Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I'm hard pressed to think of a dumber idea.

SyphonX said:
ExodusinFlames said:
No offense to anyone who agrees with it, but this whole "Right to Bear Arms" is a load of horseshite.
Have fun defending yourself in a home invasion or anything of the sort or defending yourself against oppressive martial law for that matter.
Yes, I'm sure you'll do fine against martial law with you civilian guns. It's not like the guys imposing martial law won't outnumber and outgun you or anything. Totes man, it'll be a fair fight, yeah? Civies with rifles, armies with tanks.


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
chenry said:
Yes, I'm sure you'll do fine against martial law with you civilian guns. It's not like the guys imposing martial law won't outnumber and outgun you or anything. Totes man, it'll be a fair fight, yeah? Civies with rifles, armies with tanks.
You should read up more on historical warfare. Rather you could read up on current events and see how that's going. Been what now, 8 years? I spent 2 of those years in Iraq myself and I could tell you quite a few stories on how a civilian populace rises against a standing army.

Edit: I need to add in this particular post that, like I said in a previous post, Kids shouldn't be able to carry guns. Just got off-topic...


New member
Nov 19, 2008
No. Video games have conditioned them-I mean, that's what we call a dick move.
Kids don't need guns.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Children are too irresponsible to handle many things. Weapons are one of those things.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
i think they should be a select few kids that dont have the best grades but decent ones and go through some training and monitering to make sure they wont be fucktards with them and then give them guns in order to protect schools and stop bullying

god damn i would have fit the standards to the letter I WANT A GUN DAMMIT o well still i question how those nerds go through high school with out killing themselves back when i was in school some aweful shit was done to them and it could be stopped with some trustworthy kids packing heat


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Xiado said:
Nmil-ek said:
If kids can carry guns i demand the right to drive a tank.
If kids get guns, and you get a tank, then I demand the right to bear SCUD ballistic missiles.
o ya well im going to get death stars HA beat that

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
As a general rule, kids are less mature than adults. Guns are dangerous devices. Mature adults and older teens are the people I feel are best equipped to handle and care for firearms.

I feel I would probably have behaved responsibly carrying a gun when I was a bit younger, but who really knows for sure? I've fired guns before in my life, but I have never carried one on my person for longer than it took to move it from one place (firing range) to another (trunk of car).

And really, is it so necessary for people under 18 to have guns? If they need to feel safe, there are tazers, mace, knives, hatchets, swords, metal pipes, garrote wire and pit bulls for that. Just make sure you don't store them all in the same place on your person. People tend to notice stuff like that.

Getting off topic, however, I strongly support the Right to Bear Arms (for adults.) Regardless of how effective a civilian uprising might or might not be (probably much more effective than one might think, considering how the military's lifeblood is in the civilian industry), the threat of a revolt will serve to underscore every major political and governmental choice one's leaders make.

One can only deal with people in power from a position of power. If the populace has no actual power (and no means by which to prevent tyranny), the government doesn't need to give them any "rights", either.

Anyway, just wanted to lend my support on that matter. Guns yes, Guns+Kids no.


New member
Dec 24, 2008

That's what the thread title looked like to me. Of course kids shouldn't be allowed to carry guns.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
I know I'm late to the conversation but...


I'm not usually for the "kids are dumb" argument, but in this case it stands. I don't even think anyone under the age of twenty should be allowed to carry a gun around without passing some sort of rigorous test.

People with guns do stupid things too often to run the risk of giving one to a testosterone fueled fifteen year old guy who may or may not be pissed off at another guy for "stealing his girl".

Teenage guys (and girls, I'm just using guys as an example) get into fights ALL THE TIME. If they were packing heat, so many people would DIE.

I'm sorry to say this, OP, but your friend is an idiot for even thinking the idea held any water.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Samurai Goomba said:
As a general rule, kids are less mature than adults. Guns are dangerous devices. Mature adults and older teens are the people I feel are best equipped to handle and care for firearms.

I feel I would probably have behaved responsibly carrying a gun when I was a bit younger, but who really knows for sure? I've fired guns before in my life, but I have never carried one on my person for longer than it took to move it from one place (firing range) to another (trunk of car).

And really, is it so necessary for people under 18 to have guns? If they need to feel safe, there are tazers, mace, knives, hatchets, swords, metal pipes, garrote wire and pit bulls for that. Just make sure you don't store them all in the same place on your person. People tend to notice stuff like that.
what the fuck hide a pitbull?

i did that once i snuck it into school when i was in 7th grade i just got in then took it out of my pants and let it loose they said "HOLY SHIT HE HAD A HIDDEN WEAPON, A PITBULL"

/huge gigantic sarcasm

Jurassic Rob

New member
Mar 27, 2009
No-one should be allowed to carry guns!

Guns should be eliminated from our societies, and never be heard from again. NO GUNS, NO WARS!


New member
Jan 9, 2008
You know, I'm disappointed. I would've thought a forum that parades itself as being more "mature" would recognize that you don't have an epiphany and become wise the second you turn 18/21/whatever. Let me put this into perspective for you all:

- I am 17 years old, 11th Grade.
- I live in Northern Virginia (Fairfax County for all of you up there), one of the most liberal places in the world.
- I am taking the most rigorous classes available at my school, along with the International Baccalaureate Diploma program.
- I am earning an unweighted 4.0 GPA (Straight A's).
- I'm not a social outcast (because I know that's what you're all thinking right now).
- I like to think that I'm reasonably mature and I hate being treated like a "child". What makes that 21 year old so different than me?

Let's think about a few things for a minute: Columbine, VA Tech shootings, etc. It's the classic case of the lawful being punished because they decided to follow the law, while the unlawful have a field day. What if a student per every two or three classes was carrying? Would the situation have turned out any different? I don't know, it's mere speculation, but what I DO know is that SOMETHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. There would've been a chance, instead of being picked off at the shooting gallery. And you know what? Nobody even has to know, besides the administrators, that the kid has a gun. Bill could be carrying, and when a crisis such as the VA Tech shooting arises, he is able to protect the rest of the class. I'm not saying an elementary school or middle school kid should be allowed to carry, but when you get to the age group where you have to start taking responsibility, you grow up real fast. Checks could be involved where you had to declare your weapon to the administrators; if they felt that you were not suitable to carry, since your counselor gets to know you VERY well by that age, they would not allow you to on the school property (or perhaps refuse you ownership at all).

By the way, we aren't as fucking shallow as you think we are. We UNDERSTAND and REALIZE the consequences of our actions as well, if not better than adults (as the results are more extreme and more sudden). We aren't going to randomly point a gun at someone and pull the trigger because "we don't like them". We aren't insane, we aren't nuts, and it really irks me how half of you are implying this. Get off your soap box and go spew your hate somewhere else, because those of us who care are HIGHLY irritated by it.

To all those who are saying "WELL CHECKS IN THE PAST HAVE FAILED!!1!!1", those are usually a result of negligence (in terms of gun ownership) on the part of the examiner, or simple ignorance of the rules. If something like this were to be instated, there would be multiple checks, such as required checks and meetings with school administrators, psychologists, and a training program. It's common sense. By the way, what stops a kid who is really determined to "GET THAT FAG0T" from bringing in a gun illegally? Wouldn't he do it REGARDLESS if it's illegal or not? Murder, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, etc. are all crimes too, so if you go the route that "It's a crime, so they won't do it!", then it works either way.

Keep in mind that I'm not suggesting every 13 year old gets one; far from it. Only those who have shown themselves to be mature should be even considered, and that probably starts around the age of 16.

By the way: My family does not own a firearm, nor have I ever fired one. So I'm not biased in any way towards that.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
OK if i had a gun and got mad i would probably use it badly. also there would litter brats and people who like to freak people out. i also know that there safety's but come (I'm a kid, 11)


New member
Apr 19, 2009
SyphonX said:
Have fun defending yourself in a home invasion or anything of the sort or defending yourself against oppressive martial law for that matter.
Wow ... mature reaction. Martial law ... stay inside out of the reason it was enacted in the first place. You want home invasion protection??? Get a dog and learn how to take someone out with your hands, like a man.
In that equation the dog can act as a disctraction, and hell, use household items. Keeping a gun in your home is A. An invitation for trouble, B. A paranoid way to live and C. A cowardly way to handle a problem.

Have fun surviving in your overly paranoid, brown, dystopian future