Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I shouldn't have read this...I bought the game yesterday, haven't gotten ANYWHERE on it and I'm already freaked out.

Hell I was freaked out by that hallucination of a zombie-like version of Isaac's wife right near the beginning.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
No I didn't think the game went too far.People knew before buying the game what the game will offer.

Everyone who was expecting this game since it was announced has checked trailers/dev diaries/gameplay movies.The game is 18+ and is a survival -horror- with a lot of gore.

If you think that exploding babies is "going too far" then you shouldn't have gotten the game.You should have expected something like this to happen.I've seen worse in other games in other games.

The only thing that was scary for me in the game was the sound of those babies/pack made every time they would rush towards me so,yes,I think that was very essential to the ambiance/atmosphere of the game.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
HotFezz8 said:
Gralian said:
y'know its actually a very good comment, shooting my points to pieces, (and yeah on reflection the lurkers (or whatever) were babies, and i didn't put two and two together)

but the fact my argument fails dismally, and the fact i don't care shows that its not a rational reaction. childrens nurseries, babies etc are sacred to me and walking thorugh what should be a picture perfect happy zone with a pistol in your hand killing everything that moves strikes me as wrong on every level.

hmmm... i suppose that its a good point, well made, and simply a case of my finding that there's a line here for me. this isn't acceptable to me, but i can see why you aren't bothered.
But the thing is, you're not shooting babies. It's simple as that. You're shooting aliens.

But still, you haven't answered Gralian's question and I'm kind of curious myself about it; why are nurseries 'sacred places'?


New member
May 24, 2010
Since I was put on probation for my previous post, I will post it again.

Dead Space cannot be taken seriously. It just can't. Consider its context, consider how not serious it is. As such, it should be allowed to do whatever it will.

Seriously, that's the point of games - do whatever without harm to anyone. (Yeah, there's also such games who try be serious. Except that Dead Space clearly isn't. Very clearly.)

Why did I call that human who considers it serious a disabled person? Because making the distinction between real and "for entertainment" is comparable to ability to reason in healthy and unhealthy individuals. On that note, I see why my post could seem offensive being so short and overly to the point, but I merely put out what I think about all the people who go and start bashing pieces of things (that are clearly not serious about themselves) as immoral or moral or whatever and make a big deal out of it.

So, sorry if someone was offended, but I still think that the problem with someone who is offended is still that someone, not the one who offends so easily by not even trying. (In this case: mind you, the forum rules! You are too easy to offend.)

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
Well, considering that they look nothing like babies anymore, and that they explode and kill you unless you kill them, I had no problem with killing them.

debra_ beretta

New member
Sep 8, 2010
MaxP779 said:
Im so glad to see that most have picked the "no" option or "its just a game" Sorry but the rest of you who picked yes are clearly too sensitive for video games and should go read a book or pick flowers or something.
You should go and read "Exquisite Corpse" by Poppy Z. Brite. Books can be just as disturbing as video games.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
What really struck me was how horrible that nursery must have been. A child being surrounded by bright multicolored lights and high contrasting colors is going to be to distracted to learn.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
HotFezz8 said:

you have been warned.

basically, im playing thorugh Dead Space 2 now, im about 3 hours through, and i'm shooting babies. i've already shot about 60 children no older than 12, but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.

fuck MW2's airport scene, fuck Medal of Honours Taliban, this strikes me as over the line. had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.
Have you played the first game?
Those necromorphs with the three tentacles that shoot at you?
They're foetuses for god's sake.
The babies are nothing.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
MrDeckard said:
That part is a perfect example of why the inability to kill kids in RPGs like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Oblivion and Fable 1/2/3 is completely idiotic. So exploding babies is fine, (and fun) but killing a 10 year old kid is off limits?

Anyway, to the OP: Apparently it wasn't THAT bad as you could have just turned off the game when the first baby appeared, but to each in his own I guess.
I always thought for Fallout 3 (The Pitt expansion), you so should get the third option of eating the baby and absorbing its powers - otherwise its just either one dick in charge or another. That would give it true choices!

OT: As many have said: Lurkers.
Look 'em up.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
If that imagery disturbs you, then I kindly suggest to better seperate fiction from reality.
Trying to use video games as a morality barometer is pointless, because you aren't thinking with the same mindset/logic while gaming that you do in real life (suspension of disbelief, anyone?)


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there feral fetal frightening monstrosities in Dead Space 1? The little things that crawled around and jumped all over the place and had tentacles that basically looked like Link's hookshot from hell?

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Er...the part I find most disturbing was actually in Dead Space. Finding the babies that are still human, floating in the vats. They are still alive. They are moving and wiggling around, completely oblivious and content. Knowing that there's nothing you can do to save from what is certain to happen to them is was gets me.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I gues that,s what thye call dead baby humor YEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!!!!
pun humor aside
its their game and they decide what,s okay its not intended for people who cant handle it (conservative moms and kids)

Azure Knight-Zeo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
The game isn't trying to offend anyone (intentionally) and it isn't just doing this because it thinks this is funny. It's trying to be scary, if you don't think the concept of a dark nursery filled with crying that just suddenly stops and now it sounds a little like laughing and there's this little tapping noise coming from behind you is scary, then why are you criticizing a game you made, EA game drone 372?

It's just a shame that Dead Space knows how to do horror the same why I know how to please a woman.....I'm so lonely ;_;

Shifty Tortoise

New member
Sep 10, 2008
The part where you see the first exploding baby hug the woman almost made me cry with laughter. But maybe i'm just a little sick.

Anyway, killing the children seems more like a favour than anything else, when you play the Airport in MW2, or the Taliban in MoH (if they hadn't pussied out) your killing innocents or you're playing the bad guy. It's a completely different situation in Dead Space.

They're evil mutants for fuck sake.