Poll: The Hurricane Approaches


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Did some one say Storm...get it...my name...[sub]sorry...[/sub]

On the other hand fu fu fu, you guys over there on the US coast are gonna have a wild ride, I can just tell. For me, I live on the West side of Australia, it won't effect me one cent. Now excuse me I must prepare for Assassins Creed 3...which comes out in one day. :p

Captcha: new york city

It's gonna get butt rumped, we all know that.


New member
May 22, 2010
I live in Florida, and for once we didn't get the hurricane. We got a little bit of wind from it on Saturday, but that's about it. They're gonna get hammered up North, though. They just aren't equipped to deal with these things like we are.

And speaking of which, I saw a bunch of heavy equipment (cherry pickers and stuff) on I-75 today, presumably heading North to help out. So if you're up there, the cavalry's already on the way.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I live right outside of DC so I'm actually watching the storm RIGHT NOW. Doesn't look too bad. For the record, I've had tornadoes go by this house so this actually doesn't seem so bad by comparison. I highly doubt we're going to drop into the ocean like New Orleans down here but that hasn't stopped the waves of residents grabbing pounds of survival materials.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I'm one of those rare people that's actually walked out into the middle (the eye) of a hurricane, and dealt with the leading edge, and the trailing end of a hurricane. I'm the psycho that's going to find a pay phone, and order a pizza in the middle of it, and see if it gets to me on time (last time, it was 3 minutes late).

That said, this one has my wife freaked right the hell out, because she's never lived through an honest-to-whatever-deity-you-hold-to hurricane. The biggest problem with this particular hurricane isn't the wind. It isn't the rain or the flooding. It's the people. People, as individuals, are fine, rational, often times logical beings. But we suffer from what's called 'Mob Mentality'. For each logical, rational being there is in a group, the collective IQ of the group falls. Eventually, the group devolves.

Living in NY (upstate NY mind you, about 20 minutes north of Albany, just outside Troy) I can say that this one is going to be one helluva ride. As to the generator 'shortage'... a few years ago, there was another run on generators because we had 3" of ice on everything. Limbs fell off the trees because of the sheer weight, crushed my back fence, took out the power for both major power companies here, killed a transformer, started fires, general chaos. Afterward, people died because of those shiny new generators they rushed out to get. They were installed improperly, and carbon monoxide poisoning took some lives. If you're rushing out to get a generator, or already have, make sure it's installed in a well ventilated area, away from windows and doors, and definitely NOT in a garage.

The way I see it, if it rains, it rains. If limbs fall off the trees, they'll fall. If there's damage, we'll fix it. Adapt, Adjust. Move on.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
My family lives in Norfolk (Virginia, not England) and as usual there's a lot of flooding going on.

Also, the HMS Bounty has sunk, with two hands missing. [http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/29/14775512-14-rescued-2-missing-from-hms-bounty-off-nc-coast?lite] They may or may not have been friends of my dad--crews on those boats change around a lot, and he doesn't know who was on board when she went down.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
I'm in New Jersey, I'm watching the news. The rain just got worse, same for wind. Nothing too bad so far. So far it is worse than Irene last year, but we're making it. Hopefully power doesn't go out. Good luck fellow Escapists.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Well, representing Vermont here: It's dark and gloomy right now, but no rain and no wind yet. There's a "high-wind" warning starting 2 PM this afternoon, but looking at the 5-day forecast they're just saying winds around 20 MPH and a little bit of rain/snow. Tonight/tomorrow we'll probably get some pretty strong rain storms, but other than that I doubt (hopefully) there's any real damage 20 MPH wind will do to the power in the apartment complex here.


New member
May 26, 2009
I'm in Rochester, New York and there is the usual rain and wind but nothing too serious. However no classes have been canceled even though it can be a ***** to get up and down the main path without getting drenched >.>


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Most of my friends on here are from the East Coast... I'm terrified for them. Then again, I am from the UK. We've never had anything like a hurricane, so I'm not used to dealing with them.

Having said that, It's still not a thing to take lightly. I hope everyone makes it out safe, friend or not. ;_;


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
I live in Brooklyn, so the most I can expect is some wind and rain. In spite of this just being an overblown rainstorm, the mayor has saw fit to shut down the subway system, so regardless we're stuck here (don't have a car), and people here have gone nuts. I had to pick up chicken for dinner yesterday, and between me and the boyfriend, we checked seven different overcrowded grocery stores until we were able to find any.

Besides almost all the meats being sold out, canned foods and bottled waters were all gone as well, in an area where a hurricane consistently means a heavy rain, a few blown off tree branches, and that's it. This happens every year.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
I live in southern texas on the gulf of mexico. We're just getting some stray showers that broke off from that huge ass storm but not going to be affected. Good luck to those on the east coast. That thing looks like a monster


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I'll likely get buzzed, but nothing more intense than some strong winds and rain. Hope everyone who's in its path gets somewhere safe/prepares right. Or develops anti-weather superpowers.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I live in Maryland, in Frederick county, and it's coming down pretty hard right now. Windy, too. It's not too terrible yet, at least. I went out for a smoke a few hours ago and a hoodie and umbrella were enough to keep me relatively dry. I can hear the wind right now as I type this. Pretty sure it's getting worse. I haven't checked the weather channel at all, though, so I don't know how bad it's estimated to get.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
My supervisor just told me that work is shutting down tonight at 8pm so there's no need for me to go to work tonight. On the bright side - YAY! On the not-so-bright side, crap here it comes. I've already been notified that we might be without power for awhile tonight, as well. That's perfectly fine with me, as my DS is fully charged, water and food are stocked and the hunkering down is in full swing.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Temple Guard said:
Most of my friends have all ready lost power. Just a matter of time now.
I've had a couple of flickerings of power outages; nothing major yet. But that wind just keeps a howlin' some fierce. Rain has been mild, at best. Still, good news is Sandy lost its Hurricane status.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Ha nope. I am currently enjoying the sunny Auckland weather we always get around exam time..

Behold the glorious sunshine:


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Eh, I'm in Buffalo. Gunna get hit fairly hard with wind and rain but I'm not worried. I have a week's worth of supplies laying around at any given time, in a relatively elevated area, and I'm used to shit weather. Not even planning on missing classes tomorrow.