Poll: Stupid, offensive and misspelled gamer tags


New member
Sep 1, 2008
I think there are some insulting ones, but most I see are good. Mine came out of a typo that looked cool.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
RoundhouseR post=9.70262.685878 said:
2 words: comic relief. Plus then you can judge someone as a fool before they even speak, so you can know in advance to discount everything they say.
I don't know if it's comic relief, really. Any time I played against someone with an offensive or borderline offensive gamertag someone was called a "****** fag jew cocksucker" during the course of the game by the idiot with the offensive tag.

I think the offensive tags serve a great purpose, they let those of us who want to enjoy gaming without hearing the ravings of the insecure, racist, homophobic teenage boys an easy way to identify and avoid them.


New member
May 7, 2008
Lol at everyone being sad enough to actually get wound up at people having something so trivial as numbers in their gamertag


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Well, numbers are totally out of the question, but I've never had a problem with my screen name

(espically considering the way I spell Sergeant)


New member
Aug 6, 2008
i think i might be going ever so slightly against the grain here.
offensive GTs then yes (the nazi one for one) and stupid 12 year olds calling themselves "1337snipern00b" also deserve anal raping.
but names like ninja_manxXinsertclannamehereXx dont. sometimes people do the same thing to their GTs to show they are in a clan.
and i think mis-spelling is okay as long as they do it on purpose. mine (airsoftmanic) came to me when a guy at my airsoft club shouted "your manic at this" which inspired my name. yes, its spelled wrong, but at least its on purpose. not like the legions of spertons i see (supposed to be spartan)

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
GuerrillaClock post=9.70262.688331 said:
The ones I find most irritating are the needlessly try-hard badass ones like "DARKBLOODSLAYER" OR "DEATH_KING 13" and shit like that. It just really annoys me and I don't know why.
I remember back when I was playing original Halo on PC. Every other player had the word 'Killa' in their name, spelt just like that. This combined with the fact that every game was just a 'spawn with rocket launcher frag fest' made me lose all hope for humanity.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I hate numbers too, it's not really that hard to come up with an original, clever name. And if the one you want is taken, try another one. Don't attach 999 or 123 to the end of it. I also have an issue with Xx_____xX names. It didn't take me long to come up with Xalmar, it shouldn't take others much time either. And don't even get me started on names like FartMaster2000.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I've still yet to get any direct feedback on whether my name falls into this 'kill on sight' category everyone's so worked up about. Am I unoriginal because I use numbers?


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Not a Spy post=9.70262.689211 said:
T3chn0s1s post=9.70262.689193 said:
I've still yet to get any direct feedback on whether my name falls into this 'kill on sight' category everyone's so worked up about. Am I unoriginal because I use numbers?
I'd find your name less irritating if it didn't have the numbers but at least it dosen't have any l33t speak.
I'm just saying y'know... Everyone here has their name for this reason or that reason... I have my name from an underground DJ that I happened to listen to when I was scripting back in the day, that lost his will or somesuch and just ceased to be, and I kind of hold onto it as a lasting impression of how awesome he was, and a reminder of the anonymity of the internet. Everyone can cease to be at any time on the internet, without a trace.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
GuerrillaClock post=9.70262.688331 said:
The ones I find most irritating are the needlessly try-hard badass ones like "DARKBLOODSLAYER" OR "DEATH_KING 13" and shit like that. It just really annoys me and I don't know why.
Well, I guess that applies to me, but I've had this name since I was 12, and I've just kept it ever since.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
GenHellspawn post=9.70262.689235 said:
GuerrillaClock post=9.70262.688331 said:
The ones I find most irritating are the needlessly try-hard badass ones like "DARKBLOODSLAYER" OR "DEATH_KING 13" and shit like that. It just really annoys me and I don't know why.
Well, I guess that applies to me, but I've had this name since I was 12, and I've just kept it ever since.
lol I think my name GideonB is the most unoriginal thing ever but the only thing that ever goes on it is a clan tag like MK3 (with colors obviously) but i have seen some really screwed up ones like GayBoy3000, and some unpronouceable ones like ahfgiualkgakf and UrBiGl33tard and ihatelife!


New member
Aug 17, 2008
GenHellspawn post=9.70262.689235 said:
GuerrillaClock post=9.70262.688331 said:
The ones I find most irritating are the needlessly try-hard badass ones like "DARKBLOODSLAYER" OR "DEATH_KING 13" and shit like that. It just really annoys me and I don't know why.
Well, I guess that applies to me, but I've had this name since I was 12, and I've just kept it ever since.
Another very good point. ^_-

Get to know your fellow gamers, guys! Don't get to know your whiny ass kids and frat boys screaming into their mics. Get to know other gamers. Gaming used to be a hobby, and it could be again if we'd start talking to each other instead of sitting around talking about how other people aren't like us and that's icky.

"Eewww... PC Gamers have cooties."

"Yeah? Well... Well console gamers suck!"

"Nuh uh! Only people with PS3s!"

"Hahaha! Yeah!"

"Shut up wii, you're four."

"The voices..."

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
Nah I don't think gamertags should be forcibly changed. It really doesn't matter to me what someone's online handle is.

My Xbox tag is 'klotetags' which translates into 'shitty tags'. When I registered for Xbox Live I tried several names, which were all taken already. As a joke I entered klotetags, only to find out it costs money to change your tag. So now I'm stuck with it.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
What drives me mad is the Huge Influx of Anime-Of-The-Year names In Tags and MMO Usernames. Coming across Four Sesshomarus or Narutos on the walk between towns is painful. Seeing the X-Frames, Numbers, or horrid misspellings are worse.

Also, odd story...I was gonna be a Priest on WoW, but had bad experiences with people wanting me to heal them at the cost of my own life (Literally, I cast a healing spell, I will be killed) So I was gonna name myself NotUrSavior (Misspelling needed to stay under their Character limit). I worried that'd be offensive and get me in crap, so I changed it.

3 Minutes into my Priestly life I met IJerkedUrMom, DPSNazi, and DoItFrmBHind.

I shoulda stuck with my idea.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I think there is a big difference between immature names that are vulgar, cliché or controversial (like "poop_muncher", "spratan300" and "gay_jesus") compared to clearly offensive and sick like racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic that only deeply disturbed individuals choose.

"but how come these guys can say such dumb shit but I can't be racist" says Mr Racist, well immature kids (and adults with the mental age of children) can only annoy us or maybe slightly gross us out. But racism and violent threats make what should be a fun online game an unpleasant experience for the targets of the verbal attacks and all those who have to listen to it. I don't like being on those servers and most people leave.

So to maximise the number of people on a server then you have to exclude the haters who want to use the game as some podium for a foamy mouthed hate speech yet still let in the nice-but-stupid gamer-tags as they hardly drive people away from the server the same way violence does, well except the 'BOOM head-shot' type violence which is all good sporting fun.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
I hate this display of retardation as well! Death to stupid name tags! What's wrong with a funny name like Lord of the biscuits, or drunk pickle? But NOOOO! You have to conjure up a name like : "PWN00Bz0Rrr Ch@pakiLl4 Teh B@CH&%&$@#!!!111" !!!! God, I have to take a cold shower to calm down...


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Mine is simply Super Jesus or some form. What's odd is when there's an idiodic name that comes about because me and my friend are playing a game and they're playing a game that they are dead serious about. Like super jesus suked muy dick onc3.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
T3chn0s1s post=9.70262.689193 said:
I've still yet to get any direct feedback on whether my name falls into this 'kill on sight' category everyone's so worked up about. Am I unoriginal because I use numbers?
Yours is fine because it's Technosis, a unique and original word, spelled with numbers. A name like n00b5N1P3R (noob sniper) is just wrong.