Poll: This better be fake, because if it isn't...

Admiral Arby's

New member
May 21, 2009
I'm pretty sure it's fake.

There are people like that out there, but the way everything is written and worded makes it seems pretty obvious that it's satirical.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
This is from their tetris overview

"It is claimed that the word "tetris" comes from the game pieces all being made of four blocks. In reality, the game was named in mockery of the Trinity by adding a forth hypostasis, the Communist State, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost"

I lol'ed.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Nedhudir said:
There are people like that out there, but the way everything is written and worded makes it seems pretty obvious that it's satirical.
Yeah, it does. Some of it may seem serious, but then some so obviously proves it's fake.

Read the bit on Spore, about the word satire. "It's a combination of Satan and ire. It's true, I read it somewhere."


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Broken Wings said:
TheRedLucario said:
That is completely gay. Holy crap! It better be fake. I don't want to live in a world where the one sanctuary from religion is destroyed by it.
Yeah man that's totally gay man gay gay gay I love using that word the describe shit I don't like because I'm awesome I like you man we should be friends.
Double-you tea eff? If you don't want me to say it then I won't. No need to patronise.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Broken Wings said:
TheRedLucario said:
Broken Wings said:
TheRedLucario said:
That is completely gay. Holy crap! It better be fake. I don't want to live in a world where the one sanctuary from religion is destroyed by it.
Yeah man that's totally gay man gay gay gay I love using that word the describe shit I don't like because I'm awesome I like you man we should be friends.
Double-you tea eff? If you don't want me to say it then I won't. No need to patronise.
Apologize, but patronizing usually helps make the lesson sink in.
Not for me. I do as told if asked politely.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Oh my god you have to read what the guy said about MGS4

"In Metal Gear Solid 4, you play the role of Snake, a soldier who uses stealth to sneak around a battlefield on a mission to steal guns from the Patriots (and to choke people from behind). As his name implies, Snake is actually a symbolic agent of Satan, sent into the world to finish what he started in the Garden. Evidence of this symbolism can be seen by Snake's use of an Apple iPod throughout the game (Apple is a notorious promoter of Darwinism and counter-culture). Also, Meryl, who guides Snake via a disembodied voice, uses an Apple Macintosh computer (I think Meryl is supposed to represent Satan himself, but all the symbolism is very confusing since it was written by a Japanese guy). This game promotes drug use (Snake is addicted to cigarettes and the HDD installation process features an 8-minute video of Snake teaching players how to smoke), eugenics through human cloning (Snake was the product of a project to clone "super soldiers"), disrespect of Authority (Snake's main enemy in the game are the Patriots, who represent the Christian founders of our nation), and Materialistic Determinacy with an absence of Free Will (every game in the MGS series is a remake of the first, only with a different Snake clone, the theory being that by putting the clones through the same missions, they will develop into the same person). MGS4 was designed to train those who will be left behind after the Rapture to serve in the Antichrist's military forces. As such, it has no value for the Christian gamer, who is among the Elect and won't have to deal with that, but it may help the unsaved to know the tactics they will be up against in a post-Rapture world should they choose to join the fight against the Antichrist and secure themselves a place among the Sheep when Christ returns. Therefore, I am giving it ONE CROSS for this slight benefit. ?"

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
God, this part made me laugh so hard. It was also the part that, when I first saw this, convinced me it was a joke, as I had been unsure up to that point.
In the Doom series, you play a U.S. Marine who fights the forces of Satan. While you use violence, it is only against demons. On its own this would be a positive thing as it reinforces the role of our Christian military in spreading the Light of God throughout the world and opposing the Satanic forces that would do us harm. Unfortunately, the game's maker, John Carmack, is an Atheist. This means that he had no clue what he was doing when he used this idea as the central narrative of his game.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
demmalition1 said:
I found this site a while back and have been watching it for quite some time; my question:
Is this real or fake?


I have asked about this before to other people, but most of the answers were mixed with some stating that people like this do exist (see: Carrie; her mom) and that the advertisments are real, while others say it's a parody site (the song lyrics on the main page, the absurdity of the writing). I personally doubt it is real, but it is extensive in its work.

So what's your opinion and are there other sites like this one that are just as weird/outlandish?

Someone posted about the Flat Earth society, and I found this:
A bit lengthy to keep a parody site up, yes?
Because of you I have spent the last hour discovering this site, Sporn, and Goatse.

I saw goatse... for the first time... because of you.

Thanks for that ( I kid, I'm not mad)


New member
Mar 16, 2009
You see, the biggest floor this site has is the 'Anti religious section' where the guy doing the reveiws isn't allowed to actualy get the game cause of the rating :S. And the way that he only picks out the anti christ stuff from the game. I mean how the fuck is teris I MEAN FUCKING TERIS an anti christ game!!!!!!!!! This couldn't be more shite if the guy making it used a new html coding called 'The brown code'

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
xtreme_phoenix said:

I fucking hope it's fake
It is. If I may quote someone earlier on in the thread:
EzraPound said:
Ummm... it's fake: http://www.fact-archive.com/encyclopedia/OBJECTIVE:_Christian_Ministries


New member
Jan 26, 2008
demmalition1 said:
This is made of fail!

Re: Question for Flat Earthers
Quote from: frostee on June 25, 2009, 05:19:43 PM
Well I believe that we are told the earth is round, and I see no reason to doubt this

We're also told that Santa Clause brings presents to good little boys and girls on Christmas Eve.

The Flat Earth Society was founded by academics for the purpose of demonstrating that you can argue anything. I know, because my dad knew Alden Nowlan; a famed (and excellent) Canadian poet who took part in its foundation.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I hope it is fake, That review of Tetris is hilarious mind you. Mocking the trinity by adding a fourth block... Classic