Poll: The TF2 Insult


New member
Nov 15, 2009
By god, you're SERIOUSLY over-reacting!
They made tf2 FREE for gods sake! If someone griefs they get banned. It's simple. This isn't the early gmod days for gods sake.

There has been no so called 'slippery slope' there has been only free additions and updates to the game, which earns them the money they need to produce more games (like portal 2) and keeps the game going.

I'm usually not rude about things like this but making something FREE by a company trying to make money is damn generous, this considered they also made all those items for free in the past too!
If you don't want to play with the items go to a vanilla server - there are plenty out there, or even better, go on offline mode and play with bots.

The updates allowing my friends who were unsure about tf2 before try it out, and purchase it if they like it - or if they choose not to, simply not buy it at all!
They already gave you a bloody medal for loyalty. Wear that, keep quiet and enjoy all the free items they're giving.

And to put it not so politely - enjoy the free shit or sod off.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I like the idea. I paid the money gladly. I got WAY my money worth (I am nearing one THOUSAND played hours in the damn timesink of a game). Now i can share a game that i love with new, fresh victims... i mean players.

I mean: the game itself, even though massively updated and "freshened up" IS old. They got all the money they could POSSIBLY get through standard selling. So why not making it free (And rake in cash from the percentage of new players who now want some hats like the old crowd)?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Wow are you blowing this out of proportion, if someone puts in the time to download and sign up for the game then clearly they want to try the game, and they will try getting better at it if it holds their interest just like any new player.

The items were bullshit from the start, but noone spoke up at the time so now it's well seated and won't go anywhere.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
paid the $20 for it? Try paying $60 for it, i've been playing TF2 for years, and i think the free to play is a good thing. Sure we'll have a bunch of n00bs playing for a while, but after a while they'll either get better, or stop playing.

You could've complained during the mannconomy update when this all started.
Or you could ignore all the unlocks and promos, you don't need them to play.
Grab your shovels and bottles and just play, i don't see why it affects you so much.

Sure there's going to be griefers and hackers, but VAC strikes and it strikes down hard on those players.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
The unlockable weapons didn't unbalance the game at all. most of the time the unlocks were useless unless you knew a good way to use them, and even then you could work out a way to counter them if you weren't retarded and used some teamwork. I'm really sick of all these cynical asstards claiming a game is dead or a series is dead because of some tiny optional thing that hardly effects anything. Oh and the "Every server is full of people trying to trade" is bullshit I don't think I've ever played in a server with more then 2 people trading at any one time.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
More noobs to slay

How exactly does one grief in TF2? We have server admins?


New member
Jul 12, 2009
You see, this is why we can't have nice things. Heck, even FREE things. Because SOMEONE will ALWAYS find something wrong with it.

Yes its going F2P, yes if you bought the game within the last month and haven't got much out of it you'd feel a bit ripped off. But since you did, your getting more than the F2P'ers. Everyone who bought the game up to here, gets exactly the same as what we've been getting, while people who are using F2P only get a limited amount of thing! (ie: a sixth of the bag space, barely any crafting recipes, not able to trade or give gifts, not able to wear any rares/unusual's)

Then, if these F2P'ers DO want these, they'll pay, and they'll be just like everyone else.

Plus, VALVe even said that they knew it would start to be filled, thus they are keeping closer eyes and tabs on the game, and anyone who hacks/greifs/whatever will be banned.

Also, the game has never been broken, its just been populated with whiners like you.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
"New free content! It's ruined forever!"
"Option to buy stuff! Oh God, the horror!"
"Heaps of new players! How will we cope?"

Suck. It. Up.

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
Baneat said:
More noobs to slay

How exactly does one grief in TF2? We have server admins?
Well yesterday, I was putting my porno spray all over the place while another player (named "Princess Celestia," hilariously) tried to cover it up only for me to place it elsewhere (with increasingly elaborate locations) eventually, his spray was placed underneath mine. At which point I gleefully disconnected to solve printer issues.

Does that count?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
When you ask if it was a good idea, I say yes for valve. It gets so much money of the man co store that it doesn't need the money from actually buying the game, so you let in the new people who are so far behind that they will buy stuff from the store to catch up with the others. And so valve get to roll in more money then they would have made from it not being F2P.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
Don't let the new players hae ANY items and make Premium servers. That should clear this all up.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I'd just like to point out that the generalisation that all free to play games are crammed to the seams with trolls is sketchy at best; as an example to the contrary I've been playing Spiral Knights for the last week or so, which is free to play to a certain degree (let's just say that playing it for more than half an hour a day and getting the highest tier items on free to play is... challenging) and I'm yet to meet a single troll.

Besides, unless I'm mistaken Valve have not said that they intend to stop regulating who uses the service. Perhaps without the legal issue of their ability to remove access to a product that has been paid for they actually intend to be MORE zealous in their policing of TF2 online community. Just pointing out an angle that hasn't been explored yet.

FINALLY - it's been criticised for a while that with the state of weapons in TF2, it's impossible to get new players in because of the amount of time they'd have to spend hoping for random weapon drops to make them competitive. (Yes, the weapons are more or less balanced, but without them you lose VERSATILITY.) By making it free to play and making it possible to purchase items players will be forking over their money to get the guns, instead of the original game only to find that they need guns as well. At least this way the new players know what business model they're getting into.

TLDR: Not all free games are trollfests, Valve can still ban the trolls, there is still a cost for new players to be competitive.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
You know, if they had made our items something like "Uber Mega Super Duper Unusual *insert weapon name here*" , I would have been happy. A hat however? I am a little disapoint. Well, I guess it will have to do.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
They ruined it with the introduction of balance breaking items (ubersaw, wrangler etc). Free to play doesn't hurt it in the least, if anything more goons online=more fun. It won't be like it was before they started trying to make money off micro transactions, but it's still fun in small doses (particularly with friends).


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Mr. Gency said:
Baneat said:
More noobs to slay

How exactly does one grief in TF2? We have server admins?
Well yesterday, I was putting my porno spray all over the place while another player (named "Princess Celestia," hilariously) tried to cover it up only for me to place it elsewhere (with increasingly elaborate locations) eventually, his spray was placed underneath mine. At which point I gleefully disconnected to solve printer issues.

Does that count?
No because if it were the real celestia you'd be with Wheatley orbiting the moon for 1000 years.

Do not fuck with her. Seriously.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Vigormortis said:
How is an influx of new players, regardless of intent, a bad thing? Isn't the point of a multiplayer game to have MULTIPLE PEOPLE playing?

It's been less than a day and I'm already frackin' sick of hearing people ***** about TF2 going free to play. These self-entitled twits are even going so far as to ***** about Valve giving them free stuff! For the love of God, grow up. Instead of bitching about it, either acknowledge the upsides (which far outweigh any cons), or go play something else. No one will miss your incessant whining. And, with the bevy of new players coming, our servers will be full and active.

Why not join the ranks of the COD "hardcore" players. Then you'll get your game that never changes over years of play. Hell, you won't even need to deal with the Mann Co. Store! 'Course, you'll have to spend $15 or more on a couple of extra maps, but that's okay. I mean, it's not like you can't just get them via an unlock or anything. Right?

[edit] To clarify, this isn't directed solely at the OP. I've been on a few servers this evening already and far too many people were whining about this latest update.
/hipster-mode BECAUSE IT TOTALLY SOLD OUT NOW!! TF used to be awesome cuz it was all kewl and exclusive and now the new ppl are gonna be all "LOLOL LOOK AT MY HAT!!" and we're gonna be all "w/e I got that thing before you even know about this game!" and it's gonna be lame and stuff! /hipster-mode off


New member
Nov 19, 2010
This good sir is why you play it on the 360. I love my mouse and keyboard as much as the next guy, but once the items started coming out TF2 was dead to me.