Poll: This better be fake, because if it isn't...


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Im not 100% on that " exact" flat earth sight... but there are a few ( very very small minority groups) who actually hold the flat earth theory is true.. most of them believe the earth, and other bodies of large mass to be a disk...though when asked to explain certain factors like

" when liquid, or a gas is spilled in zero gravity, why then does it instantly form into a sphere..and how is that not a demonstration of the forces behind formation of planets and stars?"

they never produce a consistent argument, and many resort to " it does not, those are faked with computer generated effects "


Nov 8, 2008
624 said:
Damn...now I'll never get an infinite gamer score :(. To be honest it was a really funny website but I think that its fake.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Apperantly they admitted this was a fake, but seriously guys: there are people even more retarded than this. O yes indeed, ever heard of Kevin Hovind and his 'theories' to justify things like Noah's flood. I'll quote a little bit:
Noah's family and two of every "kind" of animal (including young dinosaurs)[38] safely boarded the Ark before a minus 300° F (~-184°C) ice meteor came flying toward the earth and broke up in space. Some of the meteor fragments became rings and others caused the impact craters on the moon and some of the planets. The remaining ice fragments fell to the north and south poles of the earth.

He explains the fossils were created by billions of organisms that were washed together by the mass destruction of the worldwide flood, completely buried, and rapidly fossilized.[39]

The resulting "super-cold snow" fell near the poles, burying the mammoths standing up.[40] Ice on the North and South pole cracked the crust of the earth releasing the fountains of the deep, which in turn caused certain ice age effects, namely the glacier effects. This made the earth "wobble around" and collapsed the vapor canopy that protected it.

During the first few months of the flood, the dead animals and plants were buried, and became oil and coal, respectively. The last few months of the flood included geological instability, when the plates shifted. This period saw the formation of both ocean basins and mountain ranges and the resulting water run-off caused incredible erosion ? Hovind states that the Grand Canyon was formed in a couple of weeks during this time.[41] After a few hundred years, the ice caps slowly melted back retreating to their current size and the ocean levels increased, creating the continental shelves. The deeper oceans absorbed much of the carbon dioxide in earth?s atmosphere and thus allowed greater amounts of radiation to reach the earth's surface. As a result, human lifespans were shortened considerably in the days of Peleg.
This is just...by the gods, it would be hilarious if a lot of people wouldn't take this seriously, but they do sadly.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Its real...Just look at bible fucking adventures and "Noah's Arch"
This has some bad lanuage, Because the guy is cussing very hard at these shitty games.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
This site officially screamed "FAIL" the instant I came down to the parts where it started flaming Doom, L4D, MGS etc.

Edit: Out of curiosity I deleted the last two lines in the URL and looked at the other shit. It's not fake. It's another one of those retarded pro-Creationism pseudo-science fairy tale Christian sites yet again.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Huh, I guess it's possible that it's real.
But I doubt it.
I seriously doubt it.

That Flat Earth Theory stuff is even weirder. How do they explain flying around the world in a plane or a ship "dipping" behind the horizon and all that stuff? I'm gonna check the FAQ out. For giggles.

Okay, look at this:

Q: "What's underneath the Earth?" aka "What's on the bottom?" aka "What's on the other side?"

A: This is unknown. Some believe it to be just rocks, while others believe the Earth rests on the back of four elephants and a turtle.

Definitely a satire.