Poll: This is why I don't like World of Warcraft:


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
thahat said:
moooneeeey needs to be in the op's poll xd
Yarp, but it ties into the time committment thing for me. If I'm paying so much for something I feel obligated to play the shit out of it. Instead I play Guild Wars as I only had to pay for it .... okay, 4 times. But, all of GW's expansions added up and the 5 years I've played it still don't add up to the price of 5 years of WoW.


50[prophecies]+ 30[factions]+ 30[nightfall]+ 20[eye of the north on sale]+ (10x5 [skill packs]) = {GW}$180 < {WoW}$900 = 60 x $15


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I don't hate it. I'm even considering getting back into the game, though I got a lot of other stuff to play.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Grind sucks, and if there is no good reward for it then why bother. I also like having deep stories and mmorpgs dont often have one, and im sure as hell not gonna send them a monthly fee


New member
Oct 26, 2008
It's too fucking easy. It was never all the difficult, but after WotLK it just became a snooze fest. Leveling took no effort. Dungeons took no effort. And raiding took little to no effort.


New member
May 4, 2009
Jandau said:
Well, I'm no MMO veteran, but I've played WoW, LotRO, WAR, EQ2, DDO and a few free MMOs.

WoW is by far the highest quality product of them all. I'm not a WoW fanboy, I'm not playing WoW right now, heck I skipped WotLK altogether. However, almost everything the above bunch does, WoW does better. If it doesn't at any given time, you can bet your arse it'll be patched in inside a few months.

As for the art style, I wouldn't call it kid-friendly. I'm sure people who like hating WoW would use that term, but it's hardly accurate. Stylized might be a better one. Also, not everything has to be brown-gray (I'm looking at you, LotRO and WAR) with a spatter of guts and gore. I for one find WoW's visuals easy on the eyes, varied and functional.

The gameplay itself is no more "dumbed down" than most of today's mainstream MMOs. If that bothers you, I'm sure you can find a niche MMO somewhere that lets you craft all the Excel charts your heart desires.

Basically, sorry you didn't like it, but that doesn't make it a bad game.

What you basically said is that every one who disagrees with you is wrong. And yes it is a bad game, but you can think other wise if you like.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
money. too much of a drain of money which is better spent on things like other games that dont require stupid amounts of grind time to be enjoyable


New member
Jan 28, 2009
To be honest, your experience with WoW may... actually, it WILL vary. This is largely dependent upon your server and your alignment.
Also, since Cataclysm dropped, leveling is much more involved than it used to be. It used to take me about a month to gather up the patience to level to 20. I started an Undead hunter a few days back, and it took me two days to get to 20.
Gah, I'm sounding like a fanboy. Let's get this straight: I don't LOVE WoW. I could do without it. My life would probably be better without it. And I can definitely understand where you're coming from with the boredom argument. WoW gets repetitive, even now that it's been overhauled. I could take it or leave it.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I tried it, got bored by level 20 or so. Every MMORPG except ONE that I know of gets grindy around level 20. Every single one! It pisses me off.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Aeshi said:
Trilbi said:
I hate the way Blizzard is using WoW to monopolize pretty much the entirety of the MMORPG market, not leaving room for any truly great games. Instead we have what I think to be a very mediocre, time consuming game. I guess that's two reasons, actually.
Maybe if said "great games" actually bothered to do something different to WoW they wouldn't be such failures.

Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
I selected "other" in the poll.

The lack in quest variety and bad community turned me off, but mostly lack in quest variety.


It doesn't need a deep story but seriously guys, some variety would have been nice.
If all the quests had to be different there would have had about 5 quests in the whole game.
How many different types of quest can you come up with without repeating any?

Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
I also think that the monthly fee is unnecessary and just put there because blizzard is greedy, they have enough money and keeping a server up is NOT EXPENSIVE ENOUGH TO NEED A MONTHLY FEE.
Server maintenance? (Servers don't last forever and crashes aren't a one-time thing.)
If games like dungeon siege 2 can have variety in quests than world of Warcraft can too.

Let me rephrase what I said, keeping a server running (maintenance and fees included) isn't that expensive.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Once I got to 80 I felt like I had a carrot dangled in front of me, whether I was PVPing or raiding, I was only playing to keep up with gear. Then after working to get that carrot they would pass out the old wilted carrot to everyone and put up a nice fresh one to work for but... it was still a carrot... I had to do all the same things over again to get it... and I was paying them to do that too me.


New member
May 25, 2009
I must say, I don't really see how people can make the "Too much money argument". This applies to all MMO's not just WoW. The games are constantly updated with new content and the monthly fee isn't exactly high. I'm assuming the majority of people on this site are gamers, and therefore probably buy at least a game every 2-3 months. A mainstream game will set you back around £40 and most MMO's cost about £10 a month. Therefore if you play an MMO for 3 months, you've still spent less money than you would have on that mainstream title which you probably completed within a week.

MMO's usually work out cheaper in the long run than mainstream games and I've certainly found this to be my experience. I think most people just get scared by the regular payment (contract) mentality.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Well the big reason for me is money. I just don't fell like shelling out money each month to play a game like WoW (not to say its bad, just that the game has to be really good for me to be willing to pay month-in and month-out). Plus after a bit it gets abit boring. Although with Cataclysm, they really helped solve that problems. Quests aren't all "Kill X number of Y" or "Collect R number of S" (which used to have horrendous drop-rates, they've fixed that somewhat though), they include some pretty interesting things (like scaring a bunch of Murloc tadpoles to death) and they also have a real sense of story. Also you get the funner stuff earlier on. No long must you wait till Level 40 to get that mount (which was the level back when I started a while ago). You get the better abilities earlier and the leveling doesn't seem to take as long as it used to.

So they've improved it a bit, but it still comes back to money. And I don't have enought friends playing it to have a lot of good social interactions. So eventually I've just kinda grown bored of it.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Pay monthly fees. For a game. What do I look like, a bank? And for an RPG like WOW? Which not only is of lesser than Diablo and Warcraft III, it is even less appealing to me when compared to Fallout 3 and Mass Effect 2.

They made it waaay too childish looking for an RPG. And from what I gather, there aren't many ways to play it. You cannot have a style of play like in Fallout. I haven't tried playing WOW but it doesn't have that special something. It doesn't do anything for me.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Got bored. Raised my character to 80...did some raids and the like. Got all the truimph emblem stuff and a bit of the frost level (5.3)....but after awhile doing the same damn dungeons and raids got boring. Not to mention I had capped off the stuff I could buy that wasnt the frost gear, but was too low level to get very far in raids. So the game stagnated. Its fun for what its worth, but I'm done with it.