Poll: The next fail in gaming


New member
Feb 19, 2009
codisthebest said:
actually the next fail in gamin is going to be when apple decides to make a game console
Actually that already happened. It was called The Pipp!n, and it was indeed all sorts of fail.


New member
May 20, 2010
codisthebest said:
actually the next fail in gamin is going to be when apple decides to make a game console

OT: The next fail in gaming is here, all three console makes will fail big time because they've lost touch with the enthusiast gamer base, and the nu-gamer is starting to (a) get tired of gimiks (b) look for more depth.

So I predict FAIL all round.

including the PC market as developers are pretty much crapping all over that.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Madara said:
Sony ever stopped failing?

Hmm I think the screen in the controller thing is gonna bomb hard. Though Nintendo being Nintendo they will make us look like jackasses and manage to pull it off. So whoever manages to churn out a copy of it fastest out of Sony or MS.
So uhhhh... Sony has actually had a fairly good history with consoles?

OT: To most of the people I see walking around the Wii is to gaming as butter is to bread... so unless the price makes the console inaccessible I can't see them failing... or the other two really...


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Who knows at this point? The WiiU is the only one announced and we still barely know anything about it other than the new controller. At this point, no one can logically deduce which next console will succeed or fail.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Raykuza said:
Nintendo is the wrong answer. They have both the casual and hardcore markets on lock. The casual folks like silly gimmicks, and when that market dries up, they always have Zelda and friends in their back pocket. They can't lose at this point. Making games has been their only job since 1974. They do it pretty damn well.
i feel like the casual market will depend highly on the price. for people who are purely casual gamers i feel like it will be tougher to convince them to buy a new console if they already enjoy their wii. as for the hardcore gamers, im not so sure. i mean, i dont think anyone would consider games like zelda or mario to be hardcore. i dont know all the games nintendo has announced but what exclusive titles does the wii u have that would be considered hardcore?

my biggest problem with the wii u is that they seem to be putting too much focus on the controller. thats the problem i had with the wii, it seemed like they cared more about the controller than the games. nintendo used to focus only on gameplay but in recent years it seems like their main concern is being different

Rhade Adama

New member
Mar 17, 2010
I think Nintendo is in for a long, hard road if they think they can get back to competing with Sony or Microsoft for the the more than causal gamers. They lost me at the Wii. They won't be getting me back for the Wii U either. I used to look forward to the next Mario and Zelda titles. Now I really couldn't care less. It feels like Nintendo lost their creativity and drive. It doesn't look like it's coming back anytime soon.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
randomfox said:
Well that'd be really fucking relevant if what I was talking about was what games you like and don't like and not, for example, about what I was actually fucking talking about.
My initial response was to your first post:

Sony failed with their current console. As much as I hope their next one will be better, I don't wish for bad games no one does, but the only thing that even kept the PS3 afloat was the massive third party library of games, and the PS3 and PS4 simple doesn't/wont have that with current gen graphics and the like. I love their indie selection on PSN, but if I had to guess I would say I think the PS4 is going to fail.
That first post had nothing to do with sales and what kept Sony afloat was their 1st party games as Microsoft got out of the gate first and had several early 3rd party exclusives, and the PS3 got several games like Bioshock and Eternal Sonata a year or so later. Gamers knew the franchises that would soon be coming to the PS3 during the "PS3 has no games" year. And, publishers know that there is really no reason to go platform exclusive, it just makes financial sense to go multiplatform unless Sony or MS send a truck full of money to you. Sony is pumping out the quality games faster than both Nintendo and Microsoft. Microsoft had pretty much nothing to show at E3 except, hey, we doing another Halo trilogy.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I agreed with someone on the first page. If Apple decides to make a dedicated gaming system, I'm predicting them failing. I don't think the big 3 will be failing for at least two gens. Microsoft and Sony will likely stay afloat because of the capital behind the system and the exclusives, respectively. Nintendo has the casual market completely wrapped up, and the new system will also appeal to hardcore gamers, both of whom will likely get the console.

Yes, I realize a lot of you here won't be getting the Nintendo console, but there is a vast number of people out here who were waiting for Nintendo to have a competitive hardcore console. Now we're getting it, and we will buy it in droves.

Who Dares Wins

New member
Dec 26, 2009
Clive Howlitzer said:
Nintendo has a pretty good track record of failing. At least I had a good run with NES thru N64.
What are you talking about, their only "fails" are the Virtual Boy and the Gamecube, everything else was crazy successful.

Xzi said:
When 99.9% of all your third-party titles sell 2 million copies or less, you're doing it wrong. And/or have no real third-party support.
Third party support isn't necessary when first party titles are incredibly good. And I don't think having consoles and games that are the best selling in the world, is doing it wrong.

OT: I voted Microsoft and I think the majority of their next console is going to be bought on impulse, but other than that, it will suck. I mean, the 360 doesn't stand out in any way, I haven't seen any indication that it's going to change.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
randomfox said:
Patrick Young said:
randomfox said:
Sony failed with their current console. As much as I hope their next one will be better, I don't wish for bad games no one does, but the only thing that even kept the PS3 afloat was the massive third party library of games, and the PS3 and PS4 simple doesn't/wont have that with current gen graphics and the like. I love their indie selection on PSN, but if I had to guess I would say I think the PS4 is going to fail.
waait how did sony fail with the ps3 the ps3 is a great machine
haters gonna hate

Microsoft needs to stop focusing on the kinect if they stop they will not fail but if they don't they will fail
Periods, mother fucker, do you use them!?

Great machine or not (by the way I love the object and factually supported argument there) the numbers don't lie. The PS3 is at the bottom of the poles because it lacked what carried the PS2: third party support. With current gen consoles the PS3 doesn't have the massive library the PS2 had because not all third party developers can afford current gen graphics, which is why most of them moved over to the Wii. The downsides of upping the graphics bar.

Since the PS4 is probably only going to get more convoluted, they are going to lose even more third party support, and I predict that is what's going to make them fail again. That and they made the Vita AT&T exclusive, which killed that system before he even got to the price point.
Out of the big three I say the PS3 has the most quality exclusives, third party or not


New member
May 8, 2008
nintendo has not made a win since smash bros 64, which is just taking charaters we already know and puting them in a genaric fighting game. i doubt they will sudenly decide to make another franchise that's worth a damn.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
For some reason I see all three of them failing the next generation, it's just that Nintendo is the first one out of the gate with there fail.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Probably Microsoft if the launch issues the 360 had will show up again. Sony and Nintendo are both pretty safe. Sony have been making electronics for ages, Nintendo is the oldest of the three in making game consoles, they're both pretty safe bets.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
randomfox said:
And yet the Vita is running on AT&T exclusively. Did you think I didn't realize the American company thing? Cuz I did say I thought the Vita would fail, because it's running on AT&T exclusively, and the Vita will be released world wide...

Is anyone else getting this yet, or is it still just me?
I would assume it's running on AT&T exclusively in America, I can't see Sony selling a license for worldwide 3G rights to their console to one company who only operate in America.