Poll: So, you're the last man (woman) on Earth, left with everyone of the opposite sex...


New member
Nov 4, 2014
What's going to happen is going to depend pretty much on how much infrastructure remains standing. Bear in mind that (although many of the technologies are unrefined and currently illegal) we currently can make artificial gametes (male and female) artificial wombs, and (as of 2012) artificial DNA, we don't even need humans to make more humans (so long as we still have data from the human genome project). This is good not only for its own sake, but because breeding from a single individual is going to cause some serious genetic problems down the road, unless you have a lot of mutations going on, or are a species with four or more sexes (which humans aren't, despite what some overzealous people would have you believe).

The catch is that that would require a lack of social collapse, which society is not going to have. Monogendered societies, absent a strong ideological bond (like monasteries or convents) don't work very well (like prisons), and women would not fare better than men in this. It's going to get bad, and get bad fast.


New member
Nov 3, 2013
As a female, this would be absolutely horrifying. I would be a baby factory for life, probably artificially inseminated with sperm equipped with the best genetics known to man and then forced to have (likely multiple at a time) children until my womb breaks.

Not sexy fantasy.

Seems like if I was a dude, they would just have me jack off into a plastic cup as many times a day as possible until I was dead.

Also not sexy fantasy.

I like having roughly 50/50 men and women. We should definitely keep that going.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Being the last lady on earth would not be very appealing to me.

I would be a walking potential baby oven.

And that's no good!

I would probably find the most deserted place I could find and then sleep with a knife, and maybe a dog to cuddle with. If all else fails and that can't happen, then I would find the tallest/nearest point where I am and do a belly flop until a sudden stop prevents me from falling further.

Basically I'd rather be dead if I can't be left alone.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Haha! Jokes on you ladies, I'm gayer than a peacock in a pride parade, you're getting nothing from me!

...also mainly because utilizing a single man to repopulate through traditional means when we have all these other science-y methods of getting people pregnant without men is horribly inefficient. Also they could totally just use any Sperm still on ice to pop out some more kids/as genetic material for replication, yeah? Shit, take a little blood from me and synthesis a cure, it's all in the bag right there.

I dunno, these kinds of hypothetical always assume that our technology is still in the dark ages, and not the weird not-shiny-and-chrome future that we really occupy. Like... faced with the threat of not having any more kids, I'm *pretty* sure all the scientists would double down and figure that shit out REALLY quickly.

Paragon Fury said:
I should also note in the book;

The governments and men of the world realized fairly quickly shit was going south fast and in what may be the most amazing bit of effective governance ever, most civilized nations made plans and efforts to have continuity of government by transferring roles and power to women and machines before all the men died and the remaining few went into cryostasis themselves to try and wait out for a cure, rather than have everybody go war and annihilate each other.

The new governments kind of figured that doing the whole "nations" thing probably wasn't going to be effective with half the world's population dead, so the world is now effectively ruled by the UN. The world has still gone to hell and society is falling apart slowly, as the robotics that are making up for the missing men are working overtime and breaking down, while the more advanced system are going un-repaired or wearing down because there aren't enough experts left to take care of them.

Society is also breaking down because of the hopelessness and despair the remaining women feel and the collapse of economies and cultures etc. In fact, one of the main characters in the story makes the point to the protagonist that his dedication to his old girlfriend is actually naive and potentially dangerous in this situation - since his refusal to have children with others until he finds her (or getting hurt while looking for her) would further demoralize the remaining population.
...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.


New member
Jul 6, 2015
I read another book about almost this specific thing, Frank Herbert's "The White Plague"(the title doesn't have anything to do with race) some guy creates a plague to wipe out the world's entire population of women and the story revolves around his revenge plot and how the world deals with the infected areas. However it does have some political themes that are specific to the timeframe which it was written in so I don't know how well it still holds up.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
To be honest in such a situation the real means of reproduction would come from the sperm banks that already exist through out the world to create the next generation. The few remaining men who would survive such a situation wouldn't be having much sex, we'd be jacking it into a cup a few times a day for years on end during our every day lives due to being a reliable source of new genetic material.

It wouldn't really be that great of a life either way though, because even ignoring the hundreds, perhaps thousands of kids you'd never realistically get a chance to see society would still in the most optimistic situation have massive problems due to just how much of the critical roles in society both at the bottom and the top are done by men. A transition in 6 months would simply be impossible. Sure a transitional government would be easy to do, but even in the most perfect situation you aren't going to have sewage, power production, water distribution, global trade networks or the like go from being near exclusively men to completely women in that time frame. It's just not viable. That's not even touching on industrial agriculture, the very backbone of everything that exists in the economy and society.

Such a world even in the most optimistic situation is not one worth living in due to the sheer chaos of it all.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Wrex Brogan said:
Paragon Fury said:
I should also note in the book;

The governments and men of the world realized fairly quickly shit was going south fast and in what may be the most amazing bit of effective governance ever, most civilized nations made plans and efforts to have continuity of government by transferring roles and power to women and machines before all the men died and the remaining few went into cryostasis themselves to try and wait out for a cure, rather than have everybody go war and annihilate each other.

The new governments kind of figured that doing the whole "nations" thing probably wasn't going to be effective with half the world's population dead, so the world is now effectively ruled by the UN. The world has still gone to hell and society is falling apart slowly, as the robotics that are making up for the missing men are working overtime and breaking down, while the more advanced system are going un-repaired or wearing down because there aren't enough experts left to take care of them.

Society is also breaking down because of the hopelessness and despair the remaining women feel and the collapse of economies and cultures etc. In fact, one of the main characters in the story makes the point to the protagonist that his dedication to his old girlfriend is actually naive and potentially dangerous in this situation - since his refusal to have children with others until he finds her (or getting hurt while looking for her) would further demoralize the remaining population.

...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.
To be fair it a fairly common plot device. It's absurdly common in both sci-fi (Star Trek, Stargate, and Star Wars, for example), and in fantasy (How many god damn times has a super evil been released, just because no one knows the super secret words to refresh the spell of whatever is keeping it in place? You'd think they'd carve that shit into every stone and tree in a 5 mile radius).


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Oh! I know! Mr. Fury Call on me! Oh! OH!

I would start a street gang, but we ride around in tanks and blow shit up! We'd have a bunch of different styles of tanks, big Goliath ones, smaller zippy ones, laser tanks, rocket tanks, hover tanks, tanks with heavily armored fronts. We'd go around blowing up major land marks and just 'causing a bunch of mischief and getting into turf wars with other tank gangs.

And I'd constantly be blaring this:

I think we can all agree this would be the only correct response and would in no way backfire.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Wrex Brogan said:
...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.
Because female can't figure out things for themselves. They need a man to teach them.

And there has never been a female engineer in existence so they can't help. Or maybe the disease killed all the female engineers because they were clearly really men in the first place if they choose engineering as a career


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Also are there achievements on this site? Is Paragon needing his 50th pole post? Or non-gaming thread?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Wrex Brogan said:
Haha! Jokes on you ladies, I'm gayer than a peacock in a pride parade, you're getting nothing from me!

...also mainly because utilizing a single man to repopulate through traditional means when we have all these other science-y methods of getting people pregnant without men is horribly inefficient. Also they could totally just use any Sperm still on ice to pop out some more kids/as genetic material for replication, yeah? Shit, take a little blood from me and synthesis a cure, it's all in the bag right there.

I dunno, these kinds of hypothetical always assume that our technology is still in the dark ages, and not the weird not-shiny-and-chrome future that we really occupy. Like... faced with the threat of not having any more kids, I'm *pretty* sure all the scientists would double down and figure that shit out REALLY quickly.

Paragon Fury said:
I should also note in the book;

The governments and men of the world realized fairly quickly shit was going south fast and in what may be the most amazing bit of effective governance ever, most civilized nations made plans and efforts to have continuity of government by transferring roles and power to women and machines before all the men died and the remaining few went into cryostasis themselves to try and wait out for a cure, rather than have everybody go war and annihilate each other.

The new governments kind of figured that doing the whole "nations" thing probably wasn't going to be effective with half the world's population dead, so the world is now effectively ruled by the UN. The world has still gone to hell and society is falling apart slowly, as the robotics that are making up for the missing men are working overtime and breaking down, while the more advanced system are going un-repaired or wearing down because there aren't enough experts left to take care of them.

Society is also breaking down because of the hopelessness and despair the remaining women feel and the collapse of economies and cultures etc. In fact, one of the main characters in the story makes the point to the protagonist that his dedication to his old girlfriend is actually naive and potentially dangerous in this situation - since his refusal to have children with others until he finds her (or getting hurt while looking for her) would further demoralize the remaining population.
...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.
Its not that hard to imagine. As much as women don't like it, most of the heavy lifting and things that make the world go 'round are done by men almost exclusively. Whom in 6 months are all dying in rather gruesome, nasty fashions in short order due to disease, and thus not only are you losing all of those experienced people but they're unable to directly pass on their knowledge. So now you have a mostly inexperienced group of people trying to learn vehicle technical and physically demanding jobs by just reading the manual, because of the actual women experts are pretty much working 24/7, globetrotting to keep other critical systems working and don't have time to spare.

So your farm robot or your car or the oil rig you're working on encounters a problem and the only people who really UNDERSTAND how to fix it are dead, occupied or no where nearby. So you've got stumble through it. And this occurs at all levels of society, so yeah, it gets pretty bad.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Thaluikhain said:
Wiping out half the population would kick the guts out of society. It'd not be a sexy place to be. No government, no organisation, mass panic, no essential services and piles of corpses everywhere.
Pff, I think you're over-estimating female propensity for chaos. Oh sure, it might be panic and tribalism at first, but without the thirst for war and violence of the other half of the population, Tribes and factions just turn into book clubs and lesbian heaven.

Yeah, you would probably end up as a caged flesh-stick being milked, but being so important and taking advantage of desperation, you might still have some weight to throw around. Demand almost anything, insist you only be milked manually, all sorts of depraved things. The best chefs in the world creating immaculately prepared sandwiches, a legion to do your laundry, and never a cold bed at night. (Even if I guess it's just snuggles.)
Feb 26, 2014
What, are they really waiting for his consent? The fate of the world hangs in the balance! Necessary evil for the good of society! Strap those bastards up and get to the milking. And on that note, I would never want to be in such a world. I'd pull a Kurt Cobain before letting anything like that happen to me. Society can kiss my ass!

Lil devils x said:
SHEESH You guyzz.. Not to rain on your "Every woman in the world wants to rape my balls fantasy.." But you do not necessarily have to have males to fertilize eggs.

And thus, men were rendered obsolete and died out. The End.

Wrex Brogan said:
Haha! Jokes on you ladies, I'm gayer than a peacock in a pride parade, you're getting nothing from me!
You say that like they need your consent. They outnumber you man! Gay or not you're getting milked.

...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.
Well, the manuals and such should still be lying around. All they'd have to do is read the damn things. If they can't do that, then the world is doomed anyway.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
Paragon Fury said:
Its not that hard to imagine. As much as women don't like it, most of the heavy lifting and things that make the world go 'round are done by men almost exclusively. Whom in 6 months are all dying in rather gruesome, nasty fashions in short order due to disease, and thus not only are you losing all of those experienced people but they're unable to directly pass on their knowledge. So now you have a mostly inexperienced group of people trying to learn vehicle technical and physically demanding jobs by just reading the manual, because of the actual women experts are pretty much working 24/7, globetrotting to keep other critical systems working and don't have time to spare.

So your farm robot or your car or the oil rig you're working on encounters a problem and the only people who really UNDERSTAND how to fix it are dead, occupied or no where nearby. So you've got stumble through it. And this occurs at all levels of society, so yeah, it gets pretty bad.
But they had the fore-thought to swap governments over in that time? Really? Like they couldn't make rallying calls for women to take over all the male-dominated jobs at the same time? 'Hey all the men are going to die, so ladies, if you're looking for a job, we need mechanics and farmers!' is far more believable than 'Well the few experts we have are globe-trotting 24/7 because we don't know how to plan these things'.

...Hell, why don't these experts have an entourage of trainees following them around? Fuck, leave a couple of 'em at every system they repair, learn on the job dammit!

AccursedTheory said:
To be fair it a fairly common plot device. It's absurdly common in both sci-fi (Star Trek, Stargate, and Star Wars, for example), and in fantasy (How many god damn times has a super evil been released, just because no one knows the super secret words to refresh the spell of whatever is keeping it in place? You'd think they'd carve that shit into every stone and tree in a 5 mile radius).
And it's just as stupid there! If you're society is facing some terrible gender-focused apocalypse and you don't prepare for people to take over all the necessary jobs, you've done fucked up. You've done fucked up hard.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I think the real poll should be. So you're the last human left on Earth... bestiality yay or nay?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
K12 said:
I think the real poll should be. So you're the last human left on Earth... bestiality yay or nay?
That probably violates the CoC.

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Posting, admitting to, or advocating any illegal act or content, such as footage or images of any crime, will lead to immediate ban and forwarding of any and all information to the appropriate authorities.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
There's already a game about that called LISA. But if it were with me, a man... sounds like death by snu snu, aka my fantasy.