Poll: So Duke Nukem Forever is $5 on Steam....


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Go to a taco bell and buy 5 99cent tacos on taco Tuesday.

Then go play a game that is actually good.


New member
May 16, 2009
if your expecting an amazing and all time hilarious revitalisation of old fps games don't get it.

If you want a duke nukem game and have $5 spare then get it.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Aircross said:
I got Knights of the Old Republic for $5.

In no way is Duke Nukem Forever worth the same $5.
I got Dead Space 2 for $5.

In no way is Duke Nukum Forever worth the same $5.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Too all the people bashing on Duke Nukem: Forever.

Post links to your steam account library through Value my steam account or you holding the case and prove that you actually own it.
I want to know how many of you are on the bandwagon with this one, so much over exaggeration.

I may buy it myself, any game is worth $5 at the end of the day.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Duke Nukem Forever is not a good game.

To be clear, it's not the worst game ever made. It doesn't crash your computer (well, it didn't crash my computer, at least.) It is possible to get from beginning to end. It doesn't generally require a strategy guide just to progress. I'll even grant that it has moments that approach being entertaining, though not very many.

But it's a tragic example of poor design choices on so, so very many levels. It misses the mark on both what it tries to carry over from the old games and what it tries to update for the current generation. Its levels are painfully linear; bad guy drop-ins are so obviously scripted that it breaks suspension of disbelief. It's poorly paced, and its sense of progression and reward isn't well implemented at all. It's offensive enough to be uncomfortable without being daring or well-considered enough to feel either audacious or sexy. Its lack of confidence in its own graphics are made obvious by the amount of time you spend in shadows or looking through green-white night vision.

I've never played the infamous Daikatana, but what I've read suggests DNF isn't "Daikatana bad"- it doesn't game-over you because a stupid henchman got himself crushed by the terrain, it doesn't force you to sit through long, tedious narration (only the occasional short tedious narration), it doesn't make you spend the first fifteen minutes fighting frogs and mosquitoes.

And thus, it's not the kind of game that's going to give you tons of fun stories of the horror of having had to play it. It's just kind of depressing that so many people spent such an extended portion of their lifespan painfully bringing it into being.

If you really have an academic interest in examining how a game goes wrong, or if you're the kind of person who has to rubberneck at a traffic accident with everyone else, DNF might be worth $5. Otherwise, there are tons of games on Steam and GOG that will provide you with far more enjoyable experiences, even for $5. (The Binding of Isaac keep sucking me in, if you want a suggestion.)


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Sewer Rat said:
Yes, it is an awful piece of shit by all accounts
How do you know that when you haven't played it? Oh, wait, you're just saying what the internet told you to say. Okay, let me play along.


Anybody who plays first-person shooters is a moron.
Final Fantasy VI is an obscure, underground niche title that only I have heard of.
Final Fantasy VII ruined video games forever.
Call of Duty is a more prominent tragedy than the World Trade Center bombings.
The Legend of Zelda doesn't recycle a damn thing from one game to the next. Every installment is fresh and new in every way.

In all seriousness, Duke Nukem Forever is a thoroughly average first-person shooter that's enhanced slightly by its kitschy sense of humor. I'm of the opinion that an 'alpha male' is pretty much the worst thing a person can be, so a game that lampoons the concept as delightfully as this one did will be a winner in my book, even if it's just barely a winner. Call it a seven out of ten, if you want my opinion expressed numerically.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Even getting for 7 during the holiday sale i still felt ripped off and did not finish it.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
i choose 'give the money to staving children', because, its a better use of money, so's the cornetto actually, anything is generally a better use of coin then buying dnf


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Why bother with it when you can buy Serious Sam HD Gold for 4 dollars when it's on sale? That's two good co-op games with fun shooting vs a shitty one.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Trust me the Cornetto will be much more satisfying. I wouldn't even buy it for $1. Not when I could buy a Snickers bar instead.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Popeman said:
viranimus said:
Anyway. The game is good. Dont let the masses force feed your opinion to you.
So let you force feed your opinion to him? The guy is asking for peoples opinions saying don't listen to peoples opinions is kind of redundant.
Fair enough. It was an error on my part not to break the sentences up as follows.

Anyway, The game is good.

Dont let the masses force feed your opinion to you."
Those are in fact two separate statements But the sentiment is the same really. The consensus on the game is fueled more by irrational dislike and an audience that was simply unable to relate to the game than actual negative qualities. So if the consensus has an irrational dislike of the game, then its not good to just take the word of the masses. Dont think I told him to not listen to other peoples opinions, I was trying to express that its not a good thing to listen to malformed opinions because honestly I guarantee you there are infinitely more people who will tell you DNF is the worst game ever, than there are copies of the game sold, rented, borrowed or pirated for that matter.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
you know all the fun jokes from 3D?
replace those with dead and unfunny meme,s.
although I feel less ripped of about DNF then COD Black Ops (I bought both around launch day)
Monkeyman O said:
I would rather spend that $5 on a nice claw hammer to beat my dick with because that would still be more enjoyable than DNF.
Which is sad because with one minor adjustment the game could have been fucking awesome.

Duke Vision!

Imagine that instead of it being a crappy heat vision it was actual Duke Vision. You turn it off and you see the world how it really is, turn it on and you see it how Duke deludes himself into thinking it is.
So his twins and mansion are instead two 50 year old hookers and its a crappy studio apartment.
Duke in the mirror is really fat and balding with it turned off.
The 3 boobed alien is exactly the same just missing the boobs.
The soldiers constantly mock Duke under their breath and only tolerate him because he is good at killing shit.

Shit like that would have bumped DNF up to my top 10 list.
you sir win a cookie


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
If you want to play it and are just hesitant because of how badly the game got slammed, go for it. Heck, it doesn't get much cheaper if you rent the damn thing; if I hadn't already satisfied my academic curiosity about it shortly after release I might get it myself.
As it stands, I already played DNF and know for sure it's not a game I'd play ever again.

Burrito With Legs

New member
Jan 27, 2012
I've kind of been thinking about buying it, just to fling poop at people and for all the nostalgia packed inside of it. By nostalgia I mean hookers and poop-flinging.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Buretsu said:
Slappable tits randomly growing on a wall is not humor. Women getting raped and forcibly impregnated by aliens is not humor. Pointing at a helmet that kinda looks like Master Chief's and going 'Do you see what I did there?' is not humor. The humor didn't fail to resonate with some sort of 'anti-humor' crowd, it failed to resonate with anyone with a mental age higher than 12, the kind of people who won't crap themselves laughing just because you randomly say the word 'ass' or 'tit' or can burp on cue.

And failing at any sort of meaningful humor, it resorted to falling back to spectacle and pandering, aiming at an audience that went from acne-ridden teens to productive members of society in the time it took for the game to finally be released.

You ask me, THEY should pay ME $5 to buy this game.
Really, I am sorry, but I completely have to disagree with you here. First off, we have to look at the humor from DN3D in comparison. Was its humor any more elevated? No it wasnt. DNF's humor stayed consistent with the tone it was supposed to evoke and it had to be on an equal level of offensiveness scaled for the desensitization that had occurred in the decade. It was never intended to have gone through some sort of high brow evolution of char to meet the maturity level of the audience. Duke is supposed to be a caricature of chauvinistic ignorance.

That was the mark it was aiming for, and it essentially hit on it. It might be in poor taste, but if you werent looking for crude juvenile humor, why even bother playing Duke in the first place? I mean really if you started playing Conkers Bad Fur Day and got offended because you think the crude humor diminishes the gameplay do you think the developer should completely retool the character. to accommodate your personal sensibilities? Or should you simply go play Banjo Kazooie instead?

Just because you appreciate high brow humor does not preclude you from appreciating low brow humor as well. Honestly I can enjoy the standup of say Henry Rollins just as much as I can enjoy the comedy of Beavis and Butthead. I really dont think comedy has ever been or ever will be an all or nothing proposition.-

No when it came to the humor you had a joint diversion. You had one group who grew up with the original and ended up growing up themselves to having more mature and refined tastes in humor. To them they were disappointed the humor did not mature along with them, but if it had, it simply would not be Duke. Then there is the younger crowd who did not grow up with Duke who just happens to have this ideology that is more willfully accepting of political correctness to which Duke would come across as insanely insensitive and offensive to their sensibilities and seems downright alien because the humor doesnt revolve around someone who is apathetic, completely socially awkward and drenched in self depreciation.

Honestly, if I wanted to see that tedious trope, I could see Scott Pilgrim, Larry David, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, The office, Loads of recent British comedies(Poor UK, Comedy really went downhill since dear Mr Hill died), Basically any Aptow film or tons of other horribly humorless examples.

So personally I am DAMN glad that Duke in essence managed to stay true to the character Duke Nukem, because by staying true to the char would be less offensive than pandering to such thin skinned people. I mean if they humor WASNT offensive, then exactly what was the point of making the game anyway? Honestly might as well just reskinned Duke, and rewrite the dialog to be completely serious and straight.

Yet Can you imagine the sheer outrage at the char deviating drastically from the Duke of days of old.

TheGauntman said:
Where is this mythical $5 Duke Nukem Forever on Steam? All I see is 75% off at $12.49USD a copy.