Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
I personally love how they had babies and children in the games. Now I realize that makes me look like a sick fuck, but I work retail, and after having the crawlers in DS 2 sneak up on me a few times, hearing a baby yell at his mom for something freaked me out. Its like the spook factor of the game stayed with me after I had shut off the system. It also puts the point across that when it comes down to it, nothing is safe or sacred when someone/thing wants to further it goals.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I'm a huge wuss when it comes to scary stuff, so I'm clearly not suited for a game like this, I couldn't even finish Doom 3. So naturally, I research and avoid what I don't like, now why is that so hard? The box, every preview/review, screenshots and trailers clearly show this game to be disgustingly violent, gory and creepy, and if you bought it without knowing what kind of game it was, you can blame yourself. I hate to think about the moronic parents who will inevitably buy this game for their kids, you can probably mess a kid up somewhat.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Dead Space happens in a mining ship. Only adults. Dead Space 2 happens in a colony. Everyday folks live there, so of course there would be children. Its more realistic than there being all adults


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
WrcklessIntent said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Good for you.

I thought the exploding babies were hilarious.
Like X1000.
You might enjoy this so:


I mention how my GF had a pretty comical reaction to that scene. Nothing makes most ladies more shocked than exploding babies!

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
Yoshemo said:
Dead Space happens in a mining ship. Only adults. Dead Space 2 happens in a colony. Everyday folks live there, so of course there would be children. Its more realistic than there being all adults
The lurkers (babies that crawl around on the walls/ceiling) were in the first game. They actually had a pretty gruesome scripted intro for the creature involving a man running for his life. I don't remember why they had babies on a mining ship however.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Goes with my simple Videogame philosphy: If it moves, carries a weapon (or in the case of Dead Space, is basically a weapon), and intends to kill me, I kill it first. Man, Woman, or even a child, doesnt matter, for im shooting and killing pixels, and I have to kill them in many cases to win.

IRL, I would never want to find out if I could take the life of someone who wishes to kill me, and I most deffinitly dont want to know if I would shoot a child, even if said child was armed with an AK and plans to kill me.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
HotFezz8 said:

you have been warned.

basically, im playing thorugh Dead Space 2 now, im about 3 hours through, and i'm shooting babies. i've already shot about 60 children no older than 12, but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.

fuck MW2's airport scene, fuck Medal of Honours Taliban, this strikes me as over the line. had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.
The fact that a horror games can make you seriously dislike what you are forced to do means that its working.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Vidi Kitty said:
The lurkers (babies that crawl around on the walls/ceiling) were in the first game. They actually had a pretty gruesome scripted intro for the creature involving a man running for his life. I don't remember why they had babies on a mining ship however.
They where actually clones used for limb replacement. If you look around the area you first encounter them you see a bunch of signs that indicate this.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Hmm, quick advice...
OT: I guess that depends on why you were killing the babies.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Linkassassin360 said:
Are you joking me? Dead babies were in the first game, AND Dante's Inferno. Seems to be a reoccurring theme with EA games.
Well they were made by the same developer. Sounds like nobody's agreeing with you Hotfezz. Sorry for that but it really doesn't matter because in the end you're not mutilating real children because they are just coding and stuff like that. Would you be more offended if they said in the game through dialog that you are "cleansing" the souls of the children that have been infected. I wouldn't really like that personally because that is not the way Issac's character is establish and that wouldn't be his Modus Operandi(for non Latin users that means method of operations or M.O.)
Davidmcawesome said:
Pyode said:
Mr. Omega said:
"cross my heart, hope to die..."

Those who played it will know what I'm talking about (It's practically the endgame), and know that THAT scene is way worse than the exploding babies.
That part was AWESOME!

Anyway, yea, like most people are saying it's not that big of a deal. I think it worked perfectly for the game and wasn't over the line at all.
Somebodies going to need to fill me in here please.
Please keep this spoiler free man don't fill in the blank.

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
Pyode said:
They where actually clones used for limb replacement. If you look around the area you first encounter them you see a bunch of signs that indicate this.
I remembered all the limb vats but wasn't 100% sure that the babies were grown for that. tyvm


New member
Aug 20, 2009
So where were you when they did this in Dante's Inferno? Besides, there are also woman zombies and black zombies, are you offended? There were baby zombies in the last one too, those tentacled dart-shooting Lurkers. You are too late to jump on this bandwagon. Also, zombies are zombies. Zombies are reanimated dead tissue. They are no longer babies. They are no longer people. Also, did you know that the series' church of Unitology is a dark parody of the Mormon church? Praising a man who found a relic as a saint, elaborate marble and gold art in the temples, education centers and guided tours through the entry commons. If you want to talk controversy, you should look at Visceral as portraying a very Mormon-like religion as the bad guys.
Also, my mom laughed at the trailer.


New member
May 10, 2008
I don't see why they would ingnore children in the game, children that are mutants are creepy, its an industry fact, baby demons are even more creepy, but exploding baby demons is funny :D

I don't see what you're moaning about.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
It is only 'too far' for those who want it to be.

As far as I'm concerned, it lets us know that nothing is safe in the world of Dead space 2.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
So your disturbed by something? In a horror game? Guess what? THE DEVELOPER DID THEIR JOB
Aug 1, 2010
That part is a perfect example of why the inability to kill kids in RPGs like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Oblivion and Fable 1/2/3 is completely idiotic. So exploding babies is fine, (and fun) but killing a 10 year old kid is off limits?

Anyway, to the OP: Apparently it wasn't THAT bad as you could have just turned off the game when the first baby appeared, but to each in his own I guess.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
UmbrellaAssassin said:
We'll the thing is you are suppose to get drawn into the game. But what it all comes down to, is it is just that: a game.
While yes you may get scared and squeamish when playing the game, just cause they made it that way, but you come down to it is just pixels and lines of code.

Paintings are art, but they are just cloth and color paint on them.
I understand that games are fictional, but to welcome feelings of wonder and immersion and call it the 'unique power of gaming', but to write off feelings of disgust and horror as it being 'just a game' strikes me as a double standard. If gaming is an art form then it can evoke all emotions without us having to try and downplay it. Horror and visceral disgust are equally valid emotions and to deny that this guy has a right to feel them is to deny gaming full status as an art form.

It's basically ham-fisted collective spin; make sure gaming is only seen to be capable of conveying positive emotions.

I don't think of games as art purely because they are incapable of rousing my base emotions often enough for me to consider the medium as art. If they can do this to people I will change my mind. Let me feel primal joy, let me feel terror like ice water down my back, light my brain with anger, bring forth tears of awe and raise my gorge in revulsion...then it's art. To say that it's this guy's fault for feeling he way he does when the designers made him feel that way on purpose invalidates all their work and the medium as a whole.

It's his right to feel horror and equally it's his right as a thinking human to run from horror. they wanted you to feel disgust, they worked hard to draw you in and to make you feel what they wanted. I ruined Schindler's List for myself when I was 16 by concentrating on the quality of the filming and the camera errors, when if I was seeing it as art rather than product I would have been aghast. I often wonder if I did that on purpose to numb the impact, but I assure you that once the OP thinks it over he'll take something of value from it.

On another note:

WanderFreak said:
You know what's REALLY disturbing about it?

Every one of the necromorph children looks exactly the same.

That means every child on the Sprawl was the same.

Which means they were clones.

Which means every adult is probably a clone.

Which means Isaac and Nicole... were clone siblings... who had sex.

Your mind. It weeps.
...God damn you! God DAMN you sir!

Well played.
Never an indication Nicole or Isaac have ever even seen the Sprawl before. But think about it. With the level of graphics, take any kid at all. Now remove clothing (and genitals) and hair. Now make the skin grey. Now give claws. What we have is graphical laziness. But I enjoy the joke.
Also, I have never played a game that did not invoke some kind of emotion in me. Therefore by your criteria, games are art.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I prefer that the game makes sense than the developers worry about hurt people feelings...I'm sure you saw the commercial with the mothers reactions to the game. this game is great because it does what it needs to, not whats its told to :p