Poll: SPOILERS Dead Space 2 has gone too far.


Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff.
Aug 14, 2009
for fuck's sake, why do you think they included it in the first place? It's supposed to be over the line. It's supposed to make you sit there and go "what am I doing?" it's SUPPOSED TO FREAK YOU OUT.

Besides, you don't know if it's even actually happening...


New member
Sep 25, 2010
there toddlers the babies were in the first dead space, I don't think its going to far there meant to be creepy and scary and boy does it work.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Quellist said:
Its sick+amusing at the same time, I wince then laugh then feel a bit guilty. Tbh i think maybe they did go a bit too far but at the same time fair play to them for having the courage to break the 'Infant Immortality' that so many other mainstream games buckle to (Fallout 3, i'm looking at you).

At the end of the day its just pixels, no babies or children were harmed making this game.
I agree... and frankly I was more than creeped out when there were toddler ghosts in Silent Hill that I couldn't shoot. Ironically it makes it a little less scary to be able to shoot them.


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
No it hasn't gone too far,because deep down inside,i know i did those children a favor:They're turned into a monster,and i did what i could to stop them from hurting other people,and end their suffering.

When i killing these things,I'm not thinking "I'm killing babies" I'm thinking "I'm euthanizing them"


New member
Jun 2, 2009
Certainly you're entitled to your opinion, and I think it's reasonable to dislike the concept. First, for full disclosure's sake:
I have not played the game, though I really found it tasteless that their selling point was that moms hate it...because, you know, parents don't have enough to deal with other than advertisers mocking parental disapproval.
That over with, I cannot exactly disapprove of the game itself. The reason is simple. It is not real. You are not shooting up nurseries. No one is actually dying. There are no consequences. Nor is THIS going to be the line that is crossed that will throw our societies into chaos and make mothers smother their infants. THAT spiral happened way before video games. Or Marilyn Manson or Alice Cooper. Or comic books. Or pulp fiction. Or Mozart. Or anything else that has been blamed in the past for going over "the line." (not saying you were saying this; just figured that the Thompsons of the world are going to say this is the worst evil out there)


New member
Oct 24, 2008
HotFezz8 said:

you have been warned.

basically, im playing thorugh Dead Space 2 now, im about 3 hours through, and i'm shooting babies. i've already shot about 60 children no older than 12, but im now walking thorugh a nursery, listening to crying children and shooting mutated babies, which explode.

fuck MW2's airport scene, fuck Medal of Honours Taliban, this strikes me as over the line. had i known in advance there was this sort of content i would probably not have bought it.
Try Condemned 2 where you slaughter hundreds of anthropromorhic dolls that look like toddlers that might be over the line but a space virus makes now exception

Free Thinker

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Is it wrong I laughed a bit when picking up their re-dead body and shoot them at enemies? On a side note; Dante's Inferno was pretty fun with the little unbaptized babies. Never once freed their souls. Always reaped them for some reason.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
It's an action-horror game. It's meant to make you feel uncomfortable and terrified, even horrified in the things you have to do to survive. It's not 'too far' though, technically even the regular enemies aren't humans anymore.

It's the same kind of terror that was central to Night of the Living Dead and zombies in general. The zombies still look so much like humans, but they're neither living or dead- but it's hard to kill something that still looks so human. Dead Space is basically the same, except the zombies are weird space satan zombie things.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
see theres the thing..for me i'd be sickened if watching animals getting tortured, but apart from that anything goes; exploding babies, having sex with necromorphs, its all good.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
....This isn't even a new thing, Dante's Inferno had you stabbing babies for a good couple of levels. Those babies aren't human anymore, they want to kill you. Just like every other Necromorph in the game, they only resemble their former self. They take something you once new as happy and joyful and turned it into a mobile time bomb. That is pretty fucking creepy in my opinion and it fits perfectly.

Edit: You know what actually, you're forgetting a very important. You killed hundreds of babies on the Ishimura in Dead Space 1. What the hell did you think these things were? [http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/File:Concept_crouching_lurker_download_052308.jpg]

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
I dunno, it's not shocking, or offending, or the least bit repulsive to me...

However, I do think it's really low to resort to portraying violence toward a likeness of a human child purely for shock value.

I guess it can be argued that like the No Russian level in MW2, in which you couldn't grasp the entirety of the Russian's being pissed without actually seeing the tragedy; you can't grasp how insanely devastating the baddies are in Dead Space without seeing even children being affected. (or maybe you can. Personally I think Doom 3 would have been just as unsettling without the cherubs, just like DS2 can be without having to have exploding mutant babies)

Anyway, on a side note, I think its funny that we at the escapist rail on parents who fail to research games that their kids might want while at the same time forget that there is another population who fails to do the same for themselves, like our OP.

EDIT: I also wanted to quote this grand post. Putting games off as 'Just a game' is a pretty big double standard with us "games are art" crowd.
Generic Gamer said:
Cliff_m85 said:
So you're upset that pixels were rearranged in a different fashion?

You do know that no babies have died from you shooting pixels, right?
No! Bad Escapist!

You can't claim games are art and are a legitimate form for expressing ideas and then fall back to "It's just a game"!

It's always 'just a game' or never 'just a game', they don't get to be deep and meaningful and evocative only when it suits gaming. Over three decades of increasing realism to bring the player closer to the action invalidates the claim of it just 'being pixels', that's not how the developer intended it to be viewed.

Rabid Chipmunk

New member
Nov 11, 2010
I didn't find the exploding babies to be distasteful, I found them to be unfortunately hilarious. Bloated, glowing babies crawling on their backs that explode? That's funny beyond the point that a horror game should be.

Regardless, as has been said, the point of this is to shock and unnerve the player by forcing them to do something they'd rather not. The Pack is just a bunch of squeeling 10 year-olds, but I didn't have a problem with them (probably because they were fucking annoying, though).


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I think its the funniest thing ever to 1. Throw headless exploding babies at people, 2 To be able to stomp, and or kick a dead baby, and 3. Punch of small childrens heads while they are in stasis. Not to mention the plethora of dead baby jokes that can be made from Dead Space because of that.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Gralian said:
It amazes me that contemporary audiences can still get offended by things like this. It amazes me even more that said easily offended audience would even consider such a product. You don't even have to have done your research to know it would involve something horrific. Aside from that 18 rating, surely you must've known what the original was about. And that the original involved shooting new born babies as well, called Lurkers.
You beat me to it. Dead Space 1 didn't scare me. The closest it came was the section in which you killed your way through a lab full of the test-tube babies. It was creepy but not scary. Kinda funny.

You make it sound like you're playing through the prologue of Max Payne from the perspective of the men who broke into the Payne residence. You're attacking things which used to be babies but which have sense grown tentacles and a liking for human flesh (or possibly just murder) It isn't as though you enter a maternity ward and toss babies, soft-spot-first, into walls, doors and, floors...although that does sound kinda entertaining in a twisted way...

As was also said above: It's just a game. An M rated game (though that doesn't mean much: Fable 2 and 3 are also M rated for some reason). The game taking place in a fictional place during a fictional time featuring fictional people doing fictional things. Fictional, not factual.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
i had exactly two more refined thoughts during the nursery scene:
1. Why did the mother get to survive and go crazy while her kid was turned?
2. Got damn this stage is set up as an arena and i am low on ammo and healthkits


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Are you serious? It's been said before, but the first game had babies trying to stab the hell out of you with tentacles, which then you subsequently punt. I found it awesome. You're not shooting babies or small children, you're shooting their reanimated mutant corpses.

To be blunt, according to the game, once people become infected and become necromorphs, they cease to be human. Hell, I think the sole fact that they want to kill you with elongated claws of doom, with the occasional explosive arm thing and vomit, is enough reason to shot em in the face with random bits of mining equipment