Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Wait... the games advertising claim is that it's the most shocking and disturbing thing ever and you went out and bought it and now your complaining because it makes a sincere effort to live up to it's own hype? What were you expecting?


New member
May 27, 2009
in this current era of enlightenment, there is no such thing as fiction going too far. it's all for the sake of art.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Well its just like in say a zombie film. Being forced to kill a child is a disturbing and scary element in horror, but it must be done to survive. Except in zombie films its done with a gun, not an industrial power saw like in Dead Space 2.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
I voted "yes" because I thought you were referring to the ad campaign. In retrospect, I would've voted "no".


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
Just to point out one thing, we make dead baby jokes yet some are discussed by seeing dead babies? Yea I'm some what disturbed but this is Dead Space and I've seen a hell of allot worse in movies and all that happens to it is it's get's slapped with an R rating.


New member
May 18, 2010
Are they demon babies? Because we've been killing them for awhile.

Seriously though, people are going to push the envelope until they run out of things to push. And then things are going to get stupid. And we may have already reached that point...

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
You did the same thing in Doom 3. You shot demonized babies. OH the horror(!) The confusion it will cause to people!!! Is it ok now to kill a baby in real life because a game told me so!??


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Its a game! I didnt really give a s**t that this thing supposedly was a virtual baby before it got transformed into something that wants to bite my avatars head off or blow it to bits. I dont understand some people ,nobody cares when a game is about killing people ,but when its a baby "omg think about the children!!' or god forbid if you see a sideboob in a m rated game or whatnot nor do they care when this stuff happens in movies.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
They weren't scary per say, but the thought of something so innocent and defenseless was killed and twisted into a monstrosity really made my insides fell funny. Hearing them cry makes me think if the child still can fell the pain and suffering its receiving.

But it still isn't as wrong as the baby in the working laundry dryer. That really freaked the hell out of me.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
This just in: they aren't babies anymore. They're monsters.

So yeah, getting offended by this is kinda dumb, especially considering you said yourself you had no problem gunning down innocent civilians in other games.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
HotFezz8 said:
had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.
Interesting point, Dead Space markets itself as a horror game. Whether it is a 'proper' horror game is apparently debatable but part of anything that bills itself as horror's job is to make you feel uncomfortable.

Dead Space 2 is clearly succeeding in that capacity, which begs a serious question. Does that mean Viceral games have gone too far? Or that they have produced an effective product?

Regardless of the answer I think including children was a brave move by Viceral. Most horror games and also films, books, TV etc seem to skirt around the idea of children falling victim. It's cowardly to simply ignore the issue of what happens to the children in a population of millions during a plague/zombie outbreak rather than explain it or outright confront it. Having zombie children was probably included for a cheap shock, but it's still a more mature approach than most seem to take.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Seriously saying this is too far is like saying that killing zombie dogs in Resident Evil is a bit too far. Or introducing an amputee into a childrens TV show is just too wrong. Remember, the gaming world is NOT REAL, meaning that your not killing babies or mutant babies you are killing Highly Graphically Rendered bits of information that would otherwise just be 0's and 1's flying through space, its not like you'd care if you were killing 0's and 1's it's just because its taking the form of a baby or child, its what horror is all about, it's supposed to mess with human psychology, thats what makes it so interesting, plus the first game had exploding babies and nobody cared then.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
The Necromorphs are evil alien mutant-freak-things that kill you and mutate your dead body into one of them. I think that's the whole point: they're evil. Evil things wouldn't be evil if they spotted a child, which, in essence, is a pile of perfectly good meat for them to corrupt, and went "Oh hey, a baby, I better not devour and corrupt this little, innocent thing, or some halfwit will rage about it on a forum somewhere!"

And besides, it's a god damn game. Games are fun. Killing mutated little freaks that swarm around you to obliterate your ankles is fun, presuming they don't succeed.

I don't see how this is a spoiler anyway. The scenario is as follows:

Human dies for one reason or another / is killed by a Necromorph.
Necromorph sees corpse.
Necromorph mutates corpse into another Necromorph.
The two Necromorph happily go out on adventure to kill more people.

The scenario applies to everyone: your best friend; yourself; your firstborn child.

Conclusion: Cry me, and everyone else here, a river and get the hell over your hissy-fit.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
ToxinArrow said:
This just in: they aren't babies anymore. They're monsters.

So yeah, getting offended by this is kinda dumb, especially considering you said yourself you had no problem gunning down innocent civilians in other games.
If he'd rather die than kill a baby, perhaps this is the right scenario for him?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
If they are tring to kill humans, then surely leaving the children alive to grow up and start the war again is a bad idea.