Poll: So, you're the last man (woman) on Earth, left with everyone of the opposite sex...

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
ThatOtherGirl said:
Gorrath said:
Gorrath said:
As a question in return, why do you doubt it's a common fantasy?
Its kind of funny; I remember reading a piece while in college about how if the gender ratios got to be in favor of women to any significant degree, then culture/society would likely become even more hypersexualized and fixated on what men like then it is now, because women would be forced to win the attention of something much scarcer than it is now (barring of course, any technology that actually made men unneeded or unwanted).


New member
Aug 31, 2014
I mean, I'd do my duty to humanity, but I'd probably be horribly depressed about 3.5 billion people being dead and the world, at best, being in a semi-apocalyptic state. My heart just wouldn't be in it.
Also, I'd stock up on STI medicine.

The Material Sheep

New member
Nov 12, 2009
Its situation where in one case one male and number of females, conceivably there could be some continuity to the species. The human species is 100% over if there is only one woman left and a bunch of men. Regardless of whether or not the woman is willing to be pregnant for the rest of her fertile life, she cannot produce enough off spring for the species to have enough genetic diversity to survive.

As a gay woman... well... I'm just as fucked as they are, and the species is already fucked. Not sure what I'd do.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Phasmal said:
Lightknight said:
Oh, did I make it sound like not being willing to sacrifice oneself for the entire human race is selfish? Are... are you trying to make me feel feelings about pointing that fact out? Yes, if there's something you can do to save the entirety of the human race and you decide not to because you enjoy your life so much in other ways then it is a selfish action or inaction.

Do you believe that any single person's life is more valuable than the continuation of all human life?

Don't get me wrong, we're not debating pro-choice or women's rights here. We're debating having the ability to save an entire species of sentient beings and not doing so. I mean, I guess you could also just agree to octomom it one time and punt the problem down the field at the expense of nine months of your life. Would even that be agreeable to you?
No, me and my selfish bajingo are going to destroy humanity.
Like I said, if it got to the point where it were literally up to me, that's already too late. And besides, as much as you're hand-waving it, I'd literally rather die than be used as an incubator by anyone. I dunno, call it a personal dealbreaker.

Sorry that in this incredibly-impossible dystopian fantasy I don't meet your standards of morality, but- fuck it.
Death first.
I believe that if these people want to play their boys sexual fantasy game, you should at least be allowed to play your destroy dickhead humanity game. It's just as fair and much less boring.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
At least a few guys here realize that, for our gender, the "all the women at my beck and call" scenario is pure fantasy, and the reality would be "spending the rest of my life imprisoned in a hospital as my seed is impersonally harvested".

And I dunno that one woman could even hope to make a difference in saving the species, as one child every nine months over the course of her reproductive lifetime (let's assume she starts at 20 and hits menopause at 40) only tallies up to twenty-seven kids, barring miscarriage or other complications. (Using in-vitro fertilization to implant multiple embryos is its own group of risks, and there's simply no way she could realistically bear enough children for any sort of genetic diversity without risking damage to herself.)


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Phasmal said:
Lightknight said:
Oh, did I make it sound like not being willing to sacrifice oneself for the entire human race is selfish? Are... are you trying to make me feel feelings about pointing that fact out? Yes, if there's something you can do to save the entirety of the human race and you decide not to because you enjoy your life so much in other ways then it is a selfish action or inaction.

Do you believe that any single person's life is more valuable than the continuation of all human life?

Don't get me wrong, we're not debating pro-choice or women's rights here. We're debating having the ability to save an entire species of sentient beings and not doing so. I mean, I guess you could also just agree to octomom it one time and punt the problem down the field at the expense of nine months of your life. Would even that be agreeable to you?
No, me and my selfish bajingo are going to destroy humanity.
Like I said, if it got to the point where it were literally up to me, that's already too late. And besides, as much as you're hand-waving it, I'd literally rather die than be used as an incubator by anyone. I dunno, call it a personal dealbreaker.

Sorry that in this incredibly-impossible dystopian fantasy I don't meet your standards of morality, but- fuck it.
Death first.
Don't worry, we don't actually need your body intact, only the egg cells. In fact, assuming IVF retains its current viability and success rate, it's actually easier to repopulate from many males and a single female than it is from a single male and many females. (Though, genetic diversity will be a problem either way.) Unlike males, who begin sperm production with puberty, we don't need to wait for newly-sired females to mature. Simply wait until the fetus germinates and harvest her eggs, rinse, repeat. With careful planning and disposal of excesses, we could rebuild a balanced generation of viable, fertile fetuses within a few years. No pregnancy required.

Of course, what happens in the meantime depends on who finds you first. I do not envy that predicament.

On the other hand, as a male, the most effective method of repopulation is, sadly, the frequent "milking". No one-time surgery for me, and absolutely no "death by snu snu", only conversion into a biological sperm-factory for all the females who don't want to wait for "manual" genetic sperm production. And you know what? fuck that. People treat me badly enough when all they want from me is directions. I would probably try to take advantage of the situation as long as I could stay in hiding (which, let's be honest, won't be long; women are wily), but I'd rather die and doom all of you to months of waiting before you can get pregnant than live like that.


New member
Jul 20, 2015
Paragon Fury said:
Its kind of funny; I remember reading a piece while in college about how if the gender ratios got to be in favor of women to any significant degree, then culture/society would likely become even more hypersexualized and fixated on what men like then it is now, because women would be forced to win the attention of something much scarcer than it is now (barring of course, any technology that actually made men unneeded or unwanted).
Well, I mean, to some extent that would probably happen. Some amount of women would be willing to complete for the scarce partners, some, probably more like most, would likely decide "fuck it" and not try, which means the competition goes down, blah blah blah.

Basically, how important are men to women anyway? Changing the ratio of men to women destroys so much of the basic assumptions on which our gender dynamics are built, traditions and societal obligations mostly will not survive the transition. So there are only 3 things a man can uniquely provide at first glance: sex, impregnation, and possibly romance/companionship. Anyone who wants a male partner after the manpocalypse is looking for some combination of those.

In a world like our own filled to the brim with porn and sexy toys, sex is not going to be a huge motivating factor. We can satisfy ourselves in other ways. Some might seek it out occasionally as a novelty, but most wont want to deal with the efforts that they would have to go to to be chosen as some guy's permanent partner. Even if we assume only 2 out of every 10 women are actually interested in such a partnership that means women have to be roughly twice as desirable to get the same quality of partnership. That is a situation with a massively diminishing return on investment. So sex is a motivator, but not a terribly strong one. We are very quickly going to cap out on how far women are willing to go for that.

Second, we have impregnation. Artificial insemination seems like the obvious solution here. Of course, men might not want to donate sperm, but there are ways around that. Such as appealing to greed. A guy might be able to give a sperm sample to a fertility clinic for a good amount of money, and women seeking to have a child might pay some money to be impregnated. A single sperm sample can impregnate several women. I mentioned the 10 to 1 rule in my last post, it is conceivable that this could be achieved with a single sperm sample.

Last we have romance and companionship. Frankly, you can get companionship from a gender you are not sexually attracted to and like sex there exist plenty of tools to get romance even without a partner of any sort. Romance novels, for example. You would likely see a large rise in non sexual unions among women. I mean, really, you can get almost everything from a really good friend that you can get from a sexual partner, to some degree even romance.

Essentially, in practical terms and divorced of tradition and our current societal values, women can replace men with a combination of porn, sex toys, artificial insemination, romance fiction, and female companionship. We don't need any space age shit, this is all current technology. We could have done this back in the 70's and our ability to replace men is only getting better as time goes on. It's not perfect yet, but it gets the job done. And a world like this would make creating higher quality replacements a real industry. How long before we develop perfect or even superior replacements in one or more of these fields? Cloning with genetic mixing, for example, would eliminate the need for men to impregnate women. Or sex bots. All we need to do is fool our animal brains into being satisfied. That isn't very hard, and you would easily be able to build a "man" to your specification. We are getting really damn close to both anyway and we don't even need them! We are already developing these technologies largely for the hell of it.

I really don't think the competition for men will be as fierce as you or the writer of that paper would like to imagine.

Now, there would be one more motivating factor. Status symbols. Men are rare, that makes them valuable. Having a man might be seen as a status symbol, especially if he is exclusively yours. You might see a sharp rise in trophy husbands among the rich and social elite.

The question is where does the equilibrium end up at? You are almost certainly going to get a situation where the men get to choose from more desirable partners than in the current environment, whatever "desirable" means to that particular man. You will also likely get to sleep around a bit without any real social judgement.

But that all is very different from political power. And I don't mean just who gets to be president or something, I mean on every level of society. Women will become the default just by virtue of outnumbering men 9 to 1. Everything shifts to the default assumption of appealing to women, men are an after thought. Going forward the vast majority of everything is created by women and for women. Every academic field of every academic study is female dominated. Every job of every type, from soldiers to athletes to politicians, are female dominated. Everywhere in the world. And women get 9 out of every 10 votes, or at least make up 9/10ths of the voice of the people. Men become a special interest group. I honestly cannot fathom how this would not result in a massive political shift of power away from men towards women.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Freud would have a field day with ya'll. Jesus fuck.

Ya'll motherfuckers need Jesus.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
ThatOtherGirl said:
Paragon Fury said:
Its kind of funny; I remember reading a piece while in college about how if the gender ratios got to be in favor of women to any significant degree, then culture/society would likely become even more hypersexualized and fixated on what men like then it is now, because women would be forced to win the attention of something much scarcer than it is now (barring of course, any technology that actually made men unneeded or unwanted).
Well, I mean, to some extent that would probably happen. Some amount of women would be willing to complete for the scarce partners, some, probably more like most, would likely decide "fuck it" and not try, which means the competition goes down, blah blah blah.

Basically, how important are men to women anyway? Changing the ratio of men to women destroys so much of the basic assumptions on which our gender dynamics are built, traditions and societal obligations mostly will not survive the transition. So there are only 3 things a man can uniquely provide at first glance: sex, impregnation, and possibly romance/companionship. Anyone who wants a male partner after the manpocalypse is looking for some combination of those.

In a world like our own filled to the brim with porn and sexy toys, sex is not going to be a huge motivating factor. We can satisfy ourselves in other ways. Some might seek it out occasionally as a novelty, but most wont want to deal with the efforts that they would have to go to to be chosen as some guy's permanent partner. Even if we assume only 2 out of every 10 women are actually interested in such a partnership that means women have to be roughly twice as desirable to get the same quality of partnership. That is a situation with a massively diminishing return on investment. So sex is a motivator, but not a terribly strong one. We are very quickly going to cap out on how far women are willing to go for that.

Second, we have impregnation. Artificial insemination seems like the obvious solution here. Of course, men might not want to donate sperm, but there are ways around that. Such as appealing to greed. A guy might be able to give a sperm sample to a fertility clinic for a good amount of money, and women seeking to have a child might pay some money to be impregnated. A single sperm sample can impregnate several women. I mentioned the 10 to 1 rule in my last post, it is conceivable that this could be achieved with a single sperm sample.

Last we have romance and companionship. Frankly, you can get companionship from a gender you are not sexually attracted to and like sex there exist plenty of tools to get romance even without a partner of any sort. Romance novels, for example. You would likely see a large rise in non sexual unions among women. I mean, really, you can get almost everything from a really good friend that you can get from a sexual partner, to some degree even romance.

Essentially, in practical terms and divorced of tradition and our current societal values, women can replace men with a combination of porn, sex toys, artificial insemination, romance fiction, and female companionship. We don't need any space age shit, this is all current technology. We could have done this back in the 70's and our ability to replace men is only getting better as time goes on. It's not perfect yet, but it gets the job done. And a world like this would make creating higher quality replacements a real industry. How long before we develop perfect or even superior replacements in one or more of these fields? Cloning with genetic mixing, for example, would eliminate the need for men to impregnate women. Or sex bots. All we need to do is fool our animal brains into being satisfied. That isn't very hard, and you would easily be able to build a "man" to your specification. We are getting really damn close to both anyway and we don't even need them! We are already developing these technologies largely for the hell of it.

I really don't think the competition for men will be as fierce as you or the writer of that paper would like to imagine.

Now, there would be one more motivating factor. Status symbols. Men are rare, that makes them valuable. Having a man might be seen as a status symbol, especially if he is exclusively yours. You might see a sharp rise in trophy husbands among the rich and social elite.

The question is where does the equilibrium end up at? You are almost certainly going to get a situation where the men get to choose from more desirable partners than in the current environment, whatever "desirable" means to that particular man. You will also likely get to sleep around a bit without any real social judgement.

But that all is very different from political power. And I don't mean just who gets to be president or something, I mean on every level of society. Women will become the default just by virtue of outnumbering men 9 to 1. Everything shifts to the default assumption of appealing to women, men are an after thought. Going forward the vast majority of everything is created by women and for women. Every academic field of every academic study is female dominated. Every job of every type, from soldiers to athletes to politicians, are female dominated. Everywhere in the world. And women get 9 out of every 10 votes, or at least make up 9/10ths of the voice of the people. Men become a special interest group. I honestly cannot fathom how this would not result in a massive political shift of power away from men towards women.
It's taken me years to get over my paranoid feelings that women are just waiting for a method of reproduction that doesn't require a man and a more convincing fake penis, and then at the first opportune they'll kill all us males without an regret. Years, damn it. And now its back.

Thanks a ton.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
DAAAAAAAAMN YOU P.F.!!!!!!!! I JUST got through reading that laborious mountain of piss-drivel and was going to do a thread on it. Mostly griping about how garbage it is and how it, and the harem genre as a whole, could've been somewhat more entertaining... if it didn't hit every plothole and anime trope like a damn speed bump built on top of land mines, but I digress.

I assume if the "gender apocalypse" did happen I probably wouldn't even notice. I'd assume (or I'd hope rather) that some type of tyrannical matriarchy did spring up from the ashes of the old world and men were de-humanized, enslaved, and farmed for their sperm just like you'd see happen to women in most porn art. I'd only like for this to happen just so it'd proved that women-dominated governments could be just as evil as those led by men.

Paragon Fury said:
Wrex Brogan said:
Paragon Fury said:
I should also note in the book;

The governments and men of the world realized fairly quickly shit was going south fast and in what may be the most amazing bit of effective governance ever, most civilized nations made plans and efforts to have continuity of government by transferring roles and power to women and machines before all the men died and the remaining few went into cryostasis themselves to try and wait out for a cure, rather than have everybody go war and annihilate each other.

The new governments kind of figured that doing the whole "nations" thing probably wasn't going to be effective with half the world's population dead, so the world is now effectively ruled by the UN. The world has still gone to hell and society is falling apart slowly, as the robotics that are making up for the missing men are working overtime and breaking down, while the more advanced system are going un-repaired or wearing down because there aren't enough experts left to take care of them.

Society is also breaking down because of the hopelessness and despair the remaining women feel and the collapse of economies and cultures etc. In fact, one of the main characters in the story makes the point to the protagonist that his dedication to his old girlfriend is actually naive and potentially dangerous in this situation - since his refusal to have children with others until he finds her (or getting hurt while looking for her) would further demoralize the remaining population.
...Wait, so they left all these robotic systems in place... but didn't teach anyone how to fix the fucking things? That's impressively stupid. 'Right ladies, we've got 6 months until we're all dead, so pick up that technical manual and I'll point out the necessary systems' is seriously a conversation nobody thought of having? We did that shit in World War I and II, but not for the gender apocalypse?

...So stupid.
Its not that hard to imagine. As much as women don't like it, most of the heavy lifting and things that make the world go 'round are done by men almost exclusively. Whom in 6 months are all dying in rather gruesome, nasty fashions in short order due to disease, and thus not only are you losing all of those experienced people but they're unable to directly pass on their knowledge. So now you have a mostly inexperienced group of people trying to learn vehicle technical and physically demanding jobs by just reading the manual, because of the actual women experts are pretty much working 24/7, globetrotting to keep other critical systems working and don't have time to spare.

So your farm robot or your car or the oil rig you're working on encounters a problem and the only people who really UNDERSTAND how to fix it are dead, occupied or no where nearby. So you've got stumble through it. And this occurs at all levels of society, so yeah, it gets pretty bad.
I don't know that whole explanation in the book kinda sounded demeaning and condescending as hell (I mean it's japan, so it's not that farfetched), like there aren't just female engineers, laborers, technicians, leaders, and scientists already around that can lead them to a new tommorrow, they gotta teach them like parents to children. Yeah, men are more commonly employed in these fields but it's not like if women took over everything would just break down and turn to shit.

Unless, and it's far more likely, that the virus not only targeted men, but also women who weren't all highly attractive, weak-willed sacks of flesh, and they if had two brain cells to rub together they could've figured you could just genetically engineer a cure or something rather than pin all your hopes on some whiny little shit, that must go on a dangerous quest to find his girlfriend WHO'S PROBABLY EITHER DEAD OR THE MAIN VILLAIN RUNNING THIS SHITHOLE!


New member
Jul 20, 2015
AccursedTheory said:
It's taken me years to get over my paranoid feelings that women are just waiting for a method of reproduction that doesn't require a man and a more convincing fake penis, and then at the first opportune they'll kill all us males without an regret. Years, damn it. And now its back.

Thanks a ton.
Glad I could help!
Nov 9, 2015
LifeCharacter said:
How about if the man in question decided that, since he was the last man alive, he got to basically demand anything he wanted and was putting his life and the (in the situation where development of same-sex reproduction has halted) existence of humanity at risk to try and force people to go through with it? Considering all the wars and atrocities humanity has gone through, it's funny that the second women turn a manipulative scumbag into an immobile semen tank for the sake of keeping humanity alive is when we've all lost our humanity.
I was thinking that for the average male on the escapist, this fate would be beyond cruel and unlikely considering we can repopulate the earth humanely. If we are going to kidnap, mutilate, and rape this guy over and over, or whatever you want to call it, it would be an equivalent amount of suffering, so we can shave a generation off or two... Yeah, I think humanity has lost its mind.

Even if our guy was unreasonable, like say he wanted a shark fin and whale sandwich smorgasbord every week, then the women would just laugh at him and say it's impossible. If this guy wanted to have sex with lots of women, which is perfectly healthy and not at all unreasonable with so many women around, then you can collect everything in a condom, or arrange things so the chance of pregnancy was at the highest.

However, if it were like you said, where our guy was abusive and malevolent, or likely to commit suicide, the best course of action would be to put him in a medically induced coma so we don't have to cut off his limbs and make him experience everything, and electrostimulate orgasm, not with a cattle prod of course.

And to squeeze every last drop strapped in makes no sense when all you really have to do is masturbate in a cup at morning and at night. Besides, after you stop being fertile or pretty soon after, you would have like a million people with your dna running around.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
LifeCharacter said:
That works too, it just doesn't come with the punishment that should befall a man who would threaten the entirety of humanity just to force women to serve him. Or am I supposed to sympathize with him and wish him nothing but the most painless life possible?
Hacking off some poor bastards limb's never solved anything.

Well... ok, maybe it solved a drug and corporate greed fueled crime wave in Detroit. But we should never base our actions on what works in Detroit - It is a bad place.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
The Material Sheep said:
Its situation where in one case one male and number of females, conceivably there could be some continuity to the species. The human species is 100% over if there is only one woman left and a bunch of men. Regardless of whether or not the woman is willing to be pregnant for the rest of her fertile life, she cannot produce enough off spring for the species to have enough genetic diversity to survive.

As a gay woman... well... I'm just as fucked as they are, and the species is already fucked. Not sure what I'd do.
How so? Granted, having a limited genetic diversity is a bad thing, but I don't see how would that prevent the species from limping by and eventually becoming numerous again?


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Well, fuck... I just I'm stuck with blowing just the artificial dicks, then... Also...https://media.giphy.com/media/c6DIpCp1922KQ/giphy.gif
Other than that, I'd rather be working like a women in this situation...


New member
Jul 20, 2015
FirstNameLastName said:
The Material Sheep said:
Its situation where in one case one male and number of females, conceivably there could be some continuity to the species. The human species is 100% over if there is only one woman left and a bunch of men. Regardless of whether or not the woman is willing to be pregnant for the rest of her fertile life, she cannot produce enough off spring for the species to have enough genetic diversity to survive.

As a gay woman... well... I'm just as fucked as they are, and the species is already fucked. Not sure what I'd do.
How so? Granted, having a limited genetic diversity is a bad thing, but I don't see how would that prevent the species from limping by and eventually becoming numerous again?
It's a matter of genetic diversity.

Consider if every person has a number of recessive genetic traits that would be lethal, but nearly all of them are completely unique to that individual. The mother would pass roughly half of these genetic failure states to each of her children, and crossing her children with each other would mean a 1 in 4 chance of every one of those traits manifesting in each potential offspring - with 10 such traits, that would give us a roughly 5% offspring viability rate for the next generation, which is probably a very generous estimate. The problem only compounds from there, as you have to start considering the genetic failures of each of the fathers and the genetic failures generated by random mutation in each of the children. Over the course of generations the genetic failures build up until no offspring are viable.

But it may be possible to create a viable species through an extremely strict breeding program from a single mother using stored genetic material. One of our basic assumptions here is we have basically infinite male genetic material, far more than we could ever use. They key would be to store as much of that material as possible and never allow interbreeding between children of the one mother for as long as possible. With every generation less and less of the genetic makeup of each individual is the mothers. Say you managed to make it even 4 generations without any inbreeding, which would be easily possible if sperm storage was effective. This brings the percent of mother DNA in each individual down from 1/2 to 1/16, or a 1/32 chance of each genetic failure being manifest in the population, giving us a roughly 70% viable offspring rating (with our simple assumption of 10 genetic failures). And 4 generations would be simple, assuming our storage is good enough. We could do a lot better than that

Now that is extremely simplified to the point of almost being untrue, but you get the main point of it. Lack of genetic diversity leads to a non viable species over the course of a few generations. A strict breeding and artificial insemination program might be able to combat that.
Nov 9, 2015
LifeCharacter said:
A Fork said:
I was thinking that for the average male on the escapist, this fate would be beyond cruel and unlikely considering we can repopulate the earth humanely. If we are going to kidnap, mutilate, and rape this guy over and over, or whatever you want to call it, it would be an equivalent amount of suffering, so we can shave a generation off or two... Yeah, I think humanity has lost its mind.
You act as though this is just the immediate go to plan, rather than what happens when the "humane" solution of providing extensively for the guy fails and he decides to leverage his life to assert some nonexistent authority and force people to do things they don't want to do. In this particular fiction, the humane solution failed because the man was a scumbag, so now there's the less humane solution that keeps humanity existing at the expense of someone who would threaten its existence over his selfish cruelties.
If the last man alive was that insane, it would be very unfortunate, almost as unfortunate as there being no survivors of a gender. I think threatening to do the inhumane option would make most men want to regulate their sick fantasies, but if the last man is going to kill himself then I guess there is no choice, as long as he isn't conscious while being restrained and milked.

However, if it were like you said, where our guy was abusive and malevolent, or likely to commit suicide, the best course of action would be to put him in a medically induced coma so we don't have to cut off his limbs and make him experience everything, and electrostimulate orgasm, not with a cattle prod of course.
That works too, it just doesn't come with the punishment that should befall a man who would threaten the entirety of humanity just to force women to serve him. Or am I supposed to sympathize with him and wish him nothing but the most painless life possible?
I'm not a saint, I would truly like detestable people, fictional or real, to suffer the amount that they have caused, or at least until I'm satisfied. But I guess I am also a fan of some sort of utilitarianism, where alleviating suffering is given special interest, like giving a poor person a hundred dollars is more fruitful than giving it to a rich person. I think the right thing to do, would be to have our guy be put in a coma so he doesn't hurt anyone else and doesn't suffer himself, which is the option that minimalizes suffering for everybody. So, if the milking ending was inevitable, the best thing to do would be to chose one million happy people, and one unconcious person, rather than one million slightly happier people, and one person that is in a living hell.