly at all times, no.

lil son

New member
Apr 22, 2009
lil son:
again if his kids are packing heat, ima doing so to save my life

So why not be against kids having the rights to carry guns? Then you wont have to worry about "ima doing so to save my life"
If so, I demand the person must be able to pass an English test.

So unborn fetus should have to right to carry arms as well right?
first off, thats just dumb. how could a festus hold a gun? sounds like you need to pass a common sense test.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Don't be stupid. If you said yes then you should stick you head in a fucking beehive. That's coming from a fucking 15 year old who loves guns!


New member
Aug 15, 2008
lil son said:
lil son:
again if his kids are packing heat, ima doing so to save my life

So why not be against kids having the rights to carry guns? Then you wont have to worry about "ima doing so to save my life"
If so, I demand the person must be able to pass an English test.

So unborn fetus should have to right to carry arms as well right?
first off, thats just dumb. how could a festus hold a gun? sounds like you need to pass a common sense test.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
lil son said:
lil son:

So unborn fetus should have to right to carry arms as well right?
first off, thats just dumb. how could a festus hold a gun? sounds like you need to pass a common sense test.
Agreed people can be such dumbasses


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
guardian001 said:
Training essentially means nothing. You can teach a person anything, but what you can't do is make them give a shit.

People have the misconception that if Person A completes Course B they will have total understanding of said course and are fully competent.

Yes, because everyone with a High School Diploma is fully competent in all studied fields in High School... yes.. right.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
wwjdftw said:
lil son said:
lil son:

So unborn fetus should have to right to carry arms as well right?
first off, thats just dumb. how could a festus hold a gun? sounds like you need to pass a common sense test.
Agreed people can be such dumbasses
I never thought i'd have to use the double facepalm on the escapist


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Guns are for video games, not for realsies.
Kids should under no circumstance be able to use guns, let alone carry them. No offense to anyone who agrees with it, but this whole "Right to Bear Arms" is a load of horseshite.


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
lil son said:
So unborn fetus should have to right to carry arms as well right?

first off, thats just dumb. how could a festus hold a gun? sounds like you need to pass a common sense test.
This statement was just someone being a smartass over the argument of a fetus is a human being and aborting is murder etc.

Or they were being serious in posing the argument that a fetus is unable to hold a gun therefore is not a human?


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
ExodusinFlames said:
No offense to anyone who agrees with it, but this whole "Right to Bear Arms" is a load of horseshite.
Have fun defending yourself in a home invasion or anything of the sort or defending yourself against oppressive martial law for that matter.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
No. In America, we don't let people drive cars until 16, and we don't TRUST them behind the wheel until a few years after that. You aren't allowed to smoke until you're 18, and can't drink until 21.

The smoking and drinking things I think bring up a good point: We're not even trusting people under 18 with their OWN lives. Why should we trust them with the lives of a number of people equivalent to the number of bullets they have?

Emotional maturity is an unpredictable thing. People who could easily pass the government test (under supervision, pressure, and a controlled environment) could EASILY lose their minds in less controlled and more unpredictable circumstances.

There are too many deaths when kids get their hands on guns they aren't supposed to have. I shudder to think what America would be like if they had constant access to their own guns.

If kids had been allowed to have guns back when I still went to mainstream schools, I would have been shot many times, and probably wouldn't be alive to discuss this (I seem to cause a certain personality type to just completely snap around me. 80% of people are just fine around me.), and my continued existence is something that I am very happy I still have.

I can elaborate if I am requested to do so, but I think I've made my basic point.