Poll: THE ARMY: What Would You Serve In?


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
my brothers going for scout something or other,he's gonna survey areas for infantry and drive APC's.I could care less about the army.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
None of the above

Marine Armorer.

Otherwise known as the guy who fixes your weapon when you screw up and break it. Likely also the guy who gives out your ammo.

Nobody ever considers the non-combat arms.

Agent Larkin

New member
Apr 6, 2009
I snipe. I hit. Plain and simple me and my M6 are bastards to go against at airsoft so I imagine I would be good with the real article.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
I would class snipers as special forces, mainly because i dont think theres such a thing as the sniper division, but speacial forces normally go single-handedly behingd enemy lines on a covert-op with only a nife, a silenced pistol and occasionly a sniper rifle.
you could also just pick the regular infantry because thats the division snipers are usually in. theyre just a small detatchment.
lizards said:
Federalist92 said:
Pretty self explanitary. what would you serve in if you joined the army.

For me its either the Armoured Division or the artillery, but right at this moment i'm going to go with the Artillery.

you basturd
I would class snipers as special forces, mainly because i dont think theres such a thing as the sniper division, but speacial forces normally go single-handedly behingd enemy lines on a covert-op with only a nife, a silenced pistol and occasionly a sniper rifle.
you could also just pick the regular infantry because thats the division snipers are usually in. theyre just a small detatchment.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Naturalized said:
What does sniping come under? Special Forces?
Them or the regular infantry. It depends if you want a by-yourself-covert-style sniper mission, or if you want to be part of a sniper platoon.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Sparkytheyetti said:
MRAP"S nuff said. Cause i build them. Look them up.
pretty cool.
i was just watching some of those on the news this morning in Afghanistan.
I take it you would be the mechanised division.
I forgot to put that on so im going to put it on now.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
There's more to the army than what's just mentioned there (but I guess you cover a lot of fighting roles) like transport, communications, catering etc.

The medical corps, I'm training to be a doctor and I'd be best used there, hopefully in surgery.

Sure its not as intense as actual fighting, but it can still be very hardcore. I have heard a story that there was a french doctor at Dien Bien Phu whose hair went completely white prematurely in the space of the siege, from stress from constant shelling, no sleep and the shit he saw on his operating table.

Sparkytheyetti said:
MRAP"S nuff said. Cause i build them. Look them up.
We Australian have had those for at least five years, we call them bushmasters and have enough to seat every infantryman we have. Those and ASLAVs are one of the big reasons our causalities are low.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
SakSak said:
Like most who only see the glamorous parts, you totally forgot all support roles.

Then again, we are invisible when everything goes well and the best compliment we get is none at all.

Therefore, refuse to vote as I have served and am a medical sergeant and no appropriate possibility is presented.
Your right.
I'm going to put in support groups now.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
From an American point of view. If I was drafted it wouldn't matter because they would tell me. If it is a matter of choice...US Air Force. The jobs whether enlisted or commissioned are the key. Generally the AF jobs are more technical and applicable to civilian employment. The Navy being the next. The career fields involving being in and armed battle are are very patriotic. You will never hear me say the people who do this are wrong to do it as far as the function of it. But when the time comes to apply it to the enevitable civilian life the primary skills just don't translate well.

Knowing 100 different ways to kill someone will not help get a computer job. Or an A&P job. Or an administrative job.

If you think I am wrong or mocking, fine. I am not, sincerely. I can not tell you how many I know that were green and went blue. Sure, they could all kick my ass in a heartbeat. But not one said they regret it (going blue, not my ass). In fact they use(ed) the AF 100% tuition asst. and either have or plan on having civilian jobs that field stripping an M9 blindfolded won't support.

As far as lifstyle, generally I was put in a hotel room on TDY's instead of living in a tent. Something my prior green friends would say "Lucky, gosh." I made $80 a day extra when doing so. My biggest worry was what night the free porn came on with the cable in my private billeting hotel room. I still worked 16 hour days seven days a week. But come'on...free porn in a hotel, with a maid, $80 a day on top of my base pay and BAH. And I was supposed to be a "trained" combatent. (Make no mistake I still made marksman the last for times I had to qualify, every two years).


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Special forces probably, agility and stealth are really my only skills.

Get in, plant the bomb then leg it.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Airborne, I'd want to be the guy who flies the Blackhawk in to save the dumbass special forces who were just compromised and now have half a country coming down on them.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Well considering I want to join the army when I'm older and join the paratroopers, you can kinda guess what I picked.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
i'd probably say medic. a helicopter transport pilot would be cool too. maybe a jeep driver or something. regular infantry would be an intense experience but i don't know if i could bring myself to kill someone. plus the risk would be pretty big.
Jun 8, 2009
My dad entered the artillery. When asked by the recruiting sargeant why, he answered that the artillery were "further away from the enemy than the infantry." The sargeant responded by saying "You'll fit in just fine mate" before promptly putting him in meteorology, the only section to not have big guns and the one that is closest to the action (between the artillery and infantry.) On top of that, they had to send balloons up as signals to the artillery... which pretty much told the enemy where they were. The sargeant obviously had a sense of humour...

As for me, medical always appealed to me, but I'd also want to be up on the front lines helping win the fight, so its a tough call for me. I'd also be proud to be in the special forces, but they all require either exceptional talent or bloody-minded determination, and I'm not sure I'd ever manage to acquire either.

Anyway, a toss-up between medical/support and front-line infantry for me.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
hah i like the things you put at the end of the choices :)
but are people thinking realistically? i would mess up stealth, and i cant fly a chopper, so those arent the positions for me or probably most people


New member
Jul 29, 2009
... High-ranking officer? Can't seem to find that... I really don't want to have my guts all over the frontline.