Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
This seems like a guilty pleasure, but everyone should remember the rule: Never kill kids on T.V. Then again, this is a video game. I'm surprised that christian child groups haven't banned it! Honestly, its not the worst it could be. It could be murdering innocent children, while these ones are mutated thingys...and if you could kill kids in video games, then it would make getting into Little Lamplight in Fallout 3 much easier! :p


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Seriously. Whats wrong with shooting mutated babies?

Tired of being unable to kill kids in games.


New member
May 15, 2010
you DO realize that they centered their advertisements around this right? I think at least part of this was intentional, and really, within the context of the world it makes perfect sense. Even the first game had babies, they were fetus babies...if that makes it better...

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Babies go boom. Ha. xD

I should get this game, I always hated babies and their irritating crys.


Senior Member
May 9, 2010
Since when was killing a person OK? It doesn't matter, child, teenager, old man, pregnant woman, 28-year old man. Killing people is never OK.

However, Issac Clarke can kill who he pleases for his own survival, I guess you could say Dead Space is an RPG, you aren't FORCED to kill the 'children,' however doing so will ensure your survival? Basically throughout this whole game you've killed 'children' under your own power. If you want to be a non-baby killer than play like one :3.
May 23, 2010
Gralian said:
It's no longer human. It's alien. The cell structure has been infected with the alien recombinant DNA. They don't look entirely human, either. The backwards head, the black skin, the swollen white stomach. Because they don't look entirely human, i have no compunction towards shooting them in self defence.
I know that I'm quoting this out of context, and I bear absolutely no grudge or ill will to you Gralian. I simply find this interesting, more as how we as a species think than anything.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Mr. Omega said:
"cross my heart, hope to die..."

Those who played it will know what I'm talking about (It's practically the endgame), and know that THAT scene is way worse than the exploding babies.
The first time I played that scene, I missed because I didn't notice the moniter. That was cringe worthy.

OT: I don't think comparing the killing of the necromorph-children to the airport scene in MW2 is that great of a comparison. In Dead Space (2), the "children" aren't exactly helpless, they can (and probably will) end up killing you. In MW2, those civilians had no way of defending themselves. Killing monsters that have an intent to kill you is nowhere near as bad as mowing down innocent civilians.
Aug 1, 2010
TU4AR said:
The whole point is to disturb you. You have been disturbed, the game has won. It's not over the line, it would be over the line if that wasn't so obviously THE POINT OF THE FUCKING GAME.

MrDeckard said:
That part is a perfect example of why the inability to kill kids in RPGs like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Oblivion and Fable 1/2/3 is completely idiotic. So exploding babies is fine, (and fun) but killing a 10 year old kid is off limits?

Anyway, to the OP: Apparently it wasn't THAT bad as you could have just turned off the game when the first baby appeared, but to each in his own I guess.
Again, context. These are not games that set out to shock you.
It works though. They ARE meant to be total freedom, which un-kill-able kids breaks in half. I get what you are saying though.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Nothing is sacred and there is no such thing as "going too far". Ethics and morals restraining fiction are outdated.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
HotFezz8 said:
but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.
They're no longer human, obviously. They're monsters, just like everything else. Would you have a problem killing them if they weren't humanoid? Let's say there's a beasty in the game that spawns baby versions of itself. You'll kill those, right? But they're still babies. Is it only a problem when they resemble your own kind?

This isn't going very far at all, so just chill out.
Apr 28, 2008
Contrary to what Hollywood teaches, children aren't safe from deadly diseases. Or zombification.

In fact, its logical to assume there'd be much more children zombies, since they'd be easier to infect(bite, or however its spread).

And besides, we did this in the first game to. Or did you forget about those jars full of fetuses and mutant babies with those three tentacles coming out of their backs?


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
HotFezz8 said:
Gralian said:
y'know its actually a very good comment, shooting my points to pieces, (and yeah on reflection the lurkers (or whatever) were babies, and i didn't put two and two together)

but the fact my argument fails dismally, and the fact i don't care shows that its not a rational reaction. childrens nurseries, babies etc are sacred to me and walking thorugh what should be a picture perfect happy zone with a pistol in your hand killing everything that moves strikes me as wrong on every level.

hmmm... i suppose that its a good point, well made, and simply a case of my finding that there's a line here for me. this isn't acceptable to me, but i can see why you aren't bothered.
Well, yeah, it's a *horror* game. The entire nature of the genre is to find your predetermined mores then tear them to shreds and beat you with them. Otherwise it's not horror.

To be more clear: It's supposed to be in the game because it disturbs you.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
HotFezz8 said:

you have been warned.

basically, im playing thorugh Dead Space 2 now, im about 3 hours through, and i'm shooting babies. i've already shot about 60 children no older than 12, but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.

fuck MW2's airport scene, fuck Medal of Honours Taliban, this strikes me as over the line. had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.

The idea of a censor of media- any media- intended for adults makes me sick. You and I are adults. My first line of defense against things I don't want to see is my own scrutiny, and that's the only defense any of us ought to have.

Occasionally making an error in judgement (pre-ordering a survival horror game before reviews are available, for example) and choosing to see something which is beyond your own tolerance is part and parcel of being an adult. You'll get over it, and it's a small price to pay for the freedom to share any idea you like, in any format you like, and to partake of ideas conceived with the same liberties. Adults who say they need the protection of other adults from the *possibility* of making a bad decision represent the lowest common denominator. We cannot build society around their many, many special needs.

Deadspace 2 crossed an internal line that is only relevant to you and others with your views. You have a right to alter your own purchase patterns from now on. That's all.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
The most offensive part about Dead Space 2 is the ending. And no, I don't mean "cross your heart." I mean, the actual ending. Just awful.

That scene where they introduce the exploding babies was a little distasteful, but honestly it's what I expected from this game.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
i think they've gone to far in their ad campaign
5 out of 5 mothers disaproove?
thats in no way helping video games at all making it seem lke YOUR MOM DOESNT LIKE IT SO YOU WILL LOL


Black Rose Knight
Jan 19, 2008
HotFezz8 said:

you have been warned.

basically, im playing thorugh Dead Space 2 now, im about 3 hours through, and i'm shooting babies. i've already shot about 60 children no older than 12, but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.

fuck MW2's airport scene, fuck Medal of Honours Taliban, this strikes me as over the line. had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.
Honestly, I'm wondering why you choose to keep playing at that point. Is it really that valuable a game to you that despite the masses of children you've murdered and now the exploding infants . . . ?

I have to say, I usually rent games before playing them (with the exception of some that don't go to the rental service I use) however honestly I've always felt that if it offends a person that much they should just stop.

If a show is so bad it offends you, change the channel. No one is forcing you to play Dead Space 2 . . . so if it's that offensive to you then trade it in, or sell it to someone.