Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
HotFezz8 said:

You play Dante's Inferno? Yeah you kill babies in that too. You play Postal you kill EVERYTHING in that. Its not the first time and it certainly as hell won't be the last. If you want to ***** about a HORROR game that is said to go OVER THE TOP with its horror then don't play it. Seriously it makes you sick good for you. It would probably make me uncomfortable but I would probably shrug it off because I can tell the difference between fiction and reality.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
tellmeimaninja said:
And what? You think the Necromorphs ignore children? These creatures are meant to be horrific manifestations of death and destruction. If they spared children, they wouldn't have quite they impact that they do.
Bang! Exactly the point I was coming up with, they're vile manifestations of death and twisted life, you really think the young ones would be spared somehow?

Jabberwock xeno said:

If this were a movie, it'd be praised for it's emotional depth and shit.
This too, if it was a movie it would be praised and not declared something evil just because it's a video game. It's high time we get rid of the idea that video games are just toys and a new way to tell a bloody story or interact with our friends. /rant

The Code

New member
Mar 9, 2010
I don't see it as going too far, but more of a realistic portrayal of what could happen if that sort of cataclysmic event occurred. The Marker has no mercy, no remorse, and doesn't care if you're a man, woman, or child. You will die, no matter who or what you are. Besides, this is Dead Space we're talking about. It's SUPPOSED to be fucked up like that.

Personally, I thought the part with the needle was the most fucked up part. You know what I mean if you're gotten far enough.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
It's not going too far, it's called children are just as vulnerable as adults. This isn't a fantasy where everything is lovey-dovey. This is how it should be, it's very distracting when walking through towns in games and there's NO KIDS. It's actually quite immersion breaking since there's people 18-70 in games but there's no kids running around playing.

It's not like killing kids in games will lead to killing them in reality, it just might make for some good baby punting laughs from Deadspace 1.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
wait a second you kill mutated babies? I knew I should've played this game! Maybe it's just me but i don't really believe in the imaginary line of good taste. it is what it is. kill babies, don't kill babies, the choice is yours. personally I'm kinda glad to see child killing back in games, because fallout 3 wouldn't let me murder the residents of little lamplight. haha too far?


Oct 6, 2009
Did you notice on the box, where it said 'horror'? Well, the enemies in the game are supposed to be horrific--in this case, not only for being mutated freaks, but also for being children. The fact that it disturbs you means that the developers did their job right. It's my opinion that the game doesn't go too far in this regard.

However, this is all subjective, and I can understand why you might not be comfortable with it. To each their own, I suppose.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Vidi Kitty said:
Yoshemo said:
Dead Space happens in a mining ship. Only adults. Dead Space 2 happens in a colony. Everyday folks live there, so of course there would be children. Its more realistic than there being all adults
The lurkers (babies that crawl around on the walls/ceiling) were in the first game. They actually had a pretty gruesome scripted intro for the creature involving a man running for his life. I don't remember why they had babies on a mining ship however.
I haven't played the whole game, so my bad. But I'm pretty sure the children are new


Nov 1, 2009
I resume you have also never played Dante's Inferno, where you enmass slaughter thousands of little Freddy babies with a large scythe?

Quite frankly, it's a horror game. Fuck it, Silent Hill is the worst offender of it. No one is safe in a horror genre, that's why it's horror.



New member
Jun 17, 2010
Dabox1 said:
Yea, play the first game, the spaceship was cloning babies and they jumped out of tubes and grew tentacles out of their backs...nothing new here...
Exactly first game your killing babies, this one its children, i'd say it a step up

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
I think I'm paraphrasing Yahtzee (the Resident Evil 5 trailer episode) when he said that true dread and terror comes out of something that truly disturbs the player and makes him or her uncomfortable. It should push the limits of taste and make the player feel uncomfortable whenever possible. Visceral, makers of Dead Space and Dante's Inferno, really do seem to have no limits when it comes to this. They want to freak you out, and by God they are going to do it.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
It was jarring but I soon got my shit together and started blasting. They aren't human anymore. Once I got that through my brain, I was fine. Want to feel bad for these creatures? Feel bad for the Guardians, the ones that look like people attached to the walls, they're actually still alive. They actually sigh with relief when you kill them if you listen close enough.

To be honest, what got me more was that crying baby in, Chapter 3, I believe. You can miss it if you don't listen for it but behind one of the apartment doors is a baby who is crying. It gave me a helpless feeling and the fact that I couldn't do anything plus the fact it was crying out made it even worse. I felt a little sick.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Oops! I thought you were asking if we thought Dead Space 2 was pole vaulting Jaws by making an ad that promotes a Mature (18+) game by guiding players to a web site named: Yourmomhatesthis.com

Either they're knocking the average gamers living arrangements or little do they know that this is the year that the Supreme Court has actually agreed to hear the case against video games that California is making. Extra Credits did an excellent piece on the case if you haven't seen it.

My bad.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
I'm fairly certain it is impossible to offend me with video game content. Can something be seriously fucked up and contrary to my morals? Absolutely. Will that shock me to a point where I won't play a game? Absolutely not.

These are video games and none of what is in the games is there for your 'approval.' It is part of a story, a narrative vehicle, and as such is not really something that I feel I can be offended by. You know what offends me? Dead Space 2's commercials saying, "your mom will hate this game! Buy it!" That offends my sensibilities as a person, a consumer, and a gamer. THAT will make me not play the game.

People get offended far too easily and play the, "X is a sacred thing and can not be defiled!" card too often. If you don't like or are offended by a game/movie/show/song/sketch/article, then you should turn it off or remove yourself from the situation. It is not up to YOU (general "you") to determine what is sacred for ME. If you are offended by dead babies, I 100% understand that and respect your opinion and decision. However, that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist - I'm not offended by it and I have as much a right as you do to have access to content that we may not see eye-to-eye on.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Dead Space wasn't the first to do it, Dante's Inferno did it and if anyone is going to get upset about killing babies it should be that game. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, if anything I freaked out because those little bastards are just creepy. It's fiction and it's horror, if you were disturbed by it then the developers did their job, so I don't think it's anything to get too excited about.